*Sixty Seconds With Hanson*

We gave ZAC, TAYLOR and ISAAC a minute to talk about each other. And Because they usually all talk at the same time, it wasn't easy!

TOTP: ISAAC, your task is to describe TAYLOR in one minute....

IKE: Right! Tay is the quietest one in the group, although he's not Really all that...

ZAC: (Already unable to stay quiet) Quiet!

IKE: ...quiet. It's just that Zac and I are very loud in comparison so it's all relative.

ZAC: (Interrupting again) No, he's not quiet, he's just calm.

IKE: But that's relative too cause of all us are crazy!!

ZAC: Yep, we're craaaaaaazy, we're mad - all of us! (Starts squawking and doing backward summersalts)

IKE: Shut it Zac, it's my minute! Anyway, where was I? Compared to me and Zac, Taylor is a little more softly spoken. He has a really good sense of humor, well he laughs at my jokes anyway...

TAY: (Shouting over from other side of room where he is supposed to have Headphones on listening to music so he can't hear what his brothers are saying) And cause I laugh at your jokes that means I have a good sense of humor?!

(Isaac and Zac start laughing)

TAY: Hey guys, I can be very intense too, don't forget that!

IKE: Oh yeah, he can be very intense can Taylor. In the studio in particular he really gets into his work.

TAY: Well, you know, I'm pretty relaxed in the studio actually but I do like to get down to business and do some work.

IKE: (Looking frustrated that he keeps being interrupted) Anyway, Tay drinks Dr Pepper, he loves parties and has a really bad diet, just like the rest of us. We all eat junk food and...

ZAC: We like chips, pizza, buffalo wings you know, like, really hot chicken wings...

IKE: Mmmmm, spicy food. We love spicy food and pizzas.. oh and we like those dry chilli things. I can't think what they are called but we sprinkle them on pizza...

ZAC: Unless we're eating cream cheese....

TIME'S UP! (Good job seeing as the boys have forgotten they're talking about Taylor and only seem to be able to talk food!)

TOTP: OK, ZAC, describe ISAAC in one minute starting from...

ZAC: Aaaaaaaargh! Ooooh, yamjahlakalakalaka! Aaaaaaaargh!!

(Time's running out, Zac...)

ZAC: Oh gee, I don't know how to describe Ike, Look, I don't think I'll actually need a whole minute...

IKE: (Who is supposed to be listening to music and not to Zac) Oh gee, thanks a lot! You had better use a minute, Mister!

ZAC: um, oh, this is hard, I mean, Isaac loves peanut butter and chocolate... yep, he eats that all the time. Oh, and he's always talking about girls, like, all the time! Hmmm, what next? Oh yep, Ike is always disappearing at home and you'll always find him downstairs in our studio writing songs or doing something musical.

IKE: (Interrupting once again) I become kinda entrenched in things and I....

ZAC: Shut up Ike, this is me talking. Like I said, he gets really absorbed in stuff and he's there for ages. He loves playing on the computer and he's very technical. It's like, if you can't get something to work he'll be like, 'All you have to do is press start!'

IKE: Yeah, that's right. Once there was this time when...

ZAC: Shurrrrup will you, Isaac! Anyway, he often comes across as the calmest and most sensible of us but that's not true, he's crazy. Um, what else? Oh yeah, he does great impressions and he's always putting on dumb voices that crack us up. He likes drawing, rollerblading and he writes stories and...


TOTP: TAYLOR you have one minute to describe ZAC....

ZAC: (Refusing to go away to the listening booth, deciding to play pretend trumpets instead) Parp, per parp, parp, parp! (haha)

(Deep breaths from Ike and Taylor)

IKE: I'll help you out here, Tay. OK well, Zac is calm but...

TAY: ...Zac is calm but crazy. He's always doing things you wouldn't expect him to do, but one thing you can be sure of with Zac is that if he doesn't like something he'll tell you.

IKE: That's very true!

ZAC: Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

TAY: um well, it can be good and bad, but the thing with Zac is that you can't get anything past him. You just can't tell him a lie because he'll know you're lying. And you certainly can't get him to do something that he doesn't want to do. He doesn't miss a thing, basically!

IKE: Zac will say something really funny but it's only a couple of seconds later when you actually catch it and it's hilarious. He really is a funny person. A lot of people don't actually understand his jokes for some reason, though.

TAY: Saying that though, although Zac is crazy and he acts around and jokes he has a serious side too. He's quite intense when it comes to hiswork. He'll say, 'I'm doing this and I'm going to do it right'. Hmmmm,now what else? Yeah, Zac loves drawing - we all do - but Zac draws stuff all the time - he's really talented.

IKE: Oh, and he messes around with his food too. He dips biscuits in hot sauce and eats them.

ZAC: What I love most though is chips in yogurt. IKE and TAY: Yuck!!!!!!