What's New?


August 4, 2000

I've updated the page after leaving it for a few months(7 to be exact). Why, you ask. Well I changed computers and couldn't update for a while.

January 6, 1999

Episode 1 Video release

Happy New Year! I got word a few days ago that Episode 1 will be coming out on video on April 4th. Yesterday that was confermed by Starwars.com. The front of the box will be animated(like the Independance Day movie box). The video will also come in a gift box like Titanic. The box will include the movie, a film strip, a book and something else. Here are pictures of the movie box and the gift set.

August 14, 1999

I won an award. It is the Jedi Knight Award. It was awarded by Catrina Kerr's Star Wars Jedi.

August 13, 1999

I updated my Stuff 4 $ale page. Now I accept Credit Cards.

August 8th, 1999

I changed the home page a bit and added a chat room.

August 6th, 1999

I updated the links page. Also I updated the Stuff 4 $ale page

August 4th,1999

I added a search engine for my site. With it you can find anything you want on the entire web site.

It is on the home page

August 1st,1999

I added more surveys to the Surveys page and I added a Trivia page so try it out.

July 28, 1999

I added a new survey to the Surveys page

July 13,1999

I made a new symbol for the site.

July 11,1999

I've added a Stuff 4 $ale site. Check it out and buy some stuff

July 8,1999

I have remodled the page after not updating for about a year.

Mostly I've fixed the Pictures.