Krazy Kontest Winners


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Krazy Kontest # 8 Winners are......... MaryBeth Dunbar and .. Steve Radike

How many links are there in the "Kids Links" group on the Humor and Games page?

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Special "Jelly Bean" Kontest Winner is......... MaryBeth Dunbar

How many hits will My home page hit counter read at 5:23 AM on March 30th? The big BLUE page that says Welcome! (the ONE YEAR anniversary)

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Krazy Kontest # 7 Winners are......... MaryBeth Dunbar and .. Steve Radike

How many albums are shown in the Quick list on the Music and CD page?

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Krazy Kontest # 6 Winners are......... Walter Speck and .. Steve Radike

How many winners have there been in Kontest # 2 thru 5?  What page did you find that info on?

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Krazy Kontest # 5 Winners are......... Martha Callahan and .. (No one - only 3 entries)

How many different Brands of Domestic Bottled beer does Jeff's Sports bar serve?   What page did you find that info on?

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Krazy Kontest # 4 Winners are......... Martha Callahan and .. Walter Speck

How many active links are there on the Houston Highlights Page?

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Krazy Kontest # 3 Winners are......... No One Entered!!! (guess it was too hard)

How many different pages link to the Black Out page?

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Krazy Kontest # 2 Winners are......... Dave Mateer and  Jean Adams ...  Kongrats!!!

Find the misspelled word on one of my sports pages.   Tell me what the word is and on what page you found it.