Exotic Organic Fibers
Fiber Arts Supplies
Self Paced private Instruction
Hand Crafted Wearables
Home Accents
We offer Purebred Giant Angora, French Angora & German Angora Rabbits to approved homes
Mountainspun Farm is my dreams come true! Located in the Beautiful Mountains of Southern Vermont. I am most grateful to our Creator for allowing us to live here and for allowing us to raise these wonderful animals! I am also grateful to Him that He has given me the skills to be able to create such works of art from their fibers. A Bit about Mountainspun Farm: At Mountainspun Farm we Selectively Raise Registered Shetland Sheep, Gorgeous Llamas, Angora Rabbits, and other exotic Fiber Animals.
Our Farm mom grew up in a world of animals.
As a youngster she was first introduced
to bunnies via dad's rabbitry,
Then she began showing in AKC Jr Showmanship
events with Grand-dad's show dogs,
she learned to care for many farm animals
and rescued pets her and her family
loved when she was a child.
Our shepherdess enjoys a lifelong
love affair with owning, breeding, showing
and loving dogs, rabbits, sheep, goats,
chickens, turkeys, snakes and of course the horses.
Her Grandmother taught her how to knit
and do crafts as a child.
Then discovering a love and enthusiasm for
Hand spinning fibers into yarn,
organic natural dying,
and hand weaving, wet and needle felting etc
while working on a BA in Fine Arts;
Fiber Arts concentration.
After college she attended vocational school
and became a certified animal care management specialist
Loving work with animals as a vet assistant,
dog obedience instructor, pet and livestock sitter,
pet store owner and groomer etc
My family also shares this love for animals
and farm life and after many years of boarding
our horses and goats out along with our crowded
backyard full of bunnies, chickens and such
we moved out of the suburbs
and to our own piece of southern Vermont
called Mountainspun farm.
We love what we do and we hope to help
you find your niche with fibers
and fiber animals too!
We are so blessed with lots of pedigreed adorable Angora bunnies!
We offer our beautiful friendly angora bunnies
to approved homes by appointment only,
Pedigree, care manual and "how to demo" at time of purchase.
so if you are looking for great some angora
for show, wool or companionship
you have come to the right place!
Ours are just too, too cute!!!
Health and friendliness guaranteed on all animals.
Giant angora, French Angora, German angora Bunnies, bunnies, bunnies!
**click here to go to French, Giant, German Angora Bunnies for sale info page. Bunny Cages, Books, Supplies for Vermont Organic Fibers from Our own Lovable Happy Fiber Critters!
Exquisite Hand-spun Yarns for your Knitting PleasureSpun from Vermont Organic and
Naturally dyed Fibers Including:
Angora rabbit, Llama, Alpaca, Mohair,
Various Breeds of Sheep Wool, Linen,
Soy Silk and Others also Exotic Blends
Please Email me
For List of Hand-spun Yarns now Available. I can Create
'CUSTOM' Hand Spun Yarns
From YOUR Wool, Llama, Alpaca, Dog Email for terms, availability, prices
Exceptionally Clean Shetland Sheep Fleeces
Email for availability, descriptions and prices
White Roving from Romney Lambs Natural Color, Very Clean, Lovely fiber it Spins itself! Sale $18 by the pound.
White German Angora rabbit Prime Fiber
$8. per oz per 8oz. min. $7. per oz per 16 Oz min. Our German angora Fibers are 3-6 inches long when harvested Great for spinning 100% Angora Yarns or for Blending with our wonderful Shetland Fleece! PLEASE NOTE: Many more things are available here that Are not up on our site!
So- if its fiber art supplies you want and don't see- just ask!
For current availability On organic natural roving, Fleece, Angora Prime or hand-spun Yarn And to place your order Contact Mountainspun Shetland Sheep Farm
Southern Vermont, USA
Mountain Spun Farm's PVC Niddy Noddys Our PVC Niddy Noddy's Are Awesome!!! ... One Time Around = 1.5 Yards of yarn. ... Uses: * Skein your finished yarns * Setting Twist: Wash skein right on Niddy, Let yarn dry on niddy & automatically set twist! * Dye yarns on our PVC Niddy, Dye won't harm it! Rinse & dry yarn w/out removing. * Great for rainbow dying Just skein yarn- leave it on your pvc Niddy, twist Niddy flat Lay in dying tray, Apply colors, Place in oven to set!!! Affordable at 2@ $30. (sold as set) You'll use them to wash and set the wool to dry on, dye wool on, and more... I have a dozen or more set aside for my personal use here.Click here to contact us
*SHIPPING IS ADDITIONAL ON ALL ITEMS* Some of the larger items will be shipped UPS and will require calculation of shipping charges AFTER the order is placed. Please bear with us and this limitation of our ordering system.
Please email us about Mountainspun's Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, Felting Supplies and Tools! Our Ewe-nique Organically Grown Fibers, Yarns, Woven and Hand Knit Items Make great gifts for family and yourself! Support VT Organic Fiber Farmers!
We offer the Finest in Artisan Hand-spun organic Yarns, hand-Knit,
felted, Woven Items,
Handcrafted Frame looms, Drop Spindles,
Felting kits, weaving kits, hand-spun yarn -knitting kits.
All Yarns & Finished Pieces are made from our own
Organic Fiber Flocks, Completely by Hand.
We are famous for our Love Your Buns Angora Bunnies
From Pedigree, Grand Champion, Registered Lines of
Show Quality Giant & French Angora for Show,
Wool and Companionship,
and we are fortunate to have densely wooled
beautiful and friendly German Bunnies
for sale from the newest import lines.
**click here to go to French, Giant, German Angora Bunnies for sale info page. **click here to go to our custom cage & supply pages Remember Mountainspun Farm offers
Hand spinning & frame loom weaving lessons
Mountainspun's Cinnamon Girl; Shetland Lamb Mountainspun Shetland Sheep Were carefully chosen
for confirmation, NASSA Registration Standards,
Wool Quality, and Temperaments.
All Our sheep are exceptionally friendly,
wool quality is premium,
As I am a master hand spinner and only raise the best.
Colors are varied among the 11 basic colors
of Shetland sheep.
Mountainspun Shetland's have various color markings
and color combination.
We are currently not offering Shetland Sheep and Lambs for sale.
Please feel free to write us to be referred to an
awesome Shetland breeder
with whom we are very well aquatinted
and have great faith in their flock's lambs.
Mountainspun farm and Fiber Arts Studio
Contact Mountainspun Farm of southern VT USA
If you have reserved an animal Breeding pair or trio, or Starter flock from us We will then arrange
Your pickup appointment day and time
to transfer over ownership of your selected animals.
At this time we do not ship or deliver animals
(We do ship all non living items).
All our animals are sold/adopted upon our approval/
Once new home is approved to purchase
We request a deposit to reserve-hold the selected animal
at that time we will agree on a day and time
for you to pick up your animals.
All animals guaranteed for health & friendliness
Contact us at Mountainspun Farm
- CLICK HERE TO visit our online fiber arts shop
- **click here to go to French, Giant, German Angora Bunnies for sale info page.
- **click here for custom cage & supply pages
- one of a kind ewenique jewelry
- our own line of gemstone, pearl, and fine jewelry- everything made here, quality components, top of style!
- *CLICK HERE TO view page 2 of our fiber arts supplies and equipment
- *CLICK HERE TO visit our NEWLY EXPANDED online fiber arts shop
- unique fine jewelry designs:
- freshwater pearl, gemstone and sterling silver, copper, bali and fine component unique designs no two the same each piece is a work of art all unique to you- we promise
- more of our one of a kind ewenique jewelry
- our own line of gemstone, pearl, and fine jewelry- everything made here, quality components, mega quality and style!
- *CLICK HERE 4 online fiber arts shop
- **click here to go to German / Giant Angora , Cage & Supply pages
We thank you for your continued patronage.
- *CLICK HERE to visit our most recent website updates
- **click here to go to French, Giant, German Angora Bunnies for sale info page.
All site content(C) 2009 Mountainspun Farm
Entire contents of this page (C) 2009 Mountainspun Farm No portion may be copied or distributed without written permission from webmaster of Mountainspun farm.
*We are a bio-secure organic farm*
What does agriculturally related bio-security entail? Briefly it is a scientifically proven system
of parasite & contagious disease prevention
Agricultural & animal bio-security hinges on the
conclusions that by limiting visitation
to all farm land and housing areas including,
but not limited to all animal shelters and
feed hay storage barns, pastures, turnouts along with
constant maintenance and monitoring of
standard hygiene procedures;
including protective disposable outer garments
& sanitation of rubber boots
(or the wearing of disposable plastic shoe/boot covers)
and frequent hand and equipment sanitizing etc.
Bio-secure facilities limit access of visitors,
any new or returned animal
and do not allowing the mix of any
outside flock's animal's
or caretaker(s) from multiple sources in the same airspace,
and use a minimum 90-day quarantine procedure
prior to integration of all livestock entering the flock.
Even before on premise quarantine is begun a full veterinary
medical screening is done to ensure that parasites
or contagions are not already present.
This involves collection of swabs, and stool samples
for testing for viral shedding
and blood for virus-neutralizing
antibody to identify animals with previous viral exposure.
There is more to bio-security than briefly summarized above so
To learn more just click these links and learn.
- what is bio-security?
- little article about bio-security -a general article not specifically on farm bio secure practices, but informative.
- assess risks that come with visitors on farm
- a list of livestock/agricultural diseases spread by visitors
- links to pdf's on each disease... very informative!