By the way, I like your dress.
Click on the smaller image to see the full size picture.

Seth Green as Oz.Together they are the Werewolf and the Witch.Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg.

You came with books?  Are the books for me?I'd be willing to bargain down to eccentric with an option for cool.Is everybody packing?

Dead Man's Party
I'm going to step in now being referee guy.So, this is a typical day at the office?

Faith, Hope & Trick
I like you giddy, always have.Plus bonus points for use of the word mosey.

Beauty & the Beasts
Or maybe there's another werewolf roaming the woods.It's a kill in the day monster!It's all over school, what happened with Debbie & Pete, except the Pete-was-a-monster part.

The judges will accept that as a yes.But they were killed by zombies.I'm gonna go with mud wrestling.

Band Candy
Oz is the highest scoring person ever to fail to graduate.Oh, Lurconis eats babies...Kiss Rocks?  Why would anyone want to kiss...Oh wait, I get it.

You know I'd never lie.Have a seat!  Except we don't have any seats...Remembers 'I' statements only.

Lover's Walk
Well, I can see why you'd be upset.  That was my sarcastic voice.Well, I think about you.

The Wish
Yeah, you said all this stuff already.

I miss you.  Like every second.  Almost like I lost an arm or worse a torso.I know.  I get the message.The first snowfall in Sunnydale since...ever.

I have stuff in my locker.......henbane, hellebore, mandrake root...

Ice is cool.  It's water, but it's not.

The Zeppo
Is it hard to play the guitar?  Not the way I play it.  

Bad Girls
Well, if I may suggest: graduate.  Getting left back, not the thrill ride you'd expect.

It's like all of the sudden I'm not cool enough for you because I can't kill things with my bare hands. 

There's something about you that's causing me to hug you.Well, look at me.  I'm all fuzzy.I'm a blood sucking fiend!  Look at my outfit!


(postponed till June)


The Prom

Graduation Parts 1 & 2

 What was Season 2 like?
 Show me some publicity shots!
 Take me home, Daddy!