
Job: Warlock  

Weapon Type: Staff 

Weapon: Striking Staff (Atk. 32) 

Armour: Silver Armlet (Dfnc. 34) 

Salary: 5,000 

Gil: 1,400 (Owes 9,900 to Bank Of Midgar - 1 Month so far) 

Materia: Fire, Ice, Bolt, Transform, Restore  

Accessories: Headband (Protects against Sleepel) 

House: Shack (Rent: 300 gil/month)  


1 Potion
4 Ethers
1 Phoenix Down
1 Tent

Eye Colour: Not Specified 

Height: Not specified 

Training Courses Completed: None 

Arod's Battle Stats

History: Undisclosed.

Lee Cole's cousin, decided to join up in the Rocket Town army to be at arms with his cousin, and show the world his skill in magery. He is one of the few dedicated magic users in Rocket Town, but has gotten off to a very good start. He has already helped destroy a bandit hideout, and protected the city of Solaris from thieves, earning him promotion to Warlock. When Jaden returns from her personal quest of mourning, she will be looking to claim position of arch-mage here in Rocket Town. However, as the way things are going, it looks as though Arod stands a very good chance of taking it from her.