Drizzt Do'Urden
Drizzt Do'Urden

Name: Drizzt Do'Urden

Job: Soldier

Weapon Type: Sword

Weapon: Buster Sword (Atck. 18)

Armour: Iron Bangle (Dfnc. 8 Mdef. 0)

Height: 6'1''

Eye color: Dark Brown

Salary: 2,500

Gil: 3,000

Materia: None

Accessories: None

Home: Street

2 potions
2 ethers
1 pheonix down
1 tent

Training Courses Completed: None

Drizzt's Battle Stats

History:Drizzt was born in the Northern Elven homelands..His mother and father, fearing execution gave Drizzt to a high preist to sacrafice to a drow goddess. At the last moment before being sacraficed, his father realized what he had done, and grabbed Drizzt away, and ran into the forest, chased by Numerous gaurds of the temple. Fearing certain death for his actions, Drizzt's father started a new life deep within the protection of the Cloakwood forest. He raised drizzt as a woodsman, and taugh him How to handle A sword with expertise. One day When Drizzt was In his Teens, A hoard of Gnolls Raided their simple home, killing his father, and burning the establishment to the ground, taking everything..Drizzt now had 2 sworn enemies, The Gnolls, and All Drow Elves. As the seasons past, Drizzt grew older, and became a man. He continued his studies of the sword, becoming most deadly with it. He even developed the rare skill of handling 2 blades, simotaniously. In his early 100s (thats like a spring chicken for an elf, that lives to be 1300) He left his forest home, and started fighting for hire, working for >king Theobold the II. Drizzt became famous throughout faerun. He obtained 2 magical Scimitars, "frostbrand+3" and "Twinkle+5" Which he, of course used at the same time. On departure from the services of King Theobold the II, he recieved a gift of Mithril Chainmail Armor+4...that had a light blue glow to it. Drizzt was also fond of a cloak Woven by the Tailors Of Baldur's Gate..a deep blue, and crocheted gold designs. Drizzt Traveled everywhere, getting to know everyone, and in turn, his popularity and fame grew. However, it reached the ears of His rivals in The elven Homland, and several powerful mages set out to make Drizzt Meet his demise. They only half way succeeded, banishing drizzt From the Beautiful lands of Faerun, into an Extra Planiar world. This is where he is today, in rocket town.