
Name: Jason Cross

Job: Bodyguard to Lanai Lockheart / Mercenary

Weapon Type: Sword

Weapon: Yoshiyuki (Atk.56) (Traded with Dragon)

Armour: Soul Saver-Custom made by Theo (Dfnc. 55)(+1 evade) (-1 m. evade)

Height: 5'10

Eye Color: Ice Blue

Salary: 1,000

Gil: 30,031

House: Palace (Paid for) (Lives with Mia)

Materia: Deathblow, Choco/Mog, Shiva, Restore

Accessories: Tetra-elemental

9 Potions
3 Hi-Potions
2 Antidotes
3 Phoenix Downs
1 Tent
1 Vaccine

Training Courses Completed: Knight

J-Cross' Battle Stats

History: Born in midgar, he lived in the slums for many years. His home sector suffered many setbacks, and was consistently attacked. He was exposed to a harsh childhood, and lashes out quite often. After his sector was crushed from above, he decided to leave his hometown for a new less polluted place. Once he crossed the ocean he stumbled apon rocket town, and decided to settle down here. He is now a mercenary, and will do almost anything for money.

Defeated a squad of enemies in the war alongside President Clyde Arrowny and Lanai Lockheart in the invasion.