
Name: Jaden Zemeckis

Character's Age: 25

Job: Arch Mage

Weapon Type: Staff

Weapon: Fairy Tale (Atk. 37)

Armour: Diamond Bangle (Dfnc. 57)

Height: 5'4

Hair Color: Blond

Eye Color: Jade Green

Salary: 7,000

Gil: 17,500

House: Lives in her Magic Guild

Materia: Fire, Ice, Bolt, Restore, Earth, Time, Barrier, Transform, All (x2), Choco/Mog, Poison, Life, Sense, Shiva

Accessories: Tetra Elemental (Absorbs all Fire, Ice, Thunder, and Earth attacks)

3 Ethers
1 Phoenix Down
1 Tent
1 Magical Knapsack
Butterfly Edge (Not used, but is a present from Emperor Tony Zemeckis)

Training Courses Completed: None

Jaden's Battle Stats

Jaden has been in the sim far longer than me, she started out in Midgar working as a Materia Seller. After many months of studying biology, she became a Mircobiologist in the Shin-ra labs. She was offered the postion of Arch Mage at Fort Condor, so she moved. Jaden did well in Fort Condor and rose to the rank of vice president when Chucky's rampage first began. His reign of evil destruction and killing lead to the death of Sly, crushing her badly. Nevertheless, she carried on strong and eventually became president of Fort Condor - this lead to another problem from another evil villain, this time the Anonymous X. He had taken control of the city and it looked as though nothing could be done. People began to lose hope, especially from the general at the time, Fallen Angel - who quickly became another one of Jaden's enemies. After Jadens fame as president, her mother tracked her down and carried out the arranged married Jaden had been doomed with since birth. Sly Skefsky died only 2 months after there married from a mysterious murder. When things seemed as bad as they could be, President Wobbler Legivre of Midgar came to the rescue, he saved the city of Fort Condor and foiled X's plans. From then on she became very close to Wobbler, and soon enough they were engaged. Jaden chose to leave Fort Condor and go to Midgar to be with Wobbler once they were married, and when things seemed as good as they could be, disaster struck. Midgar's vice president, Wendy Kisaragi almost instantly fell out with Jaden and news of their arguments were spread world wide. In defence of his wife, Wobbler threatened to take action against Wendy, and because of this, an as yet unknown entity hired the deadly assassin Thanandar to end Wobbler's Life. Jaden once again became a widow, and with everyone turning against her in favour of Wendy, Jaden fled to a place where she could reflect on the past events, seemingly dissapearing for months. She has now been living in Rocket town for a couple months, working as the Arch Mage and recently opened up a Magic Guild. She also has gotten engaged with Solaris’ leader Emperor Tony. With many secrets of her past and present going on Jaden is trying to move on and live her life. Her mission now is to train and someday pay back Thanandar for what he has done to her. After that who knows what she’ll plan to do……