
Name: Jwyrm

Job: Soldier

Weapon Type: Glove

Weapon: Tiger Fang (Atk.38)

Armour: Carbon Bangle (Dfnc. 27)

Height: 6'2" (anywhere from 7' to 13' when a wolf)

Eye color: Brown (Yellow when a wolf)

Identifying Marks: Large scars on abdomen and left arm

Salary: 2,500

Gil: 18,380

Materia: Restore

Accessories: None

Home: Shack

1 Hi Potion
2 Potions
1 Ether
2 Phoenix Downs

Training Courses Completed: None

Jwyrm's Battle Stats

History:Jwyrm is a yrm or a trueborn. The last of his pack known as the Wraiths, Jwyrm has come to Rocket Town searching for redemption of his past sins. He has been very secretive of his past and few know that he is a werewolf and the kind of damage he can wreak when angered as one.

Jwyrm helped fight against two enemy squads in the invasion alongside Emperor Tony of Solaris and Lieutenant Lee Cole of Rocket Town.