Lanally Lore

Name: Lanally Sakura Lore

Job: Banker

Weapon Type: Shuriken

Weapon: Buster Shuriken (Atk. 18)

Armour: Bronze Bangle (Dfnc. 8)

Age: 20

Height: 5'6

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Brown with red streaks


Gil: 30,100


Accessories: None

House: Lives with Lanai in her 2 story house (pays 300gil rent)

3 Potions
2 Ethers
1 Phoenix Down
1 Tent

Training Courses Completed: None

Lanally's Battle Stats

History: Lived in a Reactor town off Wutai until it was raided by Shinra, only her and her dog RedXVIII and a boy from the town named Rico survived. (except Tobias who ran away from home hours before the raid)Lanally traveled from town to town untill she found Mideel where Rico was left with his surviving family. Lanally set off towards Midagar where she worked at a materia store, and when that job fell through she decide to start to Kalm, She was on her way there when she was attacked by a group of Kalm fang. They roughed her and Red up a bit but then were killed. Red was hurt badly so Lanally took him to the Kalm Veternarian who said nothing could be done so she put her best friend to sleep. She then met up with some people from the Town. Sarasvati and Pretz became her friends, and she later ran for President in that town and won. Not long after that she started hanging out with Jaden a lot in Fort Condor which is where she met Xavier Redfield who was the Vp for Fort Condor. She and Xavier were getting along great and were engaged to be married until Xavier had to go away on buisness for a few weeks. He did not return in time for the wedding, and during all that time Lanally had been hiding a secret from a lot of people she had been pregnant with Xavier's kids. Elly the princess of Solaris found out about it and became frustrated and angry with Xavier, she convinced Lanally that he would not return. After some convincing, Lanally finally belived her. Elly being the matchmaker she is, set up Lanally with the Arch Mage of Solaris, Arod. It was an instant match. No sooner had this happed when Xavier returned. It got Elly mad at herself and Lanally very confused. She hadn't seen Xavier in so long and she truly did care for him at the time but now she had Arod and was happy once again. Xavier said he understood and even though she was pregnant with his kids he would not interfere with her life anymore. The twins were born on the 24th of September in Kalm. It was then she realized the title of Presidet would be to hard on her and her children would grow up without her, and she didn't want that, so she packed up her things and moved to Rocket Town where she could be around friends.