
Job: General

Weapon Type: Sword

Weapon: Heaven's Cloud (Atk. 93)

Armor: Mystile (Def 65 Mdef 72 Raises Evade to 5 and M.Evade to 6)

Salary: 7,500

Gil: 22,500

Materia: Restore, Choco/Mog, Shiva, Ifrit, Deathblow, Long Range, Steal, HP PLUS, Ramuh, Transform

Accessories: Sprint Shoes (Cast Haste), Force Amulet (Ner'Zhul's spells available when worn)

House: 2 Story - Stock 19/27


8 Hi Potions
4 Remedies
1 X Potion
7 Ethers
3 Phoenix Downs
1 Battle Tent
1 Lunar Curtain

Eye Color: Sea Green

Height: 6'1

Training Courses Completed: None

Thanandar's Battle Stats

Rocket Town's infamous General, very well known for killing people in cold blood, also well known for being the most powerful citizen in any city. If he wants you dead, you don't have much chance. Having said that, there are many who have sworn to take him down, but just 'later on when they get more powerful', except that time often passes and still nothing happens. Thanandar will do almost anything for money, which is one of his few weaknesses, he works on a "you don't bother me, I won't bother you" basis. Be very cautious if you want to do business with him, be very afraid if he wants to do business with you.

When Shadow's forces invaded Rocket Town, Thanandar defeated two of the enemy squads, and their leader - alone.