Welcome to Rocket Town. We are Lee Cole and Mia Sage, leaders of this place. This is home to a simulation of the Final Fantasy games, and involves going on missions and taking part in battles with creatures and other players.
If you wish to become a citizen, then e-mail either of us with your name, history, weapon of choice, and very importantly your battle stats (information to create these can be found at the Shadow's Den) and you'll be able to join.
Upon joining, each citizen receives a grant of 3,000 gil the buster-class weapon of their type, a Bronze Bangle, 3 Potions, 2 Ethers, 1 Phoenix Down, and 1 Tent. You'll have to find somewhere to live as well as a job for extra income. You'll be able to purchase new weapons and armor, items, materia and accessories to help you out in battle. Any purchases or sales have to be e-mailed to either of us, or a shopkeeper so that they can be recorded. Pay will be monthly.
Missions which can gain you experience and extra money will be available between twice a week and once every two weeks - to find out if anything is avaialable, check the message board or the message boards in other towns, but you can't do more than two missions every month.

For specific rules on battles, levelling up, limit breaks, chocobos or anything else - visit the Shadow's Den and look up the Battle System Page. If there's anything else you need to know, then don't hesitate to mail us. Good luck . . .

Real Estate
The Prison
The Inn

Chocobo Ranch
The Search engine
The Wall Market
Arod's Mage Guild
Guild of The Diamond Eye
The Shadow's Den Assassins Guild
The Gold Saucer Casino

The Work Market

Rocket Town Message Board
Find Work, Ask for jobs, Share updates.
The War Room
Get your login now for future jobs. This is where jobs can take place.
Rocket Town with Frames
View Rocket Town, from a different perspective.
Bitchin' Survey!
Try this Sim Survey, it'll only take ten minutes, and EVERYONE can try it!
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