Lee Çôle

Name: Lee Çôle

Job: General/President

Weapon Type: Sword

Weapon: Çôle's Revenge(Atk. 70)(+3 speed)(+3 strength)(holy elemental)

Armour: Mystile (Def.65)(M.Def.72)(add +5 to evade, +6 to M. Evade)

Height: 5'9

Eye Color: Phoenix Red

Salary: 10,000

Gil: 37,320 (owes 23,000 to a Rufus)

House: Apartment (Renting 400 a month) Stock 15/15

Materia: Double Cut, Choco/mog, Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, Titan, Leviathan, Odin

Accessories: protect ring

7 Potions
2 Ethers
4 Phoenix Downs
2 Tents
1 Lunar Curtain

Training Courses Completed: None

Lee Cole's Battle Stats

Under Master Gouken's rule, Lee Cole was general of Rocket Town long before I got here. He defended the town well alongside friend and trainer DarkLord, and was considered a model citizen of Rocket Town. He went on a personal quest of which I don't know the purpose for several months, and so rocket town had to look after itself without a general, and seemingly without a president too since Master Gouken was inactive. He returned to Rocket Town to find out that it had a new leader, and that he was demoted back to the rank of soldier.

Being a soldier again has not at all dented his confidence, it has made him more determined to the position he once held, and is eager to do prove his combat skill once again. He was given the default position of lieutenant by Clyde Arrowny after the tournament was called off, but his quest now is to once again become general. In his effort to strengthen himself, lee had a training battle with general Sabin of Midgar - which he lost.

Lee Cole fought against 2 enemy squads alongside Emperor Tony of Solaris and Jwyrm of Rocket Town, he defeated a single enemy with the help of Slade and Buk'Tai of Rocket Town, and fought against the enemy leader with Emperor Tony and Arch Mage Jaden. After his defeat by the leader of the monsters in the Rocket Town invasion, Lee was mocked by General Thanandar intensely causing him to attack Thanandar in an unarmed fight. On the brink of killing Lee, Thanandar simply turned away in mockery once again. Lee has become infuriated by this, and will now dedicate his life to becoming strong enough to kill Thanandar once and for all.