Sky Cyranus

Job: Soldier

Weapon Type: Sword

Weapon: Buster Sword (Atk. 18)

Armor: Bronze Bangle (Dfnc. 8)

Salary: 2,500

Gil: 17,400

Materia: None

Accessories: None

House: Two Story - Stock 6/27


2 Potions
1 Ethers
1 Phoenix Down

Eye Color: Gold

Height: 5'7

Training Courses Completed: None

Sky's Battle Stats

Her long term past remains unkown due the fact that she suffered amnesia just under a year ago, after that she became a lifeless mercenary, wandering from place to place collecting money, but with no overall goal. When Sky found Rocket Town a mere two months ago, she immediately decided to sign up for the army as a soldier. Under the command of Lee Cole and Master Gouken, Sky destroyed a numerous amount of Rocket Town's enemies and proved to be a successful soldier.

She decided briefly to move into Atma Village - a more tranquil place which could help her maybe remember more about her past. Upon realising that the village wasn't incredibly well protected she began her own knights guild for the sake of justice and prosperity - The Guild of the Diamond Eye. This guild's job is to protect the people of the alliance and destroy evil in all its forms, they are currently looking for members, so if you don't currently belong to an existing guild then take a look.