Welcome to the temporary Rocket Town Travel agency. Here, you can feel free to travel to any city in the Final Fantasy sim. The cities are rated on a scale of 1 - 5 (in * stars) on how active it is. Happy travelling!

Portal Of The Dead created by The Sim Reaper *****

Midgar The Capital, run by President Wendy Kisaragi *****

Solaris run by Emperor Tony Zemeckis *****

Magic Guild run by Arch Mage Jaden Nirthinka-Zemeckis of Rocket Town ****

Golden Saucer run by Drake Bladesman of Midgar ****

Rookie's Guild run by LT Darien Lee Black of Solaris ****

The Sim Story run by LT Slade Roberts of Rocket Town ****

Chocobo Ranch run by Chocobo Sage ***

Fort Condor run by New President, Rage Stormhammer **

Arod's Mage's Guild run by Arod of Solaris **

Kalm was run by President Lanally Lore *

Icicle Apparently taken over by someone *

Junon run by Dune *

Nibelheim *

Vector run by General Sabin Reinhardt of Midgar *

Village Of Mists run by Shadow *

Atma Village run by Sabre Nosgoth *

Shadow's Den was run by Clyde Arrowny *

Neo-Midgar run by Dark Star *

White Knight's Guild run by Sky Cyranus *

Sim character's personal pages:

Elly's Page

Lanai's Page

Adrian's Page (OMEGA)

Dragon's Summons Page

If you would like to have your personal page put on the travel list here, please Email Lanai Thanx!