Wednesday, August 16, 2000
Tuesday, August 15, 2000
Monday, July 24, 2000
Thursday, July 6, 2000
Tuesday, July 4, 2000
Saturday, July 1, 2000
Thursday, June 29, 2000
Friday, June 23, 2000
Wednesday, June 21, 2000
Finally! An update opportunity has come. Check out or this direct link: here for some awesome desktop wallpapers. I hope to be uploading these soon for some of those (like a forum buddy reinhart) who have Macs and can't do .exe's. For future reference, this will also be in the News section, as IGN DC has an article with the same link.
And about the lack of updates.. I'm going to try a major uploading spree just to get the updates back to normal. As some of you may know, I make it a point to upload almost all the movies with bad links from their original sources, just to make sure you guys get them. Recently, I've been told the IGN DC Extravaganza (19 videos!) is down, and there are no links at IGN DC. So I'm going to have to upload them all. The problem is... Xoom only allows files roughly 12MB and under. Not an insurmountable problem, however. I'll soon get a file splitting program and, of course, make it available to you guys, as I try to upload split versions (if needed) of all the files currently featured in Movies that aren't on my Xoom account. What happens is my ISP "craps out" on me, (yeah, that's what they call it) when I try to set it up overnight on an upload spree. I'll have to go a few files at a time, monitoring everything during the day, but I'll get them up on Xoom. Check back every dayor two for the next week to ten days.. I should have everything up. I'll go newest to oldest while updating because, who wants a really old movie when they can get a new one? ALSO, I have had some good suggestions from you (keep 'em comin!) like desktop wallpapers (see above :) ) and downloadable items. I hope to think of something and upload it with the first movie batch. Another good suggestion is a walkthrough for you importers. Well, I'll try to get that as well. I have to contact the writer of a guide, etc, etc, etc. And finally, VMU downloads. I don't think I can just steal someone's off a downloads site, but I can sure link to a downloads site for you to get the downloads. Well, that's it for now but I'll try to always be updating, so don't go nowhere :).
Monday, May 29, 2000
Yet another, and hopefully my last for a while, site redesign. I'm proud of this one. Snazzy graphics, and simplicity. No frames (although lots and lots of layers..) and maximal space. Sorry, the popup problem hasn't been fixed yet. I'm still host-hunting. I will find one though, that lets me and my buddy enews aboard too. So what have I got for you in the form of an update? Three new English movies. Go check them out- it's nice to be able to understand what they're saying now.
Frankly, I'm suprised I stumbled on to 3 English movies. I can't forsee any update material I can use past these. I'll have 5 more English movies from IGN DC as soon as I can download 'em, but I have to look at the future. I'm going to need to be more reader-oriented in content.. news is as slow as hell. SO I need your ideas. What would you like to see on this site? Come on.. tell me. Would you like to submit anything- possibly art, reader reviews (or if we have to resort to it.. fan fiction ;))? Email me. I need someone to tell me something- nobody did last time. What else Shenmue related can I do around here? I'm open to anything. Thanks in advance.