To learn how to pronounce Anna Kournikova, you must understand that it is quite difficult to pronounce her name if you are not aware that she's Russian. You do not pronounce "Anna" like she's from the US. When pronouncing, you must add deep stresses on certain places on her name. So let's take, Anna. You would pronounce it like: "Aah-naah". Long stresses should be placed on both syllables. Now that is not too difficult. Now to her last name. So manyhave trouble pronouncing it, such as Jay Leno, when Anna was a guest at his show on Summer '98. He pronounced it as "Koorn-iss-kova". He placed the stresses wrongly, and Anna corrected him. It is quite embarrassing to be corrected on national television. It is simply pronounced as "Kourn-EE-kov-ahh". As you can see, the stress is really placed on the "-EE-" to make her name sound like 'corny'. So if we put the two names together, we would come up with, "Aah-naah Kourn-EE-kov-ahh" (Anna Kournikova). To the right is an image from a Russian magazine with her Russian name on the cover, which is highlighted in red. That looks difficult to pronounce in Russian, because of the Russian letters. |