Welcome to The definitive PlayStation Page! Looking for PSX Covers, Mod Chip Information, and Laser Repair? Was your Answer Yes? Then you've come to the right place. Here you will be able to learn everything you need to know about modifying you PSX (PlayStation). And the site is "newbie" friendly too. I've added a whole section on tutorials. So now you can see exactly how to back up your PSX games, with full color pictures, and text. Most programs are only 3 steps long. So that's right, 123, and you're in business. NEWS:The hit counter got screwed up, but that's okay... Anyway... Check out the All Advantage banner at the bottom of the page... Maybe we can both make some money... I have updated the Laser Repair Page. It now has two explanations, one for advanced users (No pictures)... and one for those who have not done it before (With pictures)... I suggest you read both. I have put all of the links from the Mod Chips and Components Page onto my PSX Related Links Page, so now you can get to the Table of Links faster. Don't forget to visit the Demos and Links Page to get the links to latest CDR programs. I am now in the possession of the "Stealth Mod Chip" code. I suggest you check it out. It can be very helpful, especially if you own a 5XXX version Motherboard. The 5XXX series Motherboards seem to be very sensitive. Sometimes when you install a Mod Chip you get a strange error. It will play copied PSX games, but not your original games. This is really annoying. However, with the new "Stealth" code you can get around this error. If you have had this problem happen, you know that you can rack your brain for hours upon hours, and solder and re-solder, but never get it to work right. But with the "Stealth" code, you can actually disable the Mod Chip all together. Hence making the PlayStation act like it has never been touched. To do this, simply install the "Stealth" Mod Chip, and open the door of the PSX. Then turn the power on, and leave the door open for more than 5 seconds. That will disable the chip until the next power cycle, and it will act as if there is no Mod Chip until you turn the power off, and back on. Resetting the PSX won't work. You need to turn it off and then back on. Thank You Scott Rider, you are a genius. For those of you who don't know, Scott Rider wrote the original Mod Chip code and the "Stealth" 5.6.1 Version, and continues to improve it to this day. Manny Baylor also sells Mod Chips for $10 + shipping. So if you need a Mod Chip, email him to get one. Also, I take no responsibility for any transactions you do with him, so don't email me about it. Blade has given me a large list of links that have PSX covers. I suggest that you check out the Covers Page, and take a look. Also Blade has a website called The Ultimate PSX Site. Give it a click. Found a new link where you can get a mod chip programmer for about $45. http://www.pipeline.com.au/users/newfound/default.htm Manny Baylor gets credit for that one. Pete gets credit for bringing this bit of information to my attention: CDRWIN will work with EIDE CDR drives. Read this: http://www.goldenhawk.com/ide.htmI'd like to thank all of you who email me, and support my page. Thank You!
This page was last updated on 04/17/99. å’Œichael DeCandia 1999 If there are any problems regarding this site, please email the above address. |