Last updated: April 10, 2001: Back Up-- BUT THE CLIPS ARE ALL DEFUNCT! (First up March 7th, 1999)

Welcome to the Gate between the Space/Time Continuum. I am Sailorpluto, your guide. I can see everything! I can even see you when you're in the shower or on the toilet.

This section will only house two types of clips-- Sailormoon and Sailorchibimoon stock footage. Sorry if you were looking for more original type of clips. If you know of a place that can store these files, please e-mail! THE CLIPS ARE ALL DEFUNCT. PLEASE DO NOT E-MAIL ME TO SEND THEM TO YOU, OR TO COMPLAIN THAT THE LINKS DO NOT WORK.

Oh yes, before I go any further I should state main facts true to all the AVI files you might encounter. They're an un-proportioned 234 x 185 pixels, all encoded with the Cinepak Codec (sorry all Intel Indeo fans). Most of the movies are 16 frames per second, while some of them are 15 or 14 fps. Some of them have key frames every 10 frames, while others have them every 4 frames. They total around 150 K per second. The sound on most of the AVI's are quite low. So turn your volume up for the maximum effect. And most files (from the third season up) were subtitled by VKLL, while the first season clips were subtitled by Arctic Animation.

Do not direct link to the files, and do not download more than one clip at a time. I'm not even sure of the server's stability but the files could be deleted at any time because of incessant bandwith usage, and guess whose fault that would be... hmm...? Oh well, enjoy the clips.

:: Sailormoon's regular henshins and powers || Sailorchibimoon's regular henshins and powers ::

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Sailormoon, Sailorchibimoon, Sailorchibichibi, and Sailorpluto are all properties of Naoko Takechi, TOEI Inc., TV Asahi, and Kodansha Manga. However, all HTML and such is owned by Mog.