Minako's Wonderful Little Corner of Love, Justice, Child Labor, and Final Fantasy


Venus Love and Beauty Shock!Welcome! My name is Minako-chan! Codename: Sailor V, I'm really the fighter for love and justice, Sailorvenus! Of course, you probably knew that. I'm here to spice up this shrine to Usagi-chan and Chibiusa-chan and Chibichibi-chan... heehee, I'm going to pair everyone up. You know, I just thought it would be interesting to test Usagi's 'eternal' love...

Usagi: "Me and Mamo-chan are lovers! Nothing can tear us apart!"
Mamoru: "Of course!"
But are you sure, Usagi-chan? Obviously, Usagi would go with Mamoru... but my evil youma Naru-chan (for this website's sake I turned her into a youma) erased her immediate knowledge of Mamoru and herself ever being lovers, and we tested her true love for Mamoru...

Usagi and Motoki
If Usagi went out with Motoki...

Usagi: Kawaii! I had hoped that Motoki was Tuxedo Kamen-sama!
Motoki: But I'm not, Usagi-chan.
Usagi: Oneesan you need a nickname! How about Moto-chan? Hmm hmm?
Motoki: No thanks. Don't interrupt me.
Usagi: Moto-chan... reminds me of...
Motoki: Usagi-chan, can you like, shut up?
Usagi: We're supposed to be dating!
Usagi: Motoki, I'm breaking up with you. I love Mamo-chan...besides... I don't need help on this stupid Sailor V game anyways! Hmph.

Well, it seems love has been restored to Usagi-chan.

Usagi and Seiya

We have to erase her memory of her Mamo-chan again! Naru-chan!

Naru: Mwahahahaha...

Now... If Usagi went out with Seiya...

Usagi: Seiya I love you! It doesn't matter if in the manga you're really a woman!
Seiya: I love you too, Usagi.
Usagi: Let's get married, and have lots of children okay Seiya?
Seiya: Sure.
Usagi: We'll name the first one Useiya. And the second one can be called... Seisagi...
Seiya: Hush. Let me kiss you, odango...
Usagi: Odango... odango? That reminds me of... Mamo-chan! Stop trying to kiss me Seiya I go out with Mamo-chan! Ecchi!


Usagi, Haruka, and Rei
It seems like love has prevailed again. Naru-chan! Time to erase her memory again! If Usagi went out with Haruka-san... or possibly even Rei-chan!

Usagi: ::is speechless::
Haruka: Cheer up, girls! I'm sure we'll have LOTS of fun!
Rei: On second though, you're just so cool Haruka-san!
Usagi: ::is still speechless::
Haruka: Let's get naked and play Twister!
Michiru: Haruka! Stop being impure!
Haruka: I was just having a little fun, Michiru.
Michiru: How dare you not include me!
Haruka: Okay, so you want to get naked and play Twister too?
Michiru: ::sweatdrop:: We'd better go, Haruka.
Rei: Don't leave me Haruka-san!
Haruka: Oh fine. I'll see you, Rei-chan... Odango-atama...
Michiru: Ja.
Rei: Usagi... stop looking at me like that! You love Mamoru!
Usagi: Oh yeah! I love Mamo-chan! And this is all a big test to see whether I love him truly... you've failed, Minako-chan!

Usagi and Mamoru
Oh fine! Usagi, here's your prize: Mamoru-san!

Usagi: Mamo-chan!
Mamoru: Odango-atama! I love you...
Usagi: I love you too, Mamo-chan...
Mamoru: Where were we?
Usagi: Oh... yes... this is fine...

And that's that!

But wait, we have to pair up Chibiusa also. Since she doesn't love anyone yet, she can pick anyone she dates.

Chibiusa: I like him! Minako, pair me up with the super-hunky guy formerly on ER!
Sailorpluto: Back off Chibiusa, he's mine.

Waitaminute Chibiusa! You can't just pick people you don't know and then expect me to pair him up with you!

Sailorpluto: But I still get the doctor formerly on ER, right Minako-san?

Uhh... uhh... ::sweatdrop::
First off we pair Chibiusa with Kyuusuke-kun.

Chibiusa and Kyuusuke
Chibiusa: Hi hi Kyuusuke-kun! How was school today?
Kyuusuke: Fun! How about you, Chibiusa-chan?
Chibiusa: It was fun too! I love you Kyuusuke-kun!
Kyuusuke: Uhh...
Chibiusa: Let's go on a date tonight, since it's Friday! Pick me up at seven!
Kyuusuke: Chibiusa-chan... I'm not ready for that kind of relationship!
Chibiusa: Oh fine.

I guess Kyuusuke-kun is not ready for Chibiusa then!

Chibiusa and Helios
Now if we paired Chibiusa up with... Helios!

Chibiusa: I'm so glad we could be together again Helios!
Helios: It's great to be here with you, my pretty girl.
Chibiusa: I love you!
Helios: I love you too, Chibiusa!
Chibiusa: Let's do a lot of adult things together! Just like Usagi-chan and Mamo-chan!
Helios: What did you have in mind, Chibiusa?
Chibiusa: Well, I've been watching them. Mamo-chan likes to play horsey and he lets Usagi-chan... WAIT! Maybe you could change into a horse and we could--
Helios: ::is speechless:: Well, Chibiusa, uhh... I think you've grown up to fast. I'll go out with you again when you're a little older, okay?
Chibiusa: But I'm a lady now! No fair!


Well Chibiusa-chan, you need to grow up a little more.
Chibiusa: It's not fair Minako-chan! It's just not fair! I don't get Kyuusuke-kun or Helios...
Cheer up Chibiusa! I'm sure you'll find someone someday, like that way Usagi-chan found Mamoru-san.
Chibiusa: You really think so?
Chibiusa: Minako, why aren't you with anyone?!
Chibiusa: I know! Since me and Chibichibi-chan are too young to have our very own Mamo-chans, we're going to pair YOU up Minako-chan!
Chibichibi: Chibichibi!

What's going to happen next? Who will Chibiusa and Chibichibi pair me up with? Well, you'll have to stay tuned! And I guess that concludes my little love section. Even though Chibiusa couldn't find a date, she's still trying! Never lose hope! Alright, the Goddess of Love is out.

See an attempt to pair up...
:: Minako || Usagi/Chibiusa ::

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