This page is for all the people that I have met and loved "online." Now don't laugh. Some of these people are crazy {mark}, but most are people just like me. Ohhhhh...that's a scary thought!!
- Destaphenes -- You know why you are first! I love you to death. And would probably walk over hot coals for you. Damn, I should never give you THAT much info.
I wish that I hadn't left last year, but I think it's all for the best. I needed that time and you know that I missed you. So, if you do come to Texas, if you don't look me up you will break my heart.
And I promise those pictures of me as a CSG soon. ;-)
- TessaWinter -- Whew! What a cutie! We like to flirt and joke, and believe me...it's all serious. ~laughing~ He's a great guy and a great friend. I can't wait to see him in black lipstick and eyeliner. ~wink~ I hope you will hang yourself all over me! ;-)
- Balzac -- or whatever name he is going by these days. I miss the chats we used to have, but now I'm back...so I just have to wade through the girls to get to you. And if you ever come to Texas again without visiting me...I might hurt you. Consider yourself warned. *hug*
- Psyconutt -- how could I NOT mention the one man who makes me scared to visit Australia? Just kiddin', you know I love you. Else I wouldn't flirt with you so much. Although you aren't around as much as we all used to be...I wanted you to know I still remember the good 'ole' days of IRC.
- Demmy and Baddy -- I am sooooooo sorry I didn't make it to your wedding. I feel like I let you down! I am glad that things have worked out so wonderfully for you both. I love you both. *hugs and much kisses*
- Synaps & RAINN-- I miss ya'll!! People are telling me all the time that you all are on constantly. I guess I need to be on constantly to catch ya!! *L* Miss you. *hugz*
- Netranger -- I miss you in the crypt! You are the only level-headed person every to type in those hallowed halls. I need ya man! Someday you HAVE to come and cook for me? Can you fly out tonight? ~laugh~ *hugz*
- Big Wheels -- Biggie...thanks for being a big brother when I needed one. Which was often back in the old days. I never would have made it through without ya! *hug*
- Empress -- I am sorry that we haven't talked in so long. I never see you on anymore...I hope things are well with you. *hug*
- Hal & Pro -- I hope things are going ok up there. I wish I saw you both more online, but I understand how hectic life can be. Hopefully, we will get to visit someday soon!! *hugz*
- jester -- how's fort worth? I found myself driving there today and wondered about you. I know that the silence between us is mostly my fault and I can't blame god for everything. *hug* I am sorry, I will try to write soon.
- Swigs -- Aaron, I miss you terribly. I know that Julie hates me and I can't change what happened, but we went from being very close to having no contact at all....and it hurt. It's partly my fault....but you never email me back anyway. So if you see this...please...write me.
- Raiden -- thanks for being a good friend when I needed one. And NO, I don't have any new pics scanned. ~laughing~
- AngelCorpse - the only person who understands my Type O fetish
If I forgot you...I am sorry. Email me...bitch...moan....complain. I might add you. Or you might piss me off. Try it and see.