Hi there! First off, thanks for visiting my web page! If I told you to, then good job at following orders. ;-)
If I didn't tell you to and you came here of your own free will ....then WELCOME! This page is just a little slice of me. My name is Morgana and I am a 21 year old college student.
I started this page around April 20, 1999 because 1) I was tired of my old page on the Globe and 2) I really wanted to avoid doing school work! ^_^
There have been 4 previous incarnations of this page on wsb (I think that was the name of it), the Globe, and ICQ. I used to have links so people could
look at them....but not anymore. It's kind of embarassing. But at least I have made progress! :-)
By the way, I am using this pictures to the left because when I used to chat they were my icons that represented me :-)
Anyway, ABOUT ME...which is why you came here. I am a senior at the University of Texas at Austin. There are currently almost 48,000 students here and we have the largest student dormitory in the world. Too bad it smells. *L*
I am a fourth year student with a history major and currently a art history minor. Sadly, I am not very involved on campus so I can't list all my wonderful activities here. My roommate is involved enough for both of us. I am a pseudo-writer for the Texas Travesty (a funny paper on campus) but as I haven't been going to meetings....I don't know if I am even a pseudo anymore. ^_^
I am majoring in history cause I LOVE medieval and renaissance history. :-) I love going to the annual Scarborough Renaissance Faire!!! {Which my friend Ruth works} I also want to learn as many foreign languages as I possible can. Right now I know English, French, and a little Spanish, German, and Japanese. ;-)
I am addicted to the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I NEVER miss an episode, and if I do...I get someone to tape it. *L* I met James Marsters who plays Spike at a Star Trek convention. Girls, let me tell you...he is a HOTTIE!!! And nice too. I love japanese animation and last summer when I was working I must have spent hundreds of dollars
at Planet Anime. (Our friendly neighborhood anime store) My most prized anime object is probably my Vampire Princess Miyu doll that someone gifted to me. I LOVE IT! On top of all those things, I also love to read. I will read anything (except a school book) if you put it in front of me. I am currently working my way through Shirley Jackson's The Haunting. *grin* I listen to a LOT of music from classical to industrial. My music collection has been influenced by many different people so I am a very eclectic music listener. The most recent concert I have been to was VNV Nation. They are an industrial band and it was very cool. They played 'my' club in Dallas and it was wonderful to see them at a place I call home.
And finally, I love water. That seems like a very general statement, but it's true. I love swimming, I love the ocean, I love Barton Springs, and I love the rain. Call me crazy, but it's just a thing I have. :-)
Well that was a lot of stuff. *whew* If you made it through all that you must really love me. :-) Thanks again for visiting my page. Don't hesitate to email me if you think of something I should add!