
Romantic Brian

Chances are when you watch Brian Littrell in an interview goofing off with Nick you think to your self, "how can a guy like that be romantic ?" However, once you look deep into his sparkling blue eyes you can see that romance is in his soul !
Although Brian may seem a little on the shy side, "I'm too shy to speak to girls most of the time" when it comes to romanitcizing a girl he knows all the right moves.
So do you think that your the one who Brian should be singing 'I'll Never Break Your Heart' to ? Perhaps you are. Thinking you don't have a chance ? Well, according to Brian his criteria is pretty easy to match. He likes girls who can "Be themselves and who know what they want and how to get it."
Is that it ? Your problably asking, well Brian states "In my experience most of the beatiful girls I've met have been totally arrogant - that's why her personality matters more to me." However, there is one thing that Brian tends to look for "I love great eyes with lots of expression in them", so girls start practicing those great eye expressions in the mirror you never know when you might come face to face with this cutie.
Like everyone else in the world, many of you are problably thinking "a walk on the beach, or a candlelight dinner. No, I got it, a dance under stars." Well, you're all wrong.

To Brian none of this is an important factor. His idea of a perfect date would be "getting to really know someone." He states that "if I had a girlfriend I would go with her everywhere." Maybe he's the one who wrote "Anywhere For You", who knows ?
So what if your on this perfect date and there is an air of nervousness between you ? Well have no fear, being the joker that he is Brian cofessed that he'll "sometimes joke around to easethe tension." So relax girls, it'll be a worry free evening of romance.
You've heard all this but your still not satisfied ! Your still wondering what the perfect way to make B-Rok fall in love with you would be ? Well, Brian shyly stated that he likes a girl to touch his hair. "I like a girl to play with my hair - y'know, rough and tumble my head."

No, this doesn't mean to grab his hair if you ever meet him!
I'm pretty sure that would be a turn off if you had a chunk of his hair in your hand. Besides you do want to be in hi future don't you ?
So what does Brian's romantic future hold ? Well being a real old fashioned kind of guy, Brian states that he wants a nice house, a dog, lots of kids and a wife who will put up with him. Is he hard to put up with you may ask. Well Brian?
"I'm notthat hard to put up with." Any takers ?

Brian's Perfect Valentine

Brian finds independent thinking women very sexy and says he loves career girls ! The more responsible and committed, the better says the singer ! (Perhaps so she won't notice his hectic lifestyle!) He also says he prefers brunetts to blonds and likes blue eyes and long nails.
She'll really catch his eye if she's determinad to meet him and has a winning smile !


- To be his best friend. Talk about friendship and loyalty, that is what matters most to him.
- To make him fall in love. Brian doesn't believe in love at first sight, so take it slowly, don't be too pushy.
