Andrea sega page 2
Andrea Sega page 2

This page contains the rest of Andrea: Goddess War.


Disclaimer: This story will now feature Sasha Evens and Clarissa Mullari. Two ladies who have asked to become mini goddess. They appear later on in this part so please be patient.

Part 4

Globuer a reporter for the Multiuniverse Times. Stared out the window of the interdimentional ship Slicer. Several millions miles distant was Sally’s body. From this distance, only a small part of Sally was visible.
"Remind me again why were here?" Xiorer the Ship’s captain asked. Her fur rising with tension.
"Were here to try to convince Sally to meet Andrea. I can picture it now, the multiuniverse largest goddess meets its smallest."
"Captain, a transdimentional rift has been detected. Position 23, 40, distance, ten million KM." The navigator paused.
"The goddess that emerged is only 15 cm long."
"Will you please use proper measurements." Globuer.
"Hump. Every advanced Race uses metric." Xiorer seared.
Sandy the ship telepathic, then spoke up;
"It’s Andrea, and she communicating with Sally."

Andrea couldn’t believe her senses. She was a great distance from Sally, but all she could see was white skin blocking out half the sky. While Andrea was trying to get a sense of Sally’s scale. Thoughts flooded her mind.
"Is someone there?" Sally asked.
"Yes. I am Andrea the mini goddess. Who are you?"
Suddenly the sight before Andrea sifted. Sally body was changing position at an impossible speed. Andrea soon found herself starting at a blue eye large enough to swallow entire worlds.
"Sally Cooper. But call me Sally. Wait a minute, your that goddess the GTS-council is talking about. " Sally then began to laugh at deafening volume.
"Can you please tone it down. What’s so funny anyway?"
"How can any one see you as a threat. Your floating right in front of my right eye, but your so (giggle) small I can’t see you, I only sense your presence."
"I didn’t ask to be six inches tall."
"Six inches!!" Sally whole body shook with laugher. The laugher was so loud, that the GTS-council heard it and asked what was going on.
Sally:" Andrea’s here. And quite frankly I can’t see how you see her as a threat. She so tiny."
Rose: "She a deadly rival to our race."
Sally: "It’s a sad day for the GTS-goddess race. When we fear even the smallest competition. Now if you excuse me."

Sally then turned her attention to Andrea.
"Can you show me, what you look like? I’m curious."
Andrea then thought an image of herself at Sally.
"Your a nice looking brunette."
"Thanks, mind if I move back a bit. I want to see your entire face."
"Think you can go that far?" But Andrea had already teleported herself megapareces away. From several megaparesecs away, Sally beautiful face could be clearly seen. Around her face was long blond hair, which seemed to have a galaxy tangled up in it. Andrea did a double take. It couldn’t be possible. Andrea went for a closer look. The remains of several galaxies were in Sally’s hair.
"Hey Sally do you know you got bits of Galaxies in your hair?" Andrea couldn’t keep the awe out of her voice.
"I’m not really surprised." She then ran her figures through her hair.
"Too bad there no body of water, big enough to clean me."
"If you don’t mind me asking, how big are you? And how did you get that way "
"I’m not one to brag, but I’ve been told I’m 4.475 megaparsecs in length which is equal to 14,588,500 light years. As for how I got this way, I went to Wishbone and wished to become the largest giantess in creation."
"Hey I went to Wishbone too. We got something in common."
"The fact you became a goddess through Wishbone is probably what got my fellow goddess upset. I’ve heard you can materialize objects. What can you do?"
"I can make my own clothes, create small objects like coffee cups and pop cans."
"Can you make me a pop?" Sally asked hopefully.
"Not big enough for you. Your just too big."
A frown came across Sally face. She was starting to see how the other GTS-Goddess could envy Andrea. Who didn’t need a Sizechanger to make objects on her scale. Sally’s ego demanded that she get the upper hand.
"There no such thing as being too big. Can you do this?" Sally then grabbed several nearby galaxies and placed them in her hands.
"I’m holding billions upon billions of stars in my hands, containing millions of alien civilizations in my hands. Plus numerous other wonders. Impressed?"
Andrea was impressed. Her entire home galaxy could fit easily in that monstrous palm.
"Can you tell them to call off the war?"
"SW-space space declared war on us. Or so I’ve been told. Personally I don’t believe in war. But most GTS-Goddess do like war. As long as people stay out of my way I don’t have a problem."
"Don’t worry. I plan to stay out of your way."
"One more thing , can you tell your fellow shrunken woman, to back off in their attacks on GTS-Space."
"I don’t run SW-space. I don’t even know who if anyone runs it."
"Please try. Or a might pay your home galaxy a visit."
Sally was bluffing, she couldn’t leave her home universe. But Andrea didn’t know that.

The crew of the ship Slicer could not believe their good fortune. They were getting the story, they hoped for. Unfortunately they were in the wrong place at the wrong time when Sally waved good bye to Andrea. Sally’s hand smashed the good ship Slicer to oblivion.

Back at the GTS-council, things went from bad to worst with the arrival of the memo from Mr. G.
Michelle: "A vote was held and we lost?"
Geralidine: "Not exactly, he asked if people wanted more mini goddess. Unfortunately for us. More shrunken woman fans responded than giantess fans. Two of the shrunken woman fans. Sasha Evens and Clarissa Mullari have even asked to become mini goddess."
Penny: "Please tell me he didn’t grant their request."
Geralidine silence spoke for her.
Rose: "What do we do now?"
Gabrielle: "I don’t know about the rest of you. But I’m going to act."

It was late afternoon when Andrea arrived home. She was still shaken up by her encounter with Sally. She wondered if she should stop the war, but wasn’t sure how. She needed more information, and Andrea hoped Stanley Charm could provide the answers she needed.

She arrived in Stanley’s Charm office, to find she wasn’t alone. Waiting for her an other mini goddess. She was blond and about five and a half inches in height.
"Hi I’m Paula. Nice to meet you Andrea"
"This can’t be. I’m the only mini goddess."
"Not anymore." Andrea turned the sound of Stanley’s voice.
"Paula here. Wished to become a mini goddess."
"It was so easy. I just know it going to be a cool thing to be."
"You haven’t briefed her yet have you?"
"I’m wanting for the two mini goddess from Mr. G’s home world, before starting the briefing."
"Who?" Andrea and Paula said at once. I answer a transdimensional rift opened, and two women stepped out. One was two inches tall with dirty blond hair and hazel eyes. She looked like she was wearing some sort of uniform. The other mini goddess had dark hair and green eyes. And was wearing an outfit that made her look like a super hero. At 26 cm she towered over the other mini goddess.
"Names Sasha Evens." the dirty blond said.
"And I’m Clarissa Mullari, were here to join the fight."
"What fight?" Paula asked.
"I’ll explain shortly. If you please follow me to the briefing room. By the way, Welcome to Wishbone. "

To be continued

Author note: This story is set in the near future, somewhere around 2001. That is the reason why some of the goddess shown in GTS-Goddess party, are not mentioned in this part. They became goddess after the war.
Part 5

On the way to the briefing room, Paula went up to Andrea and said;
"You didn’t mention anything about a fight, when you were on tv."
"That was before I met the GTS-Goddess and discovered they hate shrunken woman."
"And I thought it was all fun and games. Can I take my wish back?" Paula asked Stanley Charm."
"No, Once you make a wish at Wishbone you can’t take it back. Here the briefing room."
Stanley then opened the door, inside was a small room, approximately ten feet by ten feet. A table with some type of device on top dominated the room.
"What that, on the table?" Sasha asked.
"A b4y 3d holo projector. Great visual aid. Just give me a moment or two, to warm it up. Something wrong Andrea?"
"Sally Cooper threatened to pay this world a visit, if I don’t tell the woman of Shrunken woman space to back off their attacks. I need to know, who to see."
"Relax Andrea, Sally is bluffing, she not capable of leaving her home universe. As for who to see. Yet me tell you about both sides in this conflict. Then you can decide for yourself. "
"Before you begin Stanley. There something I want to know. Do these other mini goddess have the same powers? I mean are they my equals?"
Stanley Charm looked a bit uncomfortable with Andrea question. It was almost a minute before he answered.
"No. Paula has similar abilities, but their weaker than yours. Sasha and Clarissa have the basic mini goddess abilities, plus anything they asked for from Mr. G."
"What did you ask for?" Andrea asked.
"I told him, "I really like to be able to manipulate my own height between 2 and 30 cm.’ Speaking of which , I should test that out now."
Clarissa then began to shrink, reaching two cm in height in seconds. Then she began to grow, rapidly reaching 30 cm. which was the limit of her size.
"This is cool. I wondered if he granted my other request."
"Which is?" Andrea asked.
"I asked for the ability to temporarily reduce normal sized people to my size and/or temporally enlarge SW to normal size."
"How about you Sasha?"
"I didn’t ask for anything special. All I did was answer the questions on the form. Describing my appearance, personally, desired size range."
"He offered you a range?"
"Well actually he didn’t. Under the size range I put down anywhere from 2 inches to a millimeter. That doesn’t mean I can control my size. Does it?"
"You probably can. But please wait until my presentation to show off. After all you got all of eternity. Now without further ado. I present a brief history of GTS and SW-space, with bits of Wishbone History thrown in."
The holo projector came to life, showing hundreds of little spheres, the majority being red, most of the rest blue. The blue being more patchy then the red. Although along a wide front, the two were mixing.
"What you looking at, is an image of GTS-space and SW-space. GTS-space is red, SW-space is blue. The mixed area are universes being fought over."
"Excuse me, but did you say universes?"
"Yes Paula I did. Have you ever heard the term multiuniverse?"
"Only in science fiction stories."
"Please save your questions, to the end. I will start, with a brief history of the GTS-goddess race."
An image of four GTS-Goddess appeared. They were of various sizes and races.
"Originally there were only four GTS-Goddess. Their names are Rose Crusher, Penny, Sonya and Cheryl. They were created directly by Mr. G and have never been Human. This makes them different from the other GTS-goddess. With the exception of Sonya, GTS-Goddess then tended to drift around. Not bothering to rule worlds. As new goddess joined the race this changed. A GTS-council was stet up an empire was born.

"I had my first encounter with GTS-Goddess back in 1863, when Gabrielle visited Wishbone."
An image of a brunette then appeared.
" She was just an ordinary girl when she walked in the door. I still remember admiring her brown curls. I liked her, but she didn’t like me. For I am or was anyway a Yankee from Massachusetts , she a farm girl from Virginia. She felt people like me didn’t belong in the CSA(confederate states of America). Anyway she was worried, about how the war with the USA was going. And she wanted to help. She wished to become a goddess, so she could defeat the union armies. The day after she visited my restaurant, she became a 1200 foot goddess. To this day she calls herself ‘the goddess that won the war’."

Gabrielle was the first of 18 woman to become GTS-Goddess via Wishbone. The most common method of becoming a GTS-Goddess is be recruited by either Mr. G himself or through an outside agency like the doomsday society. In some worlds contests and lotteries were held where the winner became a GTS-Goddess. Michelle one of the most powerful
of the GTS-goddess became a GTS-Goddess because she won the jackpot in lotto-GTS.
I say she one of the most powerful, because she has the ability to change her size. She used to have unlimited growth potential, but Mr. G later limited her range from 500 feet to ten thousand miles. So Sally could become the largest goddess in the multiuniverse.

It wasn’t until the later half of the 20th century, the GTS-Goddess numbers began to boom. Going from 120 in 1950 to 790 by the year 2000.

As some of you already know, not all GTS-goddess are created equal. They range greatly in size and ability. While all GTS-Goddess are immortal and shrink proof. Some have the ability to travel through time and space. While others are kissers. They turn people into pets by kissing them."
"What do you mean by pets?"
"I said no questions until the end." When Stanley noticed the stares the mini goddess gave him. He broke down.
"When a kisser kisses a Human. She gains complete control over his and her body. Most kissers enlarge their pets to 100-300 feet so they can help in the administration of GTS-space. More recently they been used in the fighting. While their are only four known kissers. Whose names are Pamela, Michelle(yes the same one mentioned above), Sonya and Wendy. They have thousands of pets. "

A huge chart then appeared on the table. There where hundreds of dots, each showing the name of a goddess and her height.
"GTS-goddess very greatly in size. As you can see from the chart, most GTS-goddess, are between 500 feet and a mile in height. With a fair number, between the one to ten mile mark. A few goddess are in the tens of miles range. At the top of the chart is Sally, with Jessica a distant second at 600,000 miles in length. "

"With dealing with GTS-goddess you should kept their allies in mind. They have strong dealing with Sizechangers, one of the subject races of the Masterchemi. Sizechangers have the ability to not only change their own size, but the size of others and objects. There other main allies consist of non goddess giantess. These giantess often became friends with the GTS-goddess. The giantess even ruled worlds for the GTS-goddess. That way, the number of world under GTS-control could exceed the number of GTS-Goddess. When the war started. 20 worlds in GTS-space were ruled by giantess not goddess. This led to trouble, for the giantess are vulnerable."

"I regret, Wishbone played a role in starting the war. Back in the year 1998, shortly after we left Katie’s world. We arrived on a world called GTS-456. Which at the time was ruled by a 2000 foot giantess named Patty. Just before we arrived, Patty visited a place called Centerville Nova Scotia where she murdered, Charles Hillman wife. Later that day, Charles went to Wishbone and wished that ‘Patty would shrink down to the size of a doll. So people can toy with her.’ After she shrank, she was then put on trail, found guilty of crimes against humanity, handed over to people who hated her. And well she eventually got killed off by a little girl.

The SW of SW-space saw an opportunity in GTS-456. A world were people hated giantess. They welcomed doll sized woman with open arms. Soon GTS-456 became SW-151, much to the GTS-Goddess horror, for it opened up a hole in their space."
The map reappeared, a blinking dot showed the location of GTS-456. It was well within GTS-space.
"Dolly Hitler the leader of SW-space then made a claim to the universes between SW-151 and the rest of SW-space. The GTS-goddess refused. So Dolly Hitler declared war on them. I’m getting tried, any questions. Any questions, before I go for a coffee?"
Andrea: "I’ve have two questions, how long have you been running Wishbone and why doesn’t somebody wish away the GTS-goddess?"
Stanley: I took over Wishbone in 1858. As for your second question, GTS-goddess are protected against spells that shrink them or turn them into mortals."
Sasha: "What would happen if someone asked to fight a GTS-Goddess on equal terms?"
Stanley: "Just a case has already happened. Back in 1996, Alexandria wished to meet Cheryl on equal terms. The next day Alexandria found herself, Cheryl’s equal, in size and power. Not what she hopped for, for she spent years fighting goddess and then to become one. "
Paula: "Is there a place, where we can find more information on individual GTS-Goddess?"
Stanley: "Well there are several guide books on the market, that feature individual goddess. Anyway I really need a break. When I come back. I’ll tell you about SW-space and Dolly Hitler."

Meanwhile, a few hundred miles away. Gabrielle was going on a rampage. She was 1200 feet of doom. For she hated Yankees, and was killing as many as possible.

To be continued

Part 6
Paul Bosman looked up at Gabrielle in terror. He tried to figure out why she was wearing an confederate army uniform that looked like it came from the civil war.
"Why do these giantess pick on New England?" he wondered. Gabrielle then noticed Paul.
Instead of crushing him, with her boots like she did the others. She took an enormous flag pole, with the star and bars flag and planted it right on top of him, crushing him to a red pulp.

Gabrielle could sense the presence of Andrea and the other mini goddess. But was having too much fun, killing off the locals to go after her. Gabrielle reasoned that by killing people, she was killing off potential mini goddess.

Back at Wishbone, Paula was trying to materialize a Coke. She produced the beverage, but forgot to make a can or glass to put it in. Having no where to go the Coke went all over Paula’s hands. Andrea and the other goddess started to laugh.
"This isn’t funny."
"Sure it is." Andrea expression suddenly went from happy to alarmed.
"What’s wrong?" Sasha asked.
"Do you sense that?"
"A GTS-Goddess on a killing spree. We sure do."
"It’s time for battle. Let’s go mini goddess." Andrea cried.
"Um if you don’t mind I’ll stay behind, for the lecture."
Andrea was about to protest Paula decision, but then realized Paula probably wasn’t ready for battle yet anyway.
"Fine stay behind. But in the future do you fair share."
"I am doing my part. I’ll find out info we need to know on SW-space and Dolly Hitler."
Andrea , Sasha and Clarissa then left just as Stanley Charm came back.
"Is there something wrong with my breath?" Stanley asked.
"No. There off to fight a GTS-Goddess. Please continue with your presentation.

Panic had hit the town of Nasha, New Hampshire. People had heard about the destruction of towns and cities to their south. There were doing their best to flee, but the roads out of town were jammed and Gabrielle was approaching fast. Then the mini goddess arrived on the scene.
Sasha: "Wow she looks intimidating."
Clarissa: "Anyone got a plan?"
Andrea: "Get her to go after us instead of the locals. With luck we can lead her away from civilization."
Sasha: "Then what? GTS-goddess are immortal. How do you defeat an enemy you can’t kill?"
Andrea: "One problem at a time. Lets stop her from killing Humans first. Follow me"

Andrea then positioned herself, right in Gabrielle path.
"I bet you can’t catch me." Andrea cried.
Gabrielle turned around, the mini goddess had come to her. She made a grab for Andrea, but Andrea teleported herself out of the way.
"Hey, GTS-Goddess, is your taste in fashion, stuck in the 19th century or do you prefer the fashion of losers." Sasha teased. Gabrielle was outraged.
"Do you know who I am?"
Andrea then read Gabrielle mind, and was surprised at what she found.
"Your Gabrielle the goddess that won the war for the south."
"I prefer the term CSA. I defeated the armies of the union. Personally killed off Generals Ulysses S. Grant and William T. Sherman. Along with their evil president, Abraham Lincoln. Brought the states of Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky and Missouri into the Confederacy. I even removed Washington D.C. itself from Confederate soil. That’s only some of my achievements. You don’t have a chance of defeating me. What do you have to say now?"
"We will stop you." Andrea vowed.

Back at the restaurant, Stanley Charm was getting into his history of SW-space.
"For most of their history, Shrunken women have been divided and powerless. Isolated in their various universes, they were unaware of their potential. Instead they were content, to be the pet/salves of men and normal sized women.

This started to change around, the 1970’s when a few brave women, started to defend themselves. They had some limited success, but things really started to move, when Dolly Hitler arrived on the scene.

Dolly was just an other teenager, until the year 1988. That when the ‘Dollmakers’ captured and shrank her."
"The who?"
"Dollmakers. A bunch of people who use potions and shrink rays to turn woman into living dolls, for their pleasure centers. Groups like them exist in much of SW-space. Anyway, back to Dolly. Dolly refused to act like a normal SW. She planned and schemed. I don’t know the details but some how she hold of transdimensional transport technology. She soon saw the potential shrunken woman had. Dolly is an born politician, she managed to make most of the shrunken women recognize her as leader. They few who argued were destroyed. Not content with ruling over other shrunken people, she starting to train her fellow SW. Turning them into armies.

At first people refused to take Dolly Hitler seriously. Figuring what harm could a bunch of doll sized ladies do? The laugher stopped, when the Sizerchangers started to provide Dolly troops with working doll sized weapons. The normal sized people were a little worried, but figured they would prevail in the end. They might of won, if it was for the Ray dealers.
That’s not there real name of course, but that what’s everyone calls them. They provided Dolly Hitler with Shrink rays. By 1996 Dolly and her armies dominated SW-space."
"I got a question. Do the SW have access to growth rays. I mean can they grow to normal size if they wanted to?"
"They probably have access to growth technology. But the key to SW success has been their smallness. Normal sized people don’t take them seriously, until it’s too late. I even heard of cases where the SW lets the man thinks he in control while she secretly manipulates him.

Not all SW are in Dolly’s armies. A few are entertainers. The most famous are the Mice Girls."
An image of four lovely ladies appeared on the table. Barbara had dark skin and jet black hair, Faith had white skin and blond hair, Holly had tanned skin and brown hair, while Hulda was a redhead.
"The Mice Girls spend their time touring the various worlds of SW-space. Most recently they have keeping up moral along SW supporters."
Paula was getting bored. The Mice Girls intrigued her. She felt a growing desire to see them.
"Do you have any…" Paula vanished right before his eyes.

The Mice Girls were playing their latest hit song "I feel safe in the palm in your hand" in front of a live audience of SW and normal sized supporters. Things were going great until Paula appeared on stage. Totally disrupting the performance.
"Who the hell are you? Faith asked.
"OPPS . I mean my name is Paula. I didn’t mean to materialize on stage with you." Paula was surprised she had to look down at the mice girls for they were between four to five inches in height. In embarrassment she got off the stage. Security was about to have a word with Paula., but then Heather showed up. Heather is a 60 foot giantess and she didn’t look happy.

"You won’t escape this time Mice Girls." Heather cried.
"Leave them alone."
The crowd and Heather were stunned. Was this stranger nuts?
"And why should I listen to you?"
"Because I am Paula a mini goddess. Your no match for a goddess."
Heather was about to object. When a voice said;
"She right Heather. Were no match for that little mini goddess."
Paula turned to the source of the voice, and was surprised to find it attached to a 200 foot giantess. Who was actually smiling. Paula was worried, something was wrong here.
"My name is Betty. I maybe be a pet, but I bet my owner is more than a match for you. " Betty then stepped aside, her spot was taken up by a 2000 foot GTS-Goddess with red hair.
"I am Wendy. a GTS-Goddess. Am I, a match for you?"
Paula didn’t know what to do. Then an other GTS-goddess showed up and said;
"Hi, can I watch the fun?"
Paula turned and her heart sank. She recognized the GTS-Goddess that had just spoken from the briefing at Wishbone.

To be continued

Warring: This part contains violence. Not suitable for minors.

Part 7
"Sure Michelle. Let’s find out what’s this mini goddess is made of." Wendy then turned her attention on Paula.
Paula was split, part of her wanted to be elsewhere, but she didn’t want to abandon the Mice Girls or the crowd the came to watch them. Speaking of which, many of the people in the crowd, started to sneak away. Others realizing they couldn’t get away fast enough went the fighting started, decided to stay put. Security feeling desperate called in their emergency backup.

Gathering up all her courage, Paula made a sword. She then stabbed Wendy big toe. Wendy laughed.
"That’s the best you can do? It my turn now." But before Wendy could act. The Giantess exterminators showed up, with Anti-Giantess missiles

Anti-Giantess missiles are the size of a small car. And are launched from a missile launcher. Six missiles went flying when the giantess came within range. One missile cut Heather body in two, an other blew her hit to bits. Her body crushed several SW to death, including two of the Mice Girls. One struck Betty in the side, while the rest were wasted on the GTS-goddess.

Wendy was mad. How dare these people interfere in a Goddess to goddess confrontation. Ignoring Paula she set her sights on the Giantess Exterminators.

Michelle was shocked to see Heather die. She knew Heather was mortal, but she never dreamt she would die this way. A great rage started to build with her.

Chaos reigned as Wendy stepped on people so she could reach the Giantess Exterminators. Paula watched in helpless frustration as people were crushed to death. She knew she couldn’t save any normal sized people(they were too big for her) but could she save a shrunken women or two? Paula felt she had to try.

An other round of anti giantess missiles was fired, as Wendy started crushing the launchers. One of the missiles crashed into Michelle right eye, causing her great pain.
Wendy had crushed two launchers, when she heard Michelle cry out. She turned around, and saw that Michelle was getting very pissed off., and growing fast.
"Come on Betty, let get to a safe distance."
"I’m hurt. Can you please heal me." Wendy then pointed to the wound on her side, which was still bleeding.
"Later, right now we have to go." Wendy picked up Betty and ran.

Subconsciously Michelle increased her height from hundreds of feet to thousands of feet. If one looked closely, one could see smoke coming out of her ears.

Away from the battle , a crowd started to form. A crowd that cheered when they saw Wendy running away. They even put up a big sign saying;
"Go Giantess Exterminators go"

This was the last straw for Michelle.
Michelle’s height was now ten miles and growing. She scooped
up the entire concert site and the surrounding country side for miles around.

Wendy could feel the ground rise beneath her. She put on an other burst of speed, and then found her self falling. She managed to land on her feet. When she looked back, she saw, that Michelle had taken a piece of Earth ,the size of a small state.

Michelle, her height now a thousand miles, stopped growing. She took the land and people in her hands, and squished it into a big ball. Upping her size to 1500 miles. She then threw the ball into deep space.

Wendy decided it was time to heal Betty. She began to heal Betty body. Soon the wound was no more.
Michelle her height now down to 2000 feet. Came up to Wendy.
"Are you ok?"
"You could I given me a little more time to get out of the way. I almost got taken way with the Humans and SW."
"Sorry. Hey speaking of SW, I think I got that mini goddess pest."
"I hope so Michelle. I hope so."

Meanwhile the confrontation, between Gabrielle and the other mini goddess had resulted in a stalemate. Nether side could hurt the other. Instead Gabrielle resumed her killing of the locals. While Andrea, Clarissa and Sasha tried to save as many people as they could.

Mr. And Mrs. Hick watched Gabrielle get closer and closer. A sense of pride made them stay in their home.
Andrea and friends materialized in front of the Hicks.
"Who are you folks?" Mrs. Hicks asked.
"We are mini goddess. Were here to rescue you."
"You little things.? Your nothing but helpless doll sized women." Mr. Hick burst of laughing. This got Clarissa pissed off.
"Helpless are we? Take that." Clarissa then shrank Mr. Hick to her size.
Seeing that they were running out of time Andrea and Sasha took Mrs Hicks and teleported her out of the house. While Clarissa took care of the protesting Mr. Hicks.

A safe distance away, the mini goddess and the Hicks materialized.
"Restore me to my proper size, right now." Mr. Hicks demanded.
"I can’t." Clarissa replied.
"Is he going to be doll sized forever?" Mrs. Hicks asked.
"No. Only for a day or two."
"You people, play favorites. You shrink me, but leave my wife alone."
"I’m sorry sir, but were having a rough time. " Andrea looked around her, they were only saving a fraction of the people in Gabrielle path.
"Come on Goddess lets try to save a few more." Andrea and the other goddess then vanished. Mrs. Hick looked down at her husband and said;
"You know honey, this would be a good time for you to learn some manners."

To be continued

Disclaimer: This story features two mini goddess Sasha Evens and Clarissa Mullari. These goddess are not of my own creation.

Part 8
Mabel looked at her tormentors in dismay. Her tormentors were the SW Andrea rescued from the Shrinkers. But a Sizerchanger showed up and shrank her. To add insult to injury, the Sizechanger then turned her former charges into normal size women, with the exception of Clara, whose size was increased to six foot four. Now they were treating her like a doll.
"Please don’t hurt me. I’m going to be rich, once I cash in my lotto ticket. I get you anything you want."
"Your too small to cash in a lotto ticket." They responded.
Mabel then turned to the Sizechanger that had shrank her.
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"You weren’t relating to these shrunken women. So I shrank you to a size of a doll. And enlarged your former charges to normal size. So you can experience the relationship between normal and doll sized women from the opposite end."
"I never hurt these women."
Mabel then found herself being picked up by Grace.
"Liked being picked up against your will?"
"You used to do it to us all the time." Grace then began to squeeze Mabel.
"Careful We don’t want to kill her."
"I’m not killing her. I giving her a lesson in being helpless."

Meanwhile a transdimensional rift opened up in Mabel’s living room. Three figures emerged. One was Paula, the other two were Barbara and Faith. Paula looked around. She was trying to reach Andrea but she was no where in sight.

Instead their were four women gathered around something. Two were tall red heads, six foot four and six feet respectably. A blond and brunette who seemed to be holding something, made up the rest of the crowd.
"Has anyone seen Andrea?" Paula asked.
All the normal sized turned to face Paula. Paula then noticed the doll sized woman in the brunette’s hand. The normal sized people, were surprised to see Paula and company. One of the redheads got excited at the sight of Barbara and Faith.
"Mice Girls. I’m one of your biggest fans." Then the red head paused.
"Where the rest of you. And who she?"
"Holly and Hulda got wiped out in an Giantess attack. Although it was worth it to see Heather die. We might of perished as well if it weren’t for Paula here." Barbara paused.
"If you know mind me asking who are you.?"
"I am Martha. A Sizechanger. I came to this house seeking the mini goddess. But she wasn’t home. Instead I found three SW women being abused by a normal sized women. "That a l…" Grace then forced Mabel into silence.
"I want to hear what she has to say." Paula then teleported herself on top of Grace’s hand.
"How did you do that?" Grace asked.
"It’s part of my mini goddess abilities." Paula then turned to Mabel.
"You were saying?"
"Not so fast. There is only one mini goddess, and her name is Andrea."
"Martha, your information is out of date. Their are four mini goddess that I know about. Myself, Andrea, Sasha and Clarissa."
"Oh Really? Then your going to have to prove it." Martha then tried to shrink Paula, but had no luck.
"My apologies. You really are a mini goddess. This complicates my mission."
"Just because you can’t shrink her. You believe her claims? I show you what I think of women who call themselves mini goddess." Clara then garbed Paula and placed her on the floor. Then she placed her foot on Paula, and then stomped down hard.
When Clara lifted up her foot she was surprised to see that Paula was still alive and wearing a gas mask.
" When was the last time you washed your feet?" Paula asked.
"This can’t be." Clara cried.
"It is. Now where were we? Oh yes, That SW the brunette is holding, I want to know what she wanted to say."
Grace reluctantly let Mabel go.
"Thank you Paula. My name is Mabel. I was a normal sized women, until Martha showed up. I did not abuse these shrunken women. I might have treated them a little rough at times. But hey I only dealt with SW for a few weeks. "
"Your saying these folks are SW?" Paula couldn’t get the disbelief out of her voice.
"They were until Martha showed up. Grace the woman, who was holding me used to be doll sized. The same is true for Hilary. She the blond. Clara the women who tried to kill you, used to be only two inches tall."
Paula turned to Martha and asked;
"Is this true?"
"Yes it is. I should tell you about my mission. I was asked by my masters the Masterchemi, to enter talks with the Mini goddess. Work out some sort of deal between our races. But the fact there more than one mini goddess, makes things complicated. I suppose I can deal with you for now."
"Well I should wait for the other mini goddess to show up before making any major deals. But there is something you can do for me."
"What’s that?"
"Can you turn Clara back into a SW. For trying to kill me I think she lost the right to be normal sized."
Martha thought about it for a moment. Then she began to shrink Clara.
"Nooo. I want to be tall. " Clara cried as the inches melted away.
Inch by inch, foot by foot Clara shrank. Within five minutes she had shrank to two inches in height.
Hilary and Grace started shivering in fear.
"Are we next?" They asked.

Before Martha could respond. Andrea, Sasha and Clarissa showed up. Andrea was confused. Within a day her home had been turned upside down.
"What going on around here?" she asked.

After Andrea was brought up to speed, Paula asked how their fight with the GTS-goddess went.
"Gabrielle is still undefeated. The only reason why were here, is because she left this world on her own accord."
"Excuse me. But what is become of us?" Barbara asked.
"Your free to go where ever you want. I can take back to the world where you can from, if you want."
"I doubt if those goddess left anything to go back to."

"Excuse me."
"What is it Mabel."
"Can you ask Martha to grow be back to my original size. She listens to mini goddess."
Andrea thought about it. Then asked Martha how long she was going to hang around.
"It depends on how our talks go. Probably for a day or two."
"In that case. Can you restore Mabel’s size in the mourning."
"I can do it right now. If you want."
"No I want her small for a while longer. In the meantime lets head for the guest room we can talk there. "
"You can’t leave me like this." Mabel cried.
"It’s just for one night. Besides you got other SW for company and Hilary and Grace are around if you get into trouble."
"Andrea it’s Hilary and Grace I’m worried about." But Andrea keep on walking.

Meanwhile, Michelle was bragging on how she took care of that mini goddess. She even asked permission, to after the other mini goddess. But the GTS council refused. Pointing out that over a hundred worlds in GTS-space had either been invaded or were in rebellion against the GTS-goddess. Until the situation was under control, mini goddess were being put on the back burner.

Things would have been find. If Dolores did not show just then. Dolores was jealous of Michelle’s size changing ability. And she just got an intelligence report that would take Michelle down a peg or two. With gee she handed a copy to Michelle.
Michelle’s eyes opened wide in shock. Not only did Paula get away, but that bitch even managed to rescued two of the hated(by giantess) Mice Girls.
Thoughts of vengeance began to fill Michelle’s head.

To be continued?

Part 9

Thousands upon thousands of Dolly Hitler’s solders covered the ground. Forming a living moving carpet of marching doll like figures. Every second one armed with a shrink gun, the rest with machine guns.

On either side of the SW were their normal sized solders, men and women who were loyal to SW-Space and main purpose to fight their opposite number, Normal sized people who supported the GTS-Goddess and their army of pets.

The pets being giantess in the 100-300 foot range towered over the other combatants at the start of the battle. But then the SW began to fire their shrink guns a thousand at a time shrinking everything in their way. Then they would mow down the newly shrunk with machine gun fire.
GTS pets and their supporters managed to fight back, but the cost was high. Within twenty minutes, about half of the giantess had been shrunk and shot to pieces while their supporters where down to ten percent of their original number. In comparison the SW had lost 100,000 of their army of a million troops.
General Evan and the other giantess began to retreat. They would rather face the wrath of the GTS-Goddess Masters. Than be shrunk by the SW army.

Gabrielle and Pamela then arrived on the scene. They were surprised to see the giantess in retreat. They decided to investigate.
"General Evan what in the multiuniverse is going on?" Pamela asked.
"Were being exterminated. They got hundreds of thousands of troops and their pushing us back. I ordered a strategic withdrawal, until we can plan a effective counterattack."
"Stand aside. I’ll turn the tide of battle." Gabrielle cried.
"I can wipe them out in a few steps. It’s better that I crush them." Pamela then waited for Gabrielle response."
"We need to show them that even a normal size GTS-Goddess can beat them. I’ll have that army on the run within ten minutes."
"I hold you to that promise. If you fail I’ll join the battle and take credit for the victory."
"It’s a deal. Start the clock." Gabrielle then ran toward the advancing SW army.

Rita wasn’t alarmed when the two new figures appeared on the horizon. They were larger than any of the giantess they had faced before, but they there was nothing their shrink guns couldn’t handle. So when the smaller of the two figures approached, Rita continued to advance.
Two minutes later, her confidence at turned into confusion, Their shrink guns had shrunk the goddess uniform to shreds but the goddess herself kept on marching and stomping. Rita saw the foot coming, and fired her shrink gun at the approaching foot. She might as well fired a flash light at the goddess for all the good it did.
"God help me." She cried as Gabrielle’s foot crushed Rita and 20 thousand of her companions with seconds.

Gabrielle was getting mad. Not only did those soldiers ruin her favorite boots and uniform. They were just standing there. Despite the fact they lost thousands, every time Gabrielle, moved her feet. With just over two minutes before her deadline ran out, Gabrielle began to worry. Time for a strategy change.
"Listen up SW. I will SPARE the lives of those who retreat now. Those who refused to retreat I will crush."

This woke up, the SW who had been stunned by Gabrielle invulnerability to their shrink rays. The vast majority decided to retreat with only a few hundred press on their attack.

Pamela watched the SW retreat. Gabrielle had won the bet by lying.
"Hey Gabrielle. You lied. We can’t spare their lives."
"But they don’t know that. Besides I could not bare to give victory to you."
"Gabrielle. When are you going to learn, that people of African descent are NOT
an inferior race."
"They are back in the CSA. It’s ow. " Gabrielle then noticed that her legs and lower torso was covered with SW doing their best to kill her. She angrily wiped them off while Pamela laughed.

While all this was going on, Barbara & faith, the two remaining Mice Girls were watching television. With Mabel trying to get control of the remote.
"Come on, it’s my tv. I should get to pick what we watch."
"But there two of us and only one of you. Your outvoted."
"They got you out voted Mabel."
"Fine, I feel like a snack anyway." Mabel then got up and left.

Mabel had the urge for a snack. She knew about a candy bar, on top of the kitchen counter. She made her way to the kitchen Then she realized the counter was no longer in reach. It was 19 feet above her head(on her scale). Mabel began to climb up the wall. It was a slow climb but she managed to make it. Once she reached the top, the candy bar was in sight. She ran toward it, but just before she reached it a hand picked it up.
"Are you looking for this?" Hilary asked.
"Come on. Please share."
"Jump for it Mabel."
Mabel trying to reach the bar, but Hilary was holding it a foot off the counter top. Mabel could not jump that high. Hilary was laughing her head off at Mabel’s efforts. Then to add insult to injury she ate the bar, right in front of Mabel.
"That was good beyond words. Too bad, you couldn’t have any."
"I going to tell, Andrea what you did."
"There nothing she can do about it."

Back in the living room…
"Welcome to Dirt Diggers. I’m your host Wayne Scumbag. On tonight’s show, I have Polly Smith, a prominent Sizechanger…"
"Not her. She pure mischief."
"Barbara were trying to watch the show."
"So Polly. What dirt to you have for us tonight?"
"Well Wayne. I’m here to tell the multiuniverse that the Sizechangers have made an alliance, with the mini goddess. We will deal with them from now on, and cancel our relations with the GTS-goddess."

"Is she mad? The mere suggestion of braking off relations with the GTS-goddess. Is enough to cause an incident."
"We need to find out the truth. Lets find Martha." Both Mice Girls got up to look for the room in which Martha was meeting with the mini goddess.

Martha was in the middle of talks, when her portable phone rang.
"Excuse me a moment mini goddess. I got to answer my phone"
Stepping out of the room, Martha answered her phone.
"Martha here what’s up?"
"This is Wayne Scumbag of Dirt Diggers. Is it true you made a deal with Andrea and the other mini goddess?"
"Were getting close but the details hasn’t been worked out yet. Why would you rotten show, be interested?"
"Polly Smith said a deal was already worked out. A deal that favorers mini goddess over GTS-goddess."
"Polly Smith is prankster. This is one of her pranks. Goodbye Mr. Scumbag."

"Is there something wrong?" Andrea asked.
"Nothing to worry about folks. Just a bad tv talk show host."

© 1998 by Mr. G

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