Intresting Characters
Intresting Characters

The following interesting characters are on this page:
Michele Bates


Michele Bates(original name Michelle Matherson)

Michele is one of my more interesting characters. She was originally created to resent the entire range of mega giantess(hence her nick name mega) That’s why when she won the jackpot at lotto giantess, she was given unlimited growth potential.

As time when on, I changed my mind. I decided to limit her range from 500 feet to 10,000 miles. So Sally could pass her. In compensation I made her a kisser.

Michele became a GTS-Goddess sometime in 1997(or early 1998) It didn’t take her long to become a consumer of mega products. To pay for them she agreed to wrong on Garland’s ring.

Throughout 1998, she established her rule on her world. Being a Canadian she decided that Canada should be a great power. Thanks of Michele, Canada ruled the world, and power went to the Canadians heads.(I am a Canadian by the way)
Anyway by the spring of 1999; Canadians were the most hated people on Michele’s world. especially by the Americans who resented their loss of status.

Also during this time Michele changed her name from Michele Matherson to Michele Bates. The reason being she had a fight with her family and wanted to cut all ties with them.

In June of 1999. I took away her unlimited growth potential and replaced it with the ability to turn people into her pets. After a couple of days making pets including Larry. She went to visit Sally. Then on the way home she was called to work on Garland ring. Unfortunately while working there, the star the ring was orbiting was blown up. It was months before Michele could make it home. When she got there she found her world in rebellion, her beloved Canadians had been wiped out in a rain of nuclear fire.

She was furious to find out that her pets had encouraged the rebellion. Of the ring leaders, two of them Janet & Larry. Managed to escape to parallel Earth’s. Michele managed to track and capture Janet. As for Larry and his fate, that is a story for an other time.

Just when things were getting under control on Michele’s world. War broke out between GTS and SW space. Michele saw a lot of action during this war. While she was able to fight SW soldiers. She had no luck with Mini goddess. To her eternal frustration she was unable to defeat them or even halt their spread.

After the war was over, she went back to her home world. To rebuild her life and her world. By the 22nd century her life was back on track. In 2300 she helped to make Eric, the ‘Pet of the Party’.

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