SW Stories
SW Stories

The following stories are found on this page:
Sex Club
GTS Hunt(A SW story)



For over a year, Patty held world GTS-456, in Terror. She was power hungry from the very beginning. When she discovered the alien growth ray technology, it was an opportunity, too good to pass up. She used the growth rays, to become a 2000 foot blond mega giantess, who looked and acted like a goddess. Rampaging towns, and cites all over her world.

Centerville, Nova Scotia was just an other town, to her. A small one at that. After gulping down some cows from nearby farms, she proceeded to wreak the town. Already she could spot, some local fleeing from her. To her they were bugs a fifth of inch tall, not real people at all.

Charles and Ellen Hillman, were having a barbecue in their backyard, when Ellen noticed a strange shadow. Turning around she screamed.
"What is Oh shit." Charles said as he recognized Patty. She was coming their way.
"What are we going to do?" Ellen asked.
"Get in the car and run for it." Charles replied. As he talked Patty was busy crushing homes and streets, then she spotted the Hillman home.
"WHAT A CUTE HOUSE" Patty said, as she reached down to picked it up. Then she noticed the Hillmans.
"Do you what to stay with your house?" Patty asked. She then, tried to pick up Ellen, but she used the wrong angle and to Charles horror she was cut in two, by Patty’s fingernails.
"OOPS. Want to climb onto my hand tiny?’" Patty asked. He studied the monstrous hand, with fingers the size of trees Then he jumped in the car, and drove off as fast as he could go.
"Oh well, I guess, I’ll let the bug go. What harm can he do?" Patty said to herself, as she stomped on new targets.

Charles drove for a half hour, before the realty, of what happened hit him. Parking the car in a field, in then spent the next hour, mourning his lost life. Then he noticed the building in the field. It had a box shape, with a huge neon sign showing a picture of a wishbone on the roof.
"WISHBONE RESTURANT" read the letters, on the bottom of the sign. Charles wondered what a restaurant was doing in a field away from the road, but he needed an escape from his troubles, so he decided to investigate.

Walking through the doors, he surveyed the inter of the place. It looked ordinary enough, some tables, chairs, a tv room. Then he spotted the waitress, she was an eight foot amazon.
"Can I help you?" she asked.
"Can I have a table, and a menu?" Charles asked.
"Sure." She sat him down at the closest table, with a view out the window. After studying the menu, he decided to try the wishbone meal deal.

When his meal arrived, he started to feel tremors, which got stronger and stronger. Looking out the window he saw Penny, walking down, highway 102, heading toward Halifax. Fortunately, she didn’t notice the restaurant.
"Who is that?" Charles heard a man’s voice behind him ask. Turning around he saw a clean cut man in a three piece suit.
"You never heard of Patty?" Charles asked the man in disbelief.
"We just arrived, a few hours ago. Name’s Stanley Charm, I’m the manager of Wishbone. If I’m not mistaken you dislike Patty."
"Dislike!! That an understatement, just a few hours ago she murdered my wife and destroyed my house."
"We, didn’t know, I’m so sorry."
"Thanks, Do you know what I want? I want someone to cut her down to size. She treats people like they were toys. I wish Patty would shrink down to size of a doll, so people can toy with her."
"Well Charles, your going to get your wish."
"What are you talking about?"
"You ordered the Wishbone meal deal."
"Yeah, so?"
"Everyone, who orders the meal deal gets one wish." Stanley then pointed to the sign on the wall.
"Your nuts, just give me the bill and I’ll be on my way."
"All right. But I should warn you, that two wrongs don’t make a right."
Charles paid his bill and left, as he drove away, Stanley told Brenda (the waitress standing beside him)
"This is going to be one of those worlds."

Patty looked down at the city of Halifax, other the military taking a few pot shots at her, she was having a great time. Then a sudden weakness came over her. She felt, like she was slowing falling, her body collapsing on itself. She looked around, and noticed that the city was starting to grow.
"I’m shrinking" she cried. Patty was afraid of the growth rays wearing off., and she falsely concluded this was the case. Measuring herself against the downtown bank towers she estimated she was down to 1600 feet and shrinking fast.
"Got to find a place to hide until I can re-grow." She told herself as she ran, from the downtown. Getting smaller and smaller with every step. By the time she reached the northwest arm, the homes came up to her waist. And she could hear the wine of helicopters, the military was getting bold.

Patty sneaked into a backyard, as she continued to shrink. When she reached, the five foot mark, she realized it was more than just the growth rays wearing off, for she was five foot eight inches before she enlarged herself now she was less than five feet tall.
"What’s happening to me." She cried as she shrank past four feet. She decided to go to the nearest home, and ask for help. She walked to the front door, barely making the steps, for she was now two feet tall and still shrinking. The home owner, a woman named January hearing all the commotion outside( the military as closing in) opened the door to see, what was the matter. To her surprise she found a ten inch naked woman, who looked an awful lot like Patty, on her doorstep.
"Please help me." Patty pleaded in a voice January could barley hear.
To be continued

Part 2

Info Break with Debbie Wallis and Frank Tellall, give us an hour, and we’ll give you the mutiuniverse.
Debbie: "In today’s news, Patty’s trial begins today. It’s only been six weeks since she shrank to doll size. But the people of world GTS-456 are rushing forward with a trial. Officials point out that by a conservable estimate, she has caused a least a million deaths, and hundreds of billions of dollars in property damage. "She lucky she even getting a trial", one anonymous official told me."
Frank: "This has implications for mega giantess everywhere, for up to now they been above the law. But if they succeed in convicting Patty of Crimes against Humanity, This will open the floodgates to charges against other mega giantess. We asked around for comments on this landmark case. Here are some of the responses.
Average Joe: "It’s about time, someone teach these giantess to obey the law. Although personally I would have shrunk her to human size for the trial."
Rose Crusher: "While I didn’t care for Patty personally. I wish to caution you mortals, not to attempt to put me or any other GTS-goddess on trial, for unlike Patty, were shrinkproof."
Dolly (head of the shrunken woman union): "Were going to cut those giantess down to size, our size. Love a living doll today."
April Smith: "What if, you accidentally kill people. Do you still get charged?"

Patty paced on top of her lawyers desk. The past six weeks had been a nightmare. First the examinations by the military doctors, who ignored her pleas to help her. Then the endless debates on what to do with her, although from the very start most people wanted revenge pure and simple. They eventually decided on a quickie trial, and she received a very reluctant lawyer, who was now getting ready for the trial.
"Time to go Patty." He said as he picked her up.
"Think they let me, tell my side of the story?’ Patty asked.
"Probably. But judging from what you told me, so far, your toast."

For several months the trial went on. The prosecution, described how Patty went from city to city, country to country destroying everything in sight. She argued that at her size it was hard not to damage people and property. The prosecution pointed out that she made no attempt to avoid cities and that she became a mega giantess by choice. Finally, the judge handed down a sentience.
Judge: "Patty Coleman we find you guilty as charged. As for your sentience, you are now the property of the GTS victims group. Case closed."
Patty: "You can do that. It’s not legal punishment."
Thomas: "Oh yes he can. My name is Thomas Elision. Head of GTS victims group. Your going to know me real well." He then placed Patty in a box with air holes. She kicked and screamed but couldn’t break his grip.

Later that night, Thomas arrived at GTS Victims group headquarters. He was greeted at the door by Charles.
"Did it work?’ Charles asked.
"I didn’t believe you, when you first told me about Wishbone. But I do now. All I had to do, was wish Patty to become our property and bang it happens. Speaking of which , you two should meet."
"Good idea, lets get inside first though."

Patty could hear men talking about had trouble making out the words. She then saw the box top taken off and a hand reached in for her. She saw Thomas and a man, she didn’t recognize.
"Patty I want to meet Charles." Thomas then handed Patty over to Charles.
"Hello Pat, Do you remember me? Do you remember visiting Centerville, Nova Scotia? To you remember picking up my house and KILLING MY WIFE."
"Um, It doesn’t ring a bell. But then I picked up homes all the time when I was big. I do regret your wife death."
"Liar, you said OOPS at the time. Then asked if I wanted to get on your hand."
Patty’s eyes opened in shock, on her last day as a giantess, she did treat a couple that way. Could he be the bug that got away.
"Your that guy who got away." Patty said in a weak voice.
"So you finally remember. Well your going to be sorry I got away."
"I already am." Patty replied.
"Ahem" Thomas interrupted." Can I please have Patty back? There are other people who want revenge on Patty."

To be continued..

Part 3
Life was a living hell for Patty, as the GTS Victims group devised new ways of getting revenge. Playing games with Patty, proved to be the revenge of choice. This week game was "Name the victim’s home town. Where Patty was presented to a victim, and she had to guess where they came from. If she guessed wrong, the victim would drop a model building on her. A building for each town and city she visited, about 400 in all. Along these were some major cities, including Boston, Toronto, Montreal and Houston.

Here’s an example of a typical game;
Victim: "Hello Patty, my name is Harold Mulroney. Can you guess where I’m from?"
Patty: "Toronto?"
Victim: " Wrong I’m from Montreal. He then dropped an 18 inch plastic skyscraper on Patty. After watching her struggle to get out from underneath the toy building, they would remove it, and start the game anew.

Another game, her tormentors played with her, was doll ball. A game similar to bowling with Patty taking the place of the pins. The objective was to hit Patty with the ball, but not kill her. Some doll ball games ended up on America’s funniest home video’s.

Over time, the people at GTS victims group got bored with Patty. So one day, Mark, who was once called a bug by Patty, decided to have the ultimate revenge.
"Oh patty, I’ve got something for you." Mark called out to Patty in a sweet voice.
"What is it?" Patty asked. She had long learned the lesson of obedience.
"A new drink. If you sample this, We’ll let you go."
"You really mean it?" Patty wanted so hard to believe the nightmare was over.
"Sure, just have a few sips out of this glass, and your home free."
Patty tasted the pink colored fluid. It tasted bitter. But she drank several mouth full anyway. A moment later she started, feeling funny. Then she noticed her doll clothes were getting bigger, she was shrinking.
"Why?" she pleaded with Mark.
"When you were a giantess, you called me a bug, so I’m shrinking you to the size of a bug. Where you can do no harm."
"You can’t do this to me." She cried, as she crawled out of her doll clothes. But Mark paid her no heed. Patty continued to shrink until she was just a fifth of an inch in height.

Patty was in total panic, she ran across the floor, hoping to reach the other side an shelter, when a little girl stepped into the room.
"Where’s the cute dolly? I know she around here." The little girl the headed start for Patty, not ever seeing her.
"Whoa, stop, don’t step on me." Patty cried. But the girl, didn’t hear her. Before she realized it, the Girl stepped on Patty. Spat.
"Mamma, I stepped on a bug." The little girl cried, Patty left a small red spot on the girl’s shoes, and nothing more.

The end

Sex Club

Colleen wondered why in the world, she let herself, get talked into going to the Sex Club. It was a hotbed for lesbian sex, and their were rumors of weird happenings going on at the club. The fact is had to sign a form, saying she was to reveal what she seen or heard inside the club didn’t make her feel any better. Why did she let Sara intimate her into going.

Sara was a cheerleader. At 5’10’’ she towered over Colleen 5’3’’. She could tell Colleen wasn’t sure about herself. And though a trip to the sex club might cheer her up. So she called up two of her friends, and asked them to meet her and Colleen at the Sex Club.

Colleen looked over the room, Sara had booked. It was covered with white mats. Standing by the wall, was the largest woman Colleen had ever seen. She was 6’4’’ had dark skin and looked like she could beat anyone to a pulp. Sara then came into the room. Seeing Colleen was nervous decided to brake the ice.

"Colleen meet Tara. She one of the supervisors here at the sex club. "
"Nice to meet you." Colleen said as she shook Tara’s hand.
Sara’s friends who’s names were Marsha and Pamela then walked through the door. They were blondes. Marsha was 5’6’’, while Pamela at 6’ was the second tallest in the room.

"I’m must be the smallest person here." Colleen said aloud.
"No your not." To Colleen’s shock a doll sized woman entered the room. Colleen started to panic.
"If your planning on shrinking me.."
"Relax Colleen, I realize that’s the last thing your ego needs."
Sara then addressed the doll size woman.
"Nice to see you Melaine. What I got planned for today is a stack."
"Very good. I’ll get the potions."
"Excuse me. What are you talking about?" Colleen asked.
"You’ll see." Sara replied.

Sara and her friends then began to strip. Colleen followed suit. She felt small and ugly compared to the women around her.

Melaine returned, she was now the size of a normal person. In her hands were three potions. Marked 10, 100, 1000.
"Who wants what?" Melaine asked.
"I’ll take the ten." Sara said.
"The 100 for me." Marsha replied.
"I’ll be the tiny one, the 1000 for me." Pamela said.
"What do the numbers mean?" Colleen asked Melaine.
"Their shrink factors. The number on the bottle, indicates what fraction of their former size the person will shrink to."
Colleen then turned to Sara who was drinking the last of her potion.
"Are you nuts? It must be dangerous to shrink to a tiny size. "
"Not really. The potions increase your durability, heck I don’t need to breath. Besides it’s totally reversible. When were all done, Melaine will give us the antidote and we’ll grow back to our normal sizes."

Colleen watched Sara and friends shrink. She noticed they remained beautiful while they got smaller and smaller. Colleen was a little surprised on fast the process was, Within ten minutes, it was over. Sara was now seven inches tall, Marsha 0.66 inches (2/3 of an inch) and Pamela a very tiny 0.072 inches(little over 1/14 of an inch).

Pamela (With Melaine’s help) then crawled into Marsha’s vagina. Acting liking a living dildo. Marsha then crawled into Sara’s vagina.
"What happening?" Colleen asked.
"Pamela acting like a dildo for Marsha, who is acting like a dildo for Sara. Who going to act like a dildo for you."
"Whoa. This is going too far. No way I’m letting you put people in my vagina. " Colleen tried to leave but Tara grabbed her and forced her on to the floor. Then she forced Colleen’s legs open and placed Sara at the mouth of her pussy lips. Sara was in the middle of organisms, but managed to craw into Colleen’s vagina.

Colleen could feel Sara’s every move inside her. She tried to resist her oncoming organism, but failed. She screamed with pleasure. Part of her mind, liked the fact, that three girls which normally towered over her, were now inside her.
"I think I like this club." She cried.

Time passed quickly, Colleen was almost sorry when it came time to remove Sara and friends from her vagina, and restore them normal.

The end for now

Author note: This story is set during the War between GTS and SW space also known as goddess war.

GTS Hunt (a SW story)

Maria scanned the horizon for pray. She chuckled to herself. She felt she looked impressive in her SW army uniform. And with her tanned skin and jet black hair she was good looking. But at eight inches in height, she didn’t get much respect. Fortunately she had her trusty shrink ray run, which commanded respect from almost everyone.

Rosemary a new recruit to the army, came up behind her.
"Maria, do they really expect us to go after giantess. I mean even ordinary sized women, tower over us."
"Bite your tongue Rosemary. These guns level the odds. Let me demonstrate on that jogger coming toward us."

Kimberley made a beautiful sight, with her long blond hair, blue eyes and shapely six foot frame. She didn’t even notice the two SW in front of her. by the time she noticed them it was too late. Maria fired her shrink gun at her. A red beam engulfed Kimberley.
Kimberley felt a tingling sensation like her whole body had fallen asleep. This was soon replaced by a falling sensation. To Kimberly’s shock, the world around her got bigger and bigger as she got smaller and smaller.

Maria and Rosemary watched Kimberley shrink down to their size.
"Amazing" Rosemary said.
"What gives you SW soldiers the right to shrink me?" Kimberley asked.
"This world is part of SW-space. Besides being a SW is a privilege" Maria replied.
"Privilege? Are you mad?"
Before Maria could respond. A SW army mini helicopter came on the scene.
"We got a group of mini giantess entering the town from the west." A voice from the mini helicopter said.
"Well get right on it." Maria replied.
"What about me? You can’t leave me like this."
"Sorry. We’ll send some one to help you later."
Maria & Rosemary boarded a mini helicopter leaving the tiny, crying Kimberley behind.

There were four mini giantess in the group. Tawney was 70 feet tall, with brown skin and dark hair, Laurie was 65 feet tall with blond hair, blue eyes and very fair skin. Jane was a spunky 60 foot redhead, while Nancy was a 60 foot brunette, who walked behind the others.

Waiting for them in town, was three mini helicopters and two unit of ground troops. The helicopters where the first to fire their shrink guns. Laurie was hit immediately and started to shrink. Enraged Tawney and Jane went after the attackers. Tawney managed to find one of the ground troop units, which then fired on her. At the same time one of the helicopters also fired on Tawney. Caught in the cross fire, she began to shrink at a doubly fast pace. But managed to crush a few solders as she was shrinking. (It takes time to shrink a mini giantess to doll size). While this was going on, Jane was swatting at the helicopters. She managed to hit and destroy one, before she was hit by the red shrink ray. Nancy would didn’t want to be there at all. Panicked when she saw her fellow mini giantess get hit by shrink rays. She turned tail and ran like the wind, straight out of town.
"If I didn’t see it. I would never of believed it. A giantess running away from SW." Rosemary commented
"Unfortunately she got away. And we lost six good soldiers today."
"But got three prisoners, Maria."
"Speaking of which, I need to decide their fate. Such are the duties of an commanding officer."

The three ex-giantess stood in front of Maria and the other SW solders. Laurie and Jane and been shrunk to six inches while poor Tawney due to her double dose of shrink rays was a mere half inch in height. Maria walked up to her and said;
"This is for killing several of my girls. " she then brought her foot down hard on Tawney. She then rubbed her into the ground, making sure she did not survive her punishment.
"Why do you chose to be SW we you can ordinary sized woman or even giantess?" Jane asked.
"You dare to ask us questions. Well we hate giantess and like being small. For your punishment, I sentence you to life as a bug." Maria then fired her shrink gun on Jane. And watched her shrink until she just came up to her toes.
Maria then brought her attention to Laurie. Who she recognized.
"I’m remember you Laurie. I’m remember your pro giantess comments back in high school. How you said as a giantess, men would not be able to push you around. Well I got the prefect punishment for you." Maria then got out her radio and said.
"Send in the men."
Moments later two men came on the scene.
"She’ll all yours boys." Maria said as she pointed to Laurie.
"You can’t do this to me Maria. I rather be dead that pushed around by a man." But Laurie pleas fell on deaf ears. Laurie tried to get away, but the men were too fast for her. She kicked and screamed as the men took her away.

To be continued?

Part 2
Laurie tried her best to get out of her captors grip but it was just too strong. Her captors just laughed at her. She decided to bide her time. And try to figure out, what went wrong with her life. She got so wrapped up in her refection of the past, that she didn’t notice that her captors had arrived at their destination.
"Open up, we got a ex-giantess with us." The man who was holding her barked.
A tall dark man opened the door and said;
"Only one? We need more woman ."
"Sorry Tom. Dolly Hitler’s troops only provided one. Can we come in?"
"Of course."

Laurie captors then entered the building. They took Laurie to a table and dumped her in a cage, which already held several other woman. Laurie’s attention was on the men. There were five of them surrounding the cage. Including the two that brought her to this place. The dark man then began to speak.
"I am Tom, my fellow men are Blair, Arnold, Mike and Raymond. We are your new owners. Your a pretty woman. You’ll fit in just find."
"Do you realize who I am? I am Laurie, a giantess allied with the GTS-Goddess race. Your going to be in big trouble, when they find out."
Tom and the other men expect Raymond laughed.
"We do not fear GTS-Goddess, we have two of their pets with us. They have never come after us."
"I rather die than submit to a man."
"Woman were put on Earth to serve man. The sooner you learn that the better."
"That a lie." Tom then grabbed Laurie and began to squeeze.
"Don’t push me. I know you ex-giantess types, you like to dominate men. Keep them as slaves or pets. Well the tables have turned baby." He put her back in the cage.
"I let you meet you friends, they will tell you the facts of life."
The men then left. Laurie began to cry, the other woman in the cage came to comfort her. There were three of them, a red head, an Chinese woman and a brunette. All three were just a few inches tall.
"It’s OK, we all been there." the red head said.
The brunette then extended out a hand.
"My name is Colleen Stamp What’s yours?"
"Laurie Blank. Wait I minute are you the Colleen Stamp. The 200 foot giantess of Michigan."
"Yes I am."
The red head seeing she was being left out said;
"I am Mary Brown, my Chinese friend is Sue Wo. "
"I take it your all ex-giantess."
All three woman nodded. Colleen then spoke up.
"I know the situation seems bad now. And I must admit Tom and friends can be rough at times. But things could be worst, you could have ended up in a sex club."
"I’ve heard of sex clubs but no one knows what goes on inside of them. As for things being worst, I suppose I could have been killed along with my companions. I’m sure which is the worst fate, being killed by a SW or being the pet of men."

At the end of the day, Maria and the other senior SW army officers decided to visit the local Sex Club. Beverly a prominent SW general could hardly contain her excitement.
"I’ve heard they got a shipment of ex-giantess. I can’t wait to them as sex toys."
"Sex toys?" Maria asked.
"You’ll see. " Beverly replied.
They were greeted at the door, by a beautiful 5’10’’ brunette who introduced herself as the club manger. Maria was a bit worried when she had to sign the oath of security, when she entered the club.
"We want to keep, what we do here private. " the club manager explained.
"What do you have available along the line of ex-giantess sex toys?" Beverly asked the club manager.
"Well, we have about a dozen ex-giantess available at the moment. Want a list of possible activities?"
"I already got something in mind. Would it be possible to be the top part of a stack?"
"Sure, just tell me the details and we’ll arrange it. "
"What a stack?" Maria asked.
"That’s when they put one woman inside the other vagina. I’ve heard it’s quite good." Beverly replied.
"There no way I’m putting a woman inside me. I’m keeping my toys outside of me."
"What do you have in mind?" The club manger asked.
Maria told her. Within minutes Maria, Beverly and the other SW hotshots were in separate rooms getting ready for a night of fun.

Maria looked over the room. The walls were white, in the center of the room was a hot tub. Standing by the hot tub was a ex-giantess only 1/12 Maria’s size. (Making the ex-giantess about 2/3 of an inch tall) She had brown hair and eyes. Maria felt the tiny woman glare at her.
"Don’t look at me that way. I got a job for you to do slave."
"Which is?" then smaller woman asked.
"I get very dirty in combat. I need you to help clean me."
Maria then got undressed and got into the tub.
"What are you waiting for? Get started slave."
"My name is Tanya, not slave."
Maria then garbed Tanya and held her over the water.
"Your name will be drowned, if you don’t do what I asked." Seeing she had no choice, she submitted to Maria will. Tanya after being let go by Maria, picked up a face cloth and soap and began to scrub Maria. It was a big task for Tanya for Maria seemed to be 70 feet tall to her.
"I know how they felt. " Tanya mumbled.
"What are talking about?" Maria asked.
"When I was a 80 foot giantess, I once held a clean the giantess contest. I now know how that guy who cleaned me felt."
Maria began to laugh.
"Man do I pick proper punishments or what."
"You know you SW soldiers act a lot like us giantess."
"Do not."
"If didn’t know better I say you have a secret desire to be a giantess."
Maria was about to protest when she realized Tanya was right. She loved towering over her enemies.
"Mention this to any one else and your dead meat. Do we understand each other?"
"Yes. " Tanya replied in a weak voice.

While Maria was having her fun. Beverly was looking at the two ex-giantess that would form her stack. Most stacks normally involved three or four women, but Beverly wanted to keep her toys visible.
"What are your names?" Beverly asked the ex-giantess.
"Darlene Samson." Replied the blond ex-giantess.
"April Smith. " responded the redhead.
"Well April, your going to act like a dildo for Darlene, whose going to act like a dildo for me."
"Never. " cried the ex-giantess.
"We’ll see about that." Beverly then asked the Sizechanger who had watching in the background, to get the 10 and 100 potions. Darlene and April tried to resist but they were no match for the Sizechanger who forced the shrink potion down their throats.
"We will defeat you in the end. " April defiantly cried as she shrank.

To be continued

Part 3
April tired hard to avoid being shoved into her friend Darlene vagina but it was no use. She was just too small to resist the Sizechanger, who forced April inside her friend. Darlene with great reluctance crawled toward Beverly’s waiting lips. Her every thought centered on revenge. Darlene found crawling into the vagina easier than she thought. She spend a couple of minuets wiggling around Beverly’s vagina. Then Darlene had an idea. She bit hard on the soft tissues surrounding her.
"OWWW." Beverly cried.
Darlene found Beverly tasted terrible, but was pleased to feel her scream with pain. She then felt a hand pull her out.
"Your going to pay for that. " Beverly vowed. She placed Darlene on the floor, then put her foot on her. Gradually increasing the pressure.
Darlene could feel her bones begin to creak on the strain. April was trying to escape from her body, but the pressure from Beverly foot made escape impossible. Darlene bones began to brake. Then her body along with Aprils became a gory mess.
"Killed two ex-giantess with one foot. " Beverly cried with glee. "Maybe I should crush ex-giantess more often.

The end For now

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