Red Venom

To sum it up: The Red Scare.


Eddie Brock was once a reporter for the Daily Globe. Eddie wrote a series of major articles about the "Sin-Eater Murders." Unfortunately, the person who had confidentially confessed to those murders was lying. Soon, the authorities made Eddie reveal the identity of the alleged murder, which he did in an exclusive story. However, Peter Parker found out who the real murderer was; it was detective Stan Lane. Eddie was humiliated, and in order for the paper to maintain some modicum of credibilty, Eddie was fired. Needless to say, Eddie was extremely mad at Peter. Well, as fate would have it, Eddie was praying for forgiveness, due to thoughts of suicide, at Our Lady of Saints Church. Spiderman happened to be there, trying to shed the symbiote costume he had been using since the Secret Wars. Spiderman had figured the sound of the large church bell would force the symbiote to release itself from him. Well, for Peter the plan worked; the symbiote was detached from him, although Peter was the first one to give out. The symbiote found Eddie praying and soon attached itself to him, and thus began Eddie's career as Venom. For quite some time, Venom used his powers for evil, to fight Spiderman and exact his revenge. Later on, Eddie went on to help Spiderman fight Carnage. Eddie or Venom is currently an anti-hero, like Deadpool. He now dwells in San Francisco and serves as a protector of the innocent.




  1. Symbiate Dive, S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Fierce, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)
  2. J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse, S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Fierce, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Roundhouse)
  3. J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse, S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Fierce, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Symbiate Dive)
  4. In Corner:J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse, S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Fierce, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce), C.Short(OTG), C.Strong, C.Fierce, Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)
  5. In Corner:J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse, S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Fierce, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce), C.Short(OTG), C.Strong, S.Roundhouse, Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)
  6. In Corner: Venom Web, C.Short(OTG), C.Strong, C.Fierce, Jump(Jab, Short, strong, Forward, Fierce)
  7. In Corner: Venom Web, C.Short(OTG), C.Strong, S.Roundhouse, Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)
  8. S.Short, S.Forward, C.Roundhouse, S.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse, Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)
  9. S.Short, S.Forward, C.Roundhouse, S.Short(OTG), S.Fierce, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)
  10. Near Corner: C.Short, C.Strong, C.Fierce, Death Bite
  11. S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, Death Bite
  12. S.Jab, S.Roundhouse, Death Bite
  13. S.Jab, S.Short, C.Strong, C.Fierce, Venom Lunge
  14. S.Jab, S.Roundhouse, Venom Rush
