
To sum it up: Just your cheapo-friendly neighborhood Spiderman.


Peter Parker was at an atomic energy demonstration, where a tiny spider absorbed a considerable amount of radiation. As you may know, the spider bit him and the bite caused his whole body to change, leading him to develop the personae of Spiderman. He developed Spider-powers; strength, wall-crawling agility, and the ability to sense danger. He is haunted by the death of his uncle Ben. Spiderman saw a man commit a crime, but did nothing to stop him. Later, the man killed Uncle Ben. From this, Spiderman learned the meaning of the mantra "with great power comes great responsibilty," which was told to him by his Uncle Ben. Peter is currently married to Mary Jane and works for the Daily Globe. He has many arch enemies, such as Doctor Octopus, Carnage, Venom, and the Hoboblin. He has been involved in an incredible amount of battles and many different storylines. Recently, the diabolical Norman Osborn has been the chief source of Spiderman's woes, for he knows his secret identity and owns the newspaper where Peter works. In this game, he is here to defeat Onslaught.




  1. Fierce Web Ball, Jab Web Throw
  2. Fierce Web Ball, Crawler Assault
  3. Fierce Web Ball, Maximum Spider
  4. Fierce Web Ball, C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)
  5. C.Short, C.Forward, Strong Spider Sting
  6. J.Roundhouse, S.Jab, S.Forward, C.Fierce, Crawler Assault
  7. J.Fierce, S.Jab, C.Strong, C.Fierce, Jab Web Ball, Jab Web Swing
  8. J.Jab, J.Strong, J.Fierce, C.Short, C.Forward, S. Roundhouse, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)
  9. J.Jab, J.Forward, J.Roundhouse, C.Short, C.Forward, S. Roundhouse, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Jab Web Swing)
  10. J.Short, J.Forward, J.Roundhouse, C.Short, C.Forward, S. Roundhouse, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Roundhouse)
  11. J.Jab, J.Short, C.Short, S.Strong, Super Jump (Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)
  12. J.Jab, J.Short, C.Short, S.Strong, Super Jump (Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Jab Web Ball)

    OTG Combos

  13. J.Roundhouse, S.Jab, C.Strong, C.Roundhouse, Crawler Assault (OTG)
  14. C.Short, C.Forward, Web Swing, C.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Roundhouse)
  15. C.Short, C.Forward, Web Swing, C.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse, Spider Sting
  16. C.Short, C.Forward, Web Swing, C.Short(OTG), C.Forward, Web Swing
  17. In Corner Only: Fierce Web Ball, Maximum Spider, C.Short(OTG), C.Forward, S.Fierce
  18. In Corner: Fierce Web Ball, Maximum Spider, Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce), C.Short(OTG), S.Forward, S.Fierce
  19. Both in Corner opponent: Ultimate Web Throw, C.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)
  20. Both in Corner opponent: Ultimate Web Throw, Team Super(OTG)
  21. Both in Corner opponent: Ultimate Web Throw, Crawler Assault(OTG), C.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)
  22. In Corner: J.Fierce, C.Short, C.Strong, C.Fierce, Crawler Assault, C.Short, S. Roundhouse, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)
  23. J.Jab, J.strong, J.Fierce, C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse, Fierce Spider Sting(1 hit), C.Short(OTG), S.Strong, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)
  24. J.Jab, J.strong, J.Fierce, C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse, Fierce Spider Sting(1 hit), C.Short(OTG), S.Strong, Fierce Spider Sting
  25. J.Jab, J.strong, J.Fierce, C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse, Fierce Spider Sting(1 hit), C.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse, Super Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)
  26. In Corner: J.Jab, J.Strong, J.Fierce, C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse, Super Jump(Slow Dial:Jab, Short, Strong, Forward,Roundhouse), C.Short (OTG), S.Forward, C.Fierce
  27. In Corner: J.Jab, J.Strong, J.Fierce, C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse, Super Jump(Slow Dial:Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce), C.Short (OTG), S.Forward, S.Roundhouse
  28. In Corner: J.Jab, J.Strong, J.Fierce, C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse, Super Jump(Slow Dial:Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Web Swing), C.Short (OTG), S.Forward, S.Roundhouse
  29. In Corner: J.Jab, J.Strong, J.Fierce, C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse, Super Jump(Slow Dial:Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Roundhouse, Jab(OTG)), Jump(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)
  30. In Corner: J.Jab, J.Strong, J.Fierce, C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse, Super Jump(Slow Dial:Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Roundhouse, Short(OTG)), Jump(Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce)

