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QSAC NCS Race #2


SCHEDULE: Thursday May 13- uncontrolled practice till 9:00 PM

                      Friday May 14- Controlled practice 12:00 till 9:00 PM

                                               Pre-Tech 4:00 till 6:00 PM

                                               Drivers meeting 6:00 PM

                                               Pill draw 6:00 PM

                                               Concourse 6:00 PM

                      Saturday May 15 Racing begins at 8:00 AM SHARP!!!

                                                Heat races: ALL classes 50 Laps

                                                "A" Mains : Grand National 300 laps

                                                                    Sportsman 200 laps

                                                                    Super Trucks 200 laps with 10 minute break

                                                                    Modifieds 75 laps

                                                "B" Mains and lower 50 laps