
Before buying the equiptment you may feel you need, their are a few questions you have to ask yourself.
1. How serious are you?
2. What can I afford?
How serious are you?
If you think you might enjoy this, see if you have a friend that has an extra rig that you can use and some patience to get you started.
After a few outings and don't limit yourself to just one body of water, try a few different places. Ask yourself again.
How serious am I. IF HOOKED answer question 2.
2. What can I afford?
The right equiptment can make a world of difference. Get a few Flyfishing catalogs, Cabellas, Kaufman Streamborn, Hook and Hackle etc. and start thumbing through these. Don't be scared off by the price of this equiptment. Spending a few extra bucks and getting quality stuff can be a lifetime investment. There are some manufactures that have an unconditional guarantee on there products for life. I would suggest one of these. I personally fish with a SAGE 5 weight becuse I know that I will never have to buy another outfit again and the performance is outstanding.
That is only the tip of the iceberg.
Once you have decided on a rod and reel you need to decide what kind of fishing and where you'll be fishing. I have a Sage reel with three different spools. One that holds floating line, one for a fast sink line and one for a sinking tip line all in a weight forward taper. I like the weight forward as it allows me to cast long distances like a shooting taper.You may want to look at a double taper direct taper etc. Talk to someone at a flyshop if your not sure what application to purchase. They can usually get you setup with everything you need line, leader, flies etc.
Waders are something that I learned a hard lesson with. I purchased a medium size Hodgman neopreme wader and it seemed to be a bit big for me. They lasted a couple of years with only a few repairable leaks in the crotch which can be very imbarrising. I then went with a stylish blue small tight fit wader in the same brand and had even more problems.
I mainly float tube lakes so there is a lot of pressure in the crotch area while in a tube compaired to a pontoon that I mostly use now. So it's now time to explore other options.This is something to keep in mind.
Booties or boots and fins depending on where you'll fish are a must.
Float tube
There are many tubes on the market these days. I started out with a basic highback caddis tube that I fished out of for years. I then went to a caddis PT boat. Then to a Power Tube (motorized)you can see these at www.powertube.com
to a bucks bag alpine which is motorized now. Tubes or pontoons range in verious sizes and prices so the choice is yours. Look at where you plan to fish and decide from there.
A fly vest is an important piece of apparel to have. Mine looks like an overweight x-mas tree as I have everything you could possably imagine on it. Hemastats,sizzors, dryfly dressing, flies and many other things useful while on the water.
Fly boxes and flies
I personally have about 10 different fly boxes full of flies but you don't need this many. I tie my own flies and do alot of experimenting with different patterns and I won't get caught with out something that may work. If your not sure what to get for around here let me know and I can get you set up.
A net is a must and there are alot of models to choose from.
I custom build three different sizes and all three can be used in a different application.
The hard Nylon nets are very hard on fish that will be released as they tend to scrape the scales and the protective layer off of the fish. I recomend a soft material net, and the style is up to you.
A LIFE VEST is the most important and should have been at the top of the list. On flat water or river one of these can save your life. Don't forget to have one of these when you venture out.
Let's make a list of the items I have covered.
Life vest, Rod&reel with spare spools for different applications.
leader material, fishing vest,waders, boots or booties, tube or pontoon, net, bug spray and sunscreen, hat and flies and friends. Lot's of friends.

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