I'm slowly instituting my own game ratings system here...What the icons
a real fave game (duh)...
Violence: nuff said..most games are violent but when you
see the cute l'il skull you'll know it is fer sure...
Shooting: emphasis on aiming and firing a projectile or beam
to destroy something...includes Puzzle but not Bubble Bobble...
GFX: has pretty, striking
or original graphics...
Sound FX: noises that stand out...
Muzik: particularly good or fun soundtrax...
Cute Game: it'll be obvious...
Cute Girl: any game where you kin play as a cute female
of any species (Amy from Sonic counts, as do any cute girl robots) ...Games that include non-playable
but standout female characters may be included...
Old-skool: Games from the classic days of video games...Late
70's, 80's thru early 90's...or games simply reminiscent of these more innocent
times. 2-d gfx, old-fashioned play mechanics, etc...
:Japan: especial Japanese flava...many games come from Japan,
but not all have the flava. Virtua Fighter 2 may not have it but Fighting
Vipers and Street Fighter do. It's subjective...I know it when I see it..
If there is anything you disagree with in these reviews, let me know (I
may not agree or even care but I'd still like ta hear!)