The Skinny
Is it wrong that two women love each other...?
It is the homophobia, uniformity and the discouragement of diversity that have lead to a fear of change... as you can see, North American episodes of the S series have been released. We knew what was coming, and it happened: Michiru and Haruka's relationship was butchered. That's right, it was. In the NA series, they are portrayed as cousins, even if one might imagine that in some scenes the NA dubbed series include, one might suggest that Haruka and Michiru are incest.
Homosexuality is a reality today. We live in an era where things change rapidly. Homosexuality as a majority, is more widely accepted than let's say... thirty years ago. By hiding the truth from the Northern American young audience, are the people who dubbed these episodes suggesting that homosexuality is wrong? That is the message that comes out to me when I see the episodes on air. If they are not trying to encourage hate amongst those who are different, then why don't they view it from their perspective? Are these persons being hypocrites?
Not only is this hypocritical on behalf of the network, but it's also scary, in the sense that they seem to be prejudice to the idea of homosexuality. Why not show the children... the truth? Do these people want for the children to grow to hate homosexuals and see them as outcasts or unnatural factions of society? It seems like so. By erasing Haruka and Michiru's relationship, one that is not even remotely vulgar, these people are feeding the roots of evil, because they encourage hatred. I mean why fight for peace when you are creating the total opposite: hatred...?
Bottom line: why see a torn relationship and such hypocrisy that encompasses Michiru and Haruka's characters in the Northern American episodes, when all this promotes is hatred, discrimination, and a continued "evil" for years to come?
If you have any thoughts regarding Michiru and Haruka's relationship, and the Northern American dubs, please e-mail me your thoughts, and I'll post your thoughts on this website. I'm eager to hear what you think and your ideas...
If you would also like to participate in the poll, entitled: "Is Michiru and Haruka's relationship worth fighting for?", then vote below...
Your Comments
-"I use to feel odd about seeing Haruka and Michiru being gay and all but I've gotten used to it. I think it's really ok as long as we get to see the cartoons right here!"
-Sara (
-"It's for speaking your mind about the relationship between Uranus and Neptune. It's definitely a topic that needs to be addressed and I'm glad you did. ^_^"
-Tsukino Tenshi
-"Yes, Their relationship is worth fighting for. America is way overprotective, someday those kids are going to be exposed to the whole sexuality deal so, why should it matter so much??? Besides they never kiss they only talk in the anime. And the Sailor Moon viewing public are majorally people from the age of 10-40 something (I don't know I read it somewhere). And I am already mad with dic for mutalating enough anime so if they do dub SMS and make Michi-chan and Haruka sisters or something, thats the last straw!!!!! I really wish VIZ would dub SMS they've done an exelent job with Ranma 1/2, Oh My Goddess, and other suff!!!!!!!!! OK, thanks for hearing me out." -Love Forever, Aqua_Goddess ^_~ (
-"I definetly think that their relationship is worth fighting for. Futhermore, i've been watching the Japanese version of Sailor Moon on the internet and i think it's much better than the dubbed version. I'm amazed that in Japan they have a CARTOON filled with openly gay characters. Why is America so backwards? Here i was thinking that Japan was more homophobic and then I realize that i was wrong. Japan has had a huge history of Gender Switching and the like. Furthermore, I don't think that Sailor Moon needs to be revised. There's nothing immoral about being gay anyway. And no, watching a show with gay characters does not make one gay. Anime, it's not pure kid's stuff." -Lynn Gibson (
-"Yes, it is okay to expose children to gay relationships. It wouldn't influence them any worse that Usagi and Mamoru's relationship would."
-"The thought of not saving Haruka and Michiru's relationship makes me ill to my stomach. I am a member of ISHAM and OSCE and several other clubs. Not saving Haruka and Michiru is like... not saving Romeo and Juliet. They are a forbidden love expressed wonderfully and tastefully...breaking the barriers of prejudice and ignorance. I myself am bisexual and I was afraid to admit it and be happy until I discovered Sailor Moon and it's openess and understanding on the issue that people are different and it's okay. I am very in love with my same sex partner and can only wish the same for all people out there, heterosexual or homosexual. Haruka and Michiru are wonderfully romantic and brilliant. Not to mention editing the sexual and romantic tension from Sailormoon S and SailorStars would be nearly impossible...I own many episodes and some of them are simply about Haruka and Michiru's amazing and beautiful love. DOWN with DiC and up with human understanding and care! Thank you for letting me speak, Happy Holidays and Ja!" -Saruka (
-"This is a subject matter that is well dicussed by you, Charles. You seem to care a lot for a great passion, and I agree that Haruka and Michiru are the BEST!"
-Janelle (Address withheld)