
  Nick-I don't have many friends. I just have these guys. 

  Nick-Howie snores sometimes. It's because he sleeps with
his mouth open. I stuck a bit of Kit Kat in his mouth once,
and he tried to take a bite out of it - in his sleep. 

  Nick-We always play Mario Kart or Tennis. Brian always
beats me at Tennis but I hold the title in Mario Kart.
Yessss!!! Brian's a bad loser. He holds a grudge when I dig
it in. 

  Nick-I'm not quite as grown up as I could be. Whenever I
get a chance to hang out with my family, I head straight for
my little brother Aaron's room to play with his toys. 

  Nick-Faithfullness is important to me...I would be
incapable of cheating on my girlfriend. I couldn't look her
straight in the eye. If I had a girlfriend I would never even
look at another girl. 

  Nick-I'd love to take a girl for a barefoot walk on the beach. 

  Nick-My family comes first before anything. They are
everything to me. 

  Nick-People think that I'm perfect...I'm a normal human
being, and so are the other guys, and I make mistakes and
they make mistakes and I just try to live my life to the
fullest. I try to have fun, and that is all I'm doing right now.

  Nick-I kinda did my hair more sophisticated. I'm kind of
sick of that old parted in the middle kinda rubbish. 

  Nick-No matter what happens, if any of us go off, we're
always going to come back together. The Backstreet Boys'
name will always be there, no matter what. 

  Nick-When I go home, I still do chores. If I gotta take out
the garbage, I gotta take it out! 

  Nick-This is our dream. We wanted to make it happen and
that's what we did. And we are enjoying every moment of

  Nick-I want to be crazy forever even when I'm eighty 

  Nick-I am still very young and I have lots of time for love. 
The day I find the girl of my dreams I would spoil her rotten. 
  Nick-Rainy days and cloudy days made me sad, but you make me happy... 
  ...sometimes if i don't think about the room being dark, 
and martians in the closet, I can go to sleep real easy. 
But I'll never hang my feet off the bed-I'm afriad little 
green men will bite my toes- really! 

  Nick - I'd just like to say that I am not leaving the group, I
have no intentions of leaving the group