DeForest Kelley Memorial Update

DeForest Kelley Memorial Update

Mr Kelley was cremated on Sunday, June 13th. His ashes will be scattered across the sea as per his wishes.

Paramount is planning a Memorial to be held on Tuesday June 22nd at the Paramount Studio in Hollywood. It is by invitation only. Entertainment Tonight will have exclusive coverage. Call or e-mail Entertainment Tonight to make sure they cover it for all of us DeForest Kelley fans.

The new June 28th issue of People's Magazine has a nice tribute article to DeForest Kelley titled "Doctor to the Stars." Nice pictures of De and Caroline Kelley.

The William Shatner Connection has created a special email address for those of you who wish to send Mrs. Kelley a message. The email address is They will print out your letters and will see to it that she receives them.

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This page was last updated June 20, 1999