Ninevan's Lair     

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Vendetta is a very special character to me; possibly because she is the one closest to my heart.  This page is dedicated to her, news of her, and of her Pack, the Veshekhara.

First, we will have her description, and hopefully soon a pic, showing both her human and true reptilian form.  Next, we will have a short summary of her life. Ah, on to the descrip!

Her Description:

Vendetta, the human, is six feet tall, slender yet well muscled.  She wears, at this particular moment, her uniform as a Servitor of Darkness:  black breeches, boots and military style tunic with a high collar, on which is emblazoned the device of her Master, Darklord, a red raven on a sable background..  Her thigh-length brunette hair is bound into a single plait, which swings lightly to and fro as she walks; or strides rather, for that is more in her manner.   Her clear hazel eyes watch with avid, avian intensity and her mouth is set into an aggressive, yet calm expression.  At her left hip is strapped a dagger.  This dagger is special to her, as a gift from her Hunting brother Calim Celebdae.  It is a black blade, with a red grip and embers-and-Void pommelstone.  In her left hand, her 'smart' hand, is an honor-lance as tall as she is, the head of the lance bedecked with black and red honor-ribbons, indicative of her Rank in the Service, and of her honors she has garnered while serving under those colors.  Mixed in with these dark-bright colors, prominent among them, is a single brilliant jewel-green ribbon: a love-ribbon.   On the ring finger of her left hand is a black obsidian arrowhead-ring, her wedding ring.

Vendetta, the Huntress, Vendetta the lizard, is on the other hand, a completely different specimen..  Her species is a reptilian one, resembling a utahraptor that has evolved  into a more humanoid race, though still retaining most of the familiar saurian features.  She is nearly seven feet tall in this, her true bipedal form.  Her long forearms, spectacularly equipped for death-dealing with eight sharply curved claws, end in limber, slender hand-paws that have three fingers and a prehensile thumb, which enables her to hold her spear.  Her strong, muscled legs are digitigrade, meaning she walks upon her three toes, and not the whole foot.  Her tail is lengthy, to balance her for jumps and mid-air acrobatics.  Her neck is serpentine, though not overly long, usually held in an s-curve to give equilibrium to her wedge-shaped head with its crushing jaws and feline ears, which show many of her emotions.  Her eyes are bright red, with slit pupils, and carry a feral intelligence, even in this form..   Though scale coloring varies among individuals of her race, Vendetta's hide is rather unique.  She is completely black, from muzzle to tail-tip, but for a single rose-madder blaze in the center of her forehead.  Such is the Huntress named Vendetta of the Gods.

Her Story coming soon.  Sorry for the inconvenience.



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