October 22, 1996, was the 1st National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation. In cities all across the country people of different nationalities marched, rallied, held poetry readings and other cultural events and many, many people wore wear black in solidarity with the protests and in memory of the victims of the police -- including turning their websites black.
For four years this yearly day of protest has grown. Public awareness of police brutalities and abuses grows, and action has begun on many levels to put an end to this institutionalized violence.
Please continue to support this growing movement, and work toward next October 22nd.
One of the cultural events in Seattle in 1997 was a poetry reading and art show at the Speakeasy cybercafe October 13, MC'd by the local homeless writers group, StreetWrites, art provided by Seattle's "home of homeless art", StreetLife Gallery.Some pictures of October 22nd 1997 from across the U.S.
Soon to come: More pictures of October 22nd; stories of local people whose lives have been affected by police brutality, and of people who have successfully resisted; ongoing Seattle events in the Coalition to Stop Police Brutality; the StreetWrites October 22nd reading; links to other activist websites and art activist websites in the Coalition.
Some things you can do to help:
- Add a link to http://www.unstoppable.com/22 for information about October 22 events around the country.
- Add a link to http://www.calyx.com/~refuse/ndp/ for information about police brutality from Refuse & Resist!
- Copy a banner from http://www.calyx.net/~refuse/ndp/101097black.html
- If you maintain a web server or have a web page, 'wear black' on October 22! Turn your index page black [BODY BGCOLOR=#000000] and add a notice that your site supports the National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation! And let the October 22 Coalition know that you're wearing black on your web site October 22!
Oct. 22nd Coalition, Refuse & Resist! Phone: 212-713-5657, email: refuse@calyx.com or resist@walrus.com
Local Seattle number (206) 233-7940
Link to
Coalition to Stop Police Brutality
- Refuse and Resist!
- Get your Banner here.
Revolution Books
Center for all your October 22nd needs.
1833 Nagle Place Seattle 98122
(206) 325-7415
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Or sign our Tripod guestbook. Our email is anitra@spamcop.net?subject=October22.
Hosting These Pages:
- Homeless Memorials Making the invisible dead visible.
- Miguel Pena: while America protest human rights abuses in other countries, it abuses refugees who have come here for protection.
- Seattle Events Relating to Serbia / Kosova / NATO
- Other activist links
- Other activist art links