My Dear Friend:------
After the most painstaking effort, and at considerable expense to Mr. C. E. Pearsall of Eureka, California, all the obtainable information is being gathered concerning the Pearsall family in America from the earliest emigrant in 1638 down to about 1835. From this date, and in many cases as far back as 1800, down to the present time, we must ask the co-operation of the present living members of the family. On this sheet we have outlined the information which we would like to have concerning your immediate family. Kindly accept our thanks for your assistance and we also ask you to please notice that while the gathering of the following information has no doubt caused you trouble and effort, you can thereby form some measure of the labor involved, not only in collecting the earlier information but in editing and placing in its proper place in the Chart of the American Pearsalls, the data you have so kindly, furnished. All this has been a labor of love and the bills have been paid most willingly. All we ask is the help and co-operation of the living in the compliation of their immediate genealogical history. It is going to make a wonderful book when all this information is printed. The Pearsall's history is one to be proud of in every way--not only in America, but in England as well.
Again thanking you, I am, Yours truly, HARRY L. NEALL, 928 Fifth Street, Eureka, California
Note:--The fact that you may not be able to answer all the question on this sheet need not disturb your mind, someone else will have the missing links and we will supplement your data from what they send us. But we must have your information to make their available.
Information furnished by………………………………………….
Postoffice address…………………………………………………
My Great Grandfather was……………………………………………Pearsall, who resided at
………………………………………….. He was born………………………………………….
He married……………………………….She was born……………………………………….
Died……………………………………… Among their children was:--My Grandfather, named
…………………………………………………Pearsall, who resided at……………………………..
He was born………………………………… Died…………………He married…………………….
She was born…………………………………Died…………………..They were married……………
Their children were…………………………..Born ……………………..Died…………………………
My father's name was………………………………Pearsall, who resided at………………………..
…………………………..He was born……………………….He died…………………………………..
He married………………………………….She was born……………………….Died………………….
They were married………………………………Their children were……………………………………
If living, resides at……………………………
If living, resides at……………………………
If living, resides at……………………………….
I married………………………………………….She was born…………………………………
We were married………………………………………….. Our children are as follows……………..
If living resideds at……………………………………………………………………………………….
If living resides at…………………………………………………………………………………………
If living resides at………………………………………………………………………………………..
If any of your children are married, please give on a separate sheet their history
the same as outlined for the other generations.
Kindly give also the names and postoffice addresses of any others whom you think may be able to furnish
information concerning the Pearsall family in America.
This is a copy of the original which was furnished by James
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