A Letter from the Editor

PDLJMPR Web Magazine, July 01, 1996

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I pretty much said all I had to say in the Fast Times with Fast Sprites section. I did however, receive an excellent submission from Frank Clarici that body slams the excuses we make for not driving our Sprites - so let's get out there and drive them! - ed. - enjoy!


I am always amazed at all the excuses out there for not driving the old Austin Healey Sprite. People often ask me if I trailered my Sprite to an event or are overwhelmed that I drove that far for an event. Should I drive my pick-up truck to a British car meet? Maybe I should take the family van to the autocross track? WHY? The Sprite runs well, I can fix it if it breaks down, and if I can't, there is always AAA. Besides it is much more fun to drive. Here are the top 10 excuses I've heard so far during my Sprite driving career:

  1. The car is old and unreliable.
    Update it, make it reliable, the parts are readily available.
  2. I can't take it to the car club meeting, it's dark when I leave.
    Turn on the headlights dummy.
  3. It looks like rain.
    Turn on the wipers, the car won't melt.
  4. Its too far to go in a Sprite, I'll trailer it.
    Driving a Sprite is much more fun then driving something big enough to pull a trailer.
  5. What if it breaks down?
    Fix it. You can repair the ignition and fuel system with a common screwdriver, try that on your jap jellybean, econobox, or sport ute.
  6. I have too much money invested in this car.
    A jap jellybean is worth twice as much as the most perfect concourse Sprite. Your minivan sticker price would have bought at least 4 excellent Sprites and you use that, don't you?
  7. What if I get into a wreck? I could get killed.
    You could die in any automotive wreck, drive carefully. The Sprite will out-maneuver many dangerous situations. While stopped, I was rear-ended by a Toyota at 35mph. Guess which car drove away - the Sprite! The Toyota was totaled and flatbeded away. I have seen someone one roll over several times in a Sprite and watched him walk away with only a skinned arm. The Sprite was righted and it too drove away, but with some problems.
  8. My wife doesn't like the Sprite.
    Divorce her.
  9. I don't trust my wife with this little car.
    But you trust her in the shopping malls with your $30,000.00 sport-utility vehicle?
  10. Everybody stares at me when I drive the Sprite.
    They are envious! I would worry if they stared at you while driving a silver Honda.

If you have fun while driving your Sprite, why not drive it all the time? Its just a car, but a fun car if there ever was one. If it breaks down you can fix it. If you have any questions or problems, you can get the answers right here at PDLJMPR.

Frank Clarici