Poetry Page II

The Night before Finals
A Friend
Cowboy Needs
Rodeo Prayer

"The Night Before Finals"
Twas the night before finals,
And all through the college,
The students were praying
For last minute knowledge.

Most were quite sleepy,
But none touched their beds,
While visions of essays
danced in their heads.

Out in the taverns,
A few were still drinking,
And hoping that liquor
would loosen up their thinking.

In my own apartment,
I had been pacing,
And dreading exams
I soon would be facing.

My roommate was speechless,
His nose in his books,
And my comments to him
Drew unfriendly looks.

I drained all the coffee,
And brewed a new pot,
No longer caring
That my nerves were shot.

I stared at my notes,
But my thoughts were muddy,
My eyes went ablur,
I just couldn't study.

"Some pizza might help,"
I said with a shiver,
But each place I called
Refused to deliver.

I'd nearly concluded
That life was too cruel,
With futures depending
On grades had in school.

When all of a sudden,
Our door opened wide,
And Patron Saint Put It Off
Ambled inside.

His spirit was careless,
His manner was mellow,
He started to bellow:

"What kind of student
Would make such a fuss,
To toss back at teachers
What they tossed at us?"

"On Cliff Notes! On Crib Notes!
On Last Year's Exams!
On Wingit and Slingit,
And Last Minute Crams!"

His message delivered,
He vanished from sight,
But we heard him laughing
Outside in the night.

"Your teachers have pegged you,
So just do your best.
Happy Finals to All,
And to All, a good test."

A Friend

When your life is full of pain
And your friends have shown no mercy;
When you think you've failed again,
And your heart feels dark and dirty;
Remember Jesus shed His blood for us,
A sacrifice so dear,
That He would be the friend you trust,
To dry your every tear.
So cheer up my family in Christ !
Don't forget our Saviour is willing.
Keep Jesus supreme in your life.
Then your life will be made worth living


From workin' lots with horses,
I've discovered it's a fact,
that somethin' called "heredity"
determines how they act.

To train a horse to ride or drive
could be a hopeless quest,
if we weren't just invitin' him
to do what he does best.

It's just a simple principle:
A cow can't lay an egg;
And, though, for dogs, it's easy,
you can't teach a horse to beg.

So, since I wished to be the best
horse trainer I could be,
I finally got my Ph.D.
in "Horse Psychology!"

Well, as a horse psychologist,
I've heard some tales of woe,
but there's no story sadder that
quarter horse named Moe.

Moe's mental health was damaged
'cause his mother wouldn't heed
somethin' he was born with---
an instinctive, driving need.

For Moe was simply bred to run,
to have a flyin' mane,
but his protective mother wouldn't
give him any rein.

He told her he was two years old
and not some little colt---
that, if she wouldn't let him run,
he'd simply have to bolt.

But, though he tried to reason with her
every single day,
he finally upped and left her, cause
she always answered, "Nay!"

Rodeo Prayer
well here it goes. My horse is loaded With my riggin on tight. A quick prayer I say . Let me Oh Lord make a ride tonight . But if'n I should Slip off this old poney's hide. Let me land on my feet And not my back side

Cowboy Needs
A cowboy needs a wide-brimmed hat cause a face in the shade is cool like that. A cowboy needs a wild rag to shield his face on dusty drag. A cowboy needs a pair of chaps Leg-protecting leather wraps. A cowboy needs to wear tall boots for working close to rough stock brutes. A cowboy needs jingly spurs the metal musiche prefers. A cowboy needs a heavy saddle. to sit a horse and see the cattle A cowboy needs a dream or two while sleeping the short night through. A cowboy needs an early start cause being cowboy is from the heart.
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