I have always be fascinated with the planets and stars.
One of my Net Sisters has started a chart for me. So far, I have my Sun Sign and Venus. I will add the others .. as I get them.
My birthday is November 7th .. Scorpio!

Thank you WebDancer for the following information.

The sun is the center of our solar system. In astrology, the Sun also plays a vital role. It is the "center" of the birthchart. It's influence is felt and demonstrated in nearly every area of your life. Your Sun describes you as an individual entity, pure, distinct and unaffected by others or your environment. You could think of it as the indicator of your "true colors", your essential self, the "you" you are striving to be in this lifetime.

The Sun represents your yang side, that part of you which is outer-directed, conscious, active, energized. The sign in which your Sun is placed colors and shapes the way you live your life. The placements of your other planets are also affected by the Sun. Your Sun sign will mute or enhance the signs your other planets fall under.

Your life is probably never static. You usually experience life filled with dramatic, even traumatic changes and encounter situations which transform you in some way. You have the ability to strongly affect others, even to change their lives. You have a powerful, almost magnetic persona, and though you may not say much it's impossible not to be aware of your presence. You probably withdrew into yourself at a rather early stage of life, becoming skeptical and self-reliant.

Although you reveal little about yourself, you want to know everything about those who interest you. You are self-protective and suspicious of most others, hiding your thoughts and feelings. Very few people earn your trust, fewer still gain access into your private world and no one will ever know you completely. You approach everything with intensity and passion. Power and control issues are likely to arise frequently in your life.

Your greatest gift is your power to destroy old, worn-out structures and give birth to new ones. Your greatest failings usually result from your extremism and your intense desire for power and domination.

The energy of Venus moves us to enjoy pleasure of all kinds, but especially emotional and physical pleasure. To understand Venus properly, you need to realize that such pleasure is essential to life. If we get no "Venus" pleasure, we become ineffective. The true Venus pleasure is a deep sense of physical, emotional and mental well-being. Many people experience this type of well-being after making love, which is why Venus is the love goddess. When we are in the Venus mode, we feel sociable, sexy, and inclined to amusement and entertainment.

Venus's position in a birth chart reveals your attitudes towards relationships, what you are seeking in a relationship, what you expect from a partner and what you are willing to give, how you go about attracting a partner, and to some extent how you will behave within the context of a love relationship.

In relationships, you are expansive, curious, friendly and outgoing. You tend to see no reason to limit yourself to only one partner and miss out on all the other opportunities. You can be terribly fickle, flirtatious, superficial and self-indulgent in matters of love.

If your sun is in Capricorn or Scorpio, (mine in Scorpio!) you'll tend to be more serious and willing to make commitments. You tend to idealize the concept of love, so much so that it is impossible for you to find a flesh and blood mate to fulfill your romantic fantasies. You may prefer chasing your dream than settling down in a day to day partnership. You want your partners to expose you to new ideas and experiences. For you, relationships are growth-producing opportunities. Part of being feminine to you is expressing your sexuality.