This is Dave...a total sweetheart...charmer from up above...hopeless romantic...mmmm, and I've heard some of his romancing and oh they can sweep ya away if you get caught up in it.....LOL So watch out females...mwah. He is such a good friend to me and can be to anyone who wants a true friend. Loyal, LOYAL and oh did I say loyal yet? He is funny as hell to. You've been so good to me. *huggles babes* **Awwww, look at this pic isn't he a cutie. MWAHHHH!!!!** All of our deep chats in ICQ and just laffin' at a whiner...LMAO I won't say names. lalalalala did I just give it away? LOL who do we all know that whines? Ummmm, ok Ann behave. hehe Damn we have had some good times D, haven't we and even a few bad when we were both just pissy as hell. Man what a bad combo we are when we are both just down right not in the mood. Can snap each others head off in 0.1seconds huh? Good thing we both know what we mean to each other or else one of us woulda hit the road long ago. LOL **hmmm, nothin' like a man in a uniform..lol** Ummm, and he has his head on his shoulders. Man he's been through some shit but comes out stronger every time. That takes one hellva person to keep goin' like he has. Hell if I were him at times I mighta said "fuck it" but no not you D...you keep on going. Keep that up D cuz that is one of your best qualities me thinks. :) Thank you soooo much D for being there for me all those times I needed to just bitch and moan about life sucking. You'd set there and listen and give some great advice that I take to heart sweetie. Thank you SOOOOO much it all means so much to me. Huggles and Kisses babes **D and lil bro...ummm, he isn't lookin' so lil to me D..hehe** Opps me almost forgot...lol he's probably gonna kill me for this but oh friggin' well...he writes to and he shared it wiff me. Not many peoples have got to see this part of him but I guess I was special enuff for it...lmao Anyways..I'm addin' a link to view it. I liked it alota lot..... :) Sorry D but I had to!!! HUGGLES Click on the fireworks to read Mid Summer Night Dream |