From Shananigan's Clown World
      Props: Characters: Enter two clowns, both wearing hats. As the clowns stop in front of the audience, the Clown B bumps into Clown A, who drops his cane.

      Clown A: "Clumsy! Can't you watch where you are going?" (He points to the cane.)"Now pick it up!"

      Clown B: Apologizes. He stoops to pick up the cane, and his hat falls off. Just as he is about to hand the cane to Clown A, he notices his hat at his feet. Putting down the cane, he picks up his hat and, after dusting it meticulously, places it on his head. He has forgotten about the cane and stands observing the audience, occasionally waving.

      Clown A: "My cane?"

      Clown B: "Pardon?"

      Clown A: "My cane! My cane!"

      Clown B: "Very good! Your cane."

      Cown A: "Pick it up!"

      Clown B: "Sorry". He stoops to pick up the cane, and his hat falls off. Just as he is about to hand the cane to Clown A, he notices his hat at his feet. Putting down the cane, he picks up his hat and, after dusting it meticulously, places it on his head. He has forgotten about the cane and stands observing the audience, occasionally waving.

      Clown A: "Must I do everything myself? (Bends and grabs cane, dropping his hat in the process.) "I only asked you to preform a simple service for...."(He sees his hat on the ground. So does the dummy) "Finally! Some satisfaction!"

      Clown B: (bends, picks up Clown A's hat and drops his own. Unable to find a place to put Clown A's hat while he retrivees his own, Clown B places it on his head, then bends to pick up the hat on the ground. Clown A's hat falls from Clown b's head. Faster and faster, Clown B puts one hat on, bends to pick up the other, and the first one drops)

      Clown A: "Will you cut that out!?!"

      Clown B: (Thoroughly frustrated, his own hat on his head, he stops for a moment as he is hit by a revelation. Planting one hand firmly on his hat to hold it in place, he squats with his back erect and grabs clown's hat from the floor. That his hat cannot possibly fall off when he stoops in this manner fails to prevent him from holding his hat in place. He begins to dust off the hat he has just picked up.)

      Clown A: (Walks to Clown B with his hands out ready for his hat.) "Thank-You."

      Clown B: (Seeing the outstretched hand, he drops the hat and grasps the hand firmly. As he begins shaking it vigorously, he tramps on clown's hat.) "I was more then glad to be of service. Anything to make you happy!"

      Clown A; (Watching in disbelief, he groans.)

      Clown B: "What's the matter?" (He sees the hat.) "Oh, I'm sorry. Let me get it for you."

      Clown A: "No, I'll get it myself!"
      (They both bend simultaneously, they both get "it". Thheir heads meet. They both reel back. ClownB realizes he is in a lot of trouble and flees, chased by an angry clown.)