Welcome to Popoki's little corner of
the web!
When you're special to a cat, you're
special indeed.....she brings to you the gift of her preference of you, the sight of you,
the sound of your voice, the touch of your hand. Lenore Fleischer

This website is dedicated to the loving
memory of Holiday Inn Wompuss Johnson Durand. He was my best friend for 18 years and he
will be sorely missed. (Drawing by Peter Durand) Visit his pages by clicking on the

Popoki's home has many wonderful rooms and places to explore.
Begin your journey in the library . Cats will find hours
of enjoyment in the books there.
Follow the links through my home.
Hope you enjoy your stay!
Click the notecard to join the Litter.

(See the litter calendar for
regularly-scheduled chats.) See our Litter's best pages from Popoki's
Litter "Pick of the Litter" page. There are instructions for how you can
apply for the POTL award here, too. Once you've joined Popoki's Litter, please join our web ring by
applying to Popoki's Littermates~Pawprints in the Heart.

There's a room full of fun for kitties, some tips on elderly cat care and suggestions for training.
If you're looking for feline health information, visit the caring for
pussy room.

See the other Pods and Web Rings and Causes I am proud to be a
part of.

Tripod Cats Pod helpful links will walk you through subscribing
or unsubscribing to the newsletter. I have also included there a copy of the Pod Closure
Newsletter to help your smooth transition to "Popoki's Litter" Club at Lycos.

Please welcome our new tripod Host, SiTheo. SiTheo will be part of a volunteer pod team
who nominate pod pages for Best of Pod, host chats and assist with message board grooming.
You may visit SiTheo's home page and say hello here. Let's all do our
"furry" best to make SiTheo feel welcome!

See the awards I have been honored
with and apply for some special Popoki awards while you are here.

Send a friend an e-card. It only
takes a few minutes to make a friend feel very special with these beautiful cat cards.

Tripod Cats Pod publishers and/or Popoki's Litter LycosClub littermates can link their
pages through submission to the Nose Kisses and Belly Rubs Web Ring.

Please take the time to check out our Cats
Pod Members' Stories about why their pet(s) are so special to them. Thank you, Ron,
for this idea. If you have a story you would like to share with the Pod members, simply
e-mail it to Popoki, and I will post it on the page.

Please don't forget to leave your mark in the guestbook. ~nose kisses and belly rubs~

Spay and Neuter Card from:

Some graphics from:

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Last edited on:
07/10/01 07:54 AM

Website Design Copyright© 2000,
Popoki LaPussy
[Home] [Reading for Cats]
[Fun Places for Cats] [Elderly Cat Care]
[Training for Cats] [Web Rings and
Causes] [Tripod Helpful Links]
[See Popoki's Awards] [Apply for a
Popoki Award] [Send a Free E-Card]
[Join the Nose Kisses and Belly Rubs Web Ring]
Pod Members' Stories:
[Ron] [Heidi] [Oreo]
[Meowy Christmas]
[Wompuss, my Sweetness] [Holly's
[Caring for Pussy] [Popoki's Litter
"Pick of the Litter" Awards]
[Join Popoki's Littermates~Pawprints in the
Heart Web Ring] |