Financial assistance or in-kind sponsorship to cover for the expenses involved in the setting-up and running of TribesNETribes - a non-profit making Youth organisation.

What advantages can this project bring to your organisation?

a) Research and Development work with an European dimension.

b) Research and Development work that treats the causes and not the symptoms of inequality and racial hatred (Prevention methods).

c) Research and Development work on Anti-racist Experience-based/Action/Multicultural learning/training methodologies.

d) Research and Development work that inter-links concepts such as Anti-Racism an Environmental/Electronic Art Adventures.

e) Networking with northern, middle and southern states in all of the above.

"Different Shades of Green" Project related links:

Youth Anti-Racist Alliance (YOUTH ARA)
Anti-Racist Links
AMSSA Updates
Snapshots of youth activism in '96
Artists Against Racism
David Fingrut
Youth reject Hanson's racist push
Anti-Gang and Youth Violence Strategy
Youth and Community Work/Projects and Resources
Roxana Meechan, "DIFFERENT SHADES OF GREEN" Course Leader
Final Report of the European Steering Group
European Youth Foundation
Human Bridges CCVYS
European Cultural Digest Advertising
UWM Hosts Conference on Youth Violence
Pilot Projects
1994 ARA News Bulletin, Part VIII

What is "Different Shades of Green"?

"DIFFERENT SHADES OF GREEN" is the name given to EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING ADVENTURES dealing with RACISM, MULTICULTURALITY AND INTERACTIVITY such as Short Study Visits, Youth Exchanges, Multicultural Training Courses and other European Projects.

"Different Shades of Green" is a metaphor, a concept that hopes to help European Youth/Youth Workers to learn, train and promote Pro-Equality work methods and to tackle problems such as Racism, Xenophobia, Prejudice and Intolerance through experimentation and creativity.

"Different Shades of Green" applies to the following stages of a Project sharing the same main concept above:

1. A Short Study Visit (SSV) for European Youth Workers funded by Youth for Europe under Action B. I. I., which was hosted in Scotland in May 1998 by Fife Regional Council Community Education Services on the theme of "Working with young people sensitive/vulnerable to ultra-right wing propaganda".

THE SHORT STUDY VISIT "Different Shades of Green"

What is to be achieved?:

Fife's offer to host a Short Study Visit has been selected by the Youth Exchange Centre according to the terms described below.

Host Agency:

Fife Council - Community Services (Scotland, UK) in co-operation with IKAB (D)


Different venues in Fife, Scotland, UK


9th - 16th May 1998


English, German, Spanish and French.


Working with young people sensitive/vulnerable to ultra nationalist propaganda.


The spread of youth unemployment in the E.U. is fuelling the growth of National Front support. Many young people facing social exclusion are at risk of rejecting the basic values of tolerance, solidarity and partnership. They are exposed to ultra nationalist attraction, based on xenophobia and racism. Youth Workers need to develop tools to offer young people in the E.U. a more generous and deeper awareness than the nationalist awakening peddled by the extreme right.

Organisations to visit:

Racial Equality Councils in Scotland, WEA's Citizenship for Local Democracy Project, SCEC, several Youth Clubs, etc...

Type of Accommodation:

Hotel and some camping.

2. The main concept a non-profit making Youth organization working in the fields of New Media & Anti-Racism called TribesNETribes which is about to set-up.

3. The Scottish involvement in a planned collaborative Project between IKAB, ROPE and Abentoyer from Germany and six organisations from ISL, DK, GB, I, P and CH, under Action B. 2. Youth for Europe, that will be working on the development of an European curriculum for Youth Workers in the field of systemic problem-solving in intercultural learning situations under the topic: "Changing views" - new strategies for Youth Workers in order to solve problems together with young people in Europe.

"Different Shades of Green" is based in a Multicultural and Experiential Learning (EL) approach.

EL is a technique, a total educational philosophy and it promotes active learners who take responsibility for their learning. Experience-based learning is the earliest approach to learning for the human race. EL is the Practical and the Applied versus the Academic and the Abstract. EL is the polarity between the Intellectual and the Practical.

In Experiential Learning the learner is involved in his/her own learning. He/she has control over the learning experience. Experiential Learning deals with the correspondence of the learning activity to the world outside the classroom or educational institution.

Experiential Learning reflected the change in Post-school education and training. The 1st International Conference on Experiential Learning (EL) took place in London in June 1987.

The main message that "Different Shades of Green" wants to put across is that "There are limits, there are differences, we are learning to live together..."

Youth/Youth Workers working for an Equal Europe, an Europe for everybody, must find ways to deal with current social phenonena such as racism, exclusion, poverty, violence...


1. To create a conscience of co-operation, integration, tolerance and development amongst European Youth/Youth Workers.

2. To sensitise European Youth/Youth Workers about the need to prevent racist and xenophobic attitudes while finding ways in which to do so.

3. To help overcome European social, cultural and psychological difficulties and to help to promote socio-laboral integration (‘If we want peace, we must prepare peace!).

4. To develop a taste of Associative life for young people while preventing antisocial conduct.

5. To promote the notion that young people can be the agents for the transformation of their close environment.

6. To increase the critical capacity of Young people.

7. To work together to see the differences and to analyse then (‘It’s the difference that makes the difference").

8. To use Pedagogy of Adventure, a current of pedagogic renovation, to actively educate for peace and sensibility placing a particular emphasis on values such as solidarity, compromise and tolerance.

9. To investigate the causes that generate violence and aggressivity amongst young people.

10. To investigate ways of instigating young people’s disposition to act, to move, to find solutions, to change and to resolve conflicts non-violently, to co-operate and not to compete, to tolerate and to be disobedient if something is not morally legitimate (i.e. exploitation, slavery, racism, xenophobia, war, etc...).


Through Workshops, dynamic play, role-playing, adventure, new technologies, art, performance, exploring open and closed spaces such as forests, lochs, rivers, mountains, ruins, castles, caves, etc... They will be the venues where these workshops take place.

Creating, Developing and Testing new ways of improving Youth Work in general and Youth Exchanges in particular.

Paying particular attention to the preparation of Youth Exchanges, Study Visits and Multicultural Training Courses sharing the "Different Shades of Green" main concept.


Cultural Motivation through Research Evenings, Exhibitions, Dynamics, Video, Photography, Dialogue, Plays, Films, Music, Art, Multimedia and the World Wide Web.


1. Reason, explanation - Why is it important to do what we are about to do?

2. Experiencing - Doing something practical together!

3. Evaluation - What does it mean this experience?


What does the "Different Shades of Green" metaphor suggest to you?

Why do you want to find new ways of working with young people?

Tell us of a particularly interesting Pro-Equality Youth Work practise in the country where you come from?

Are you aware of any Youth Work sharing the "Different shades of Green" concept that is currently taking place in your country?

Do you know about any other Pro-Equality Youth Work method in Europe?

What do you think of this Interactive, Experiential, Experimental, Anti-Racist and Multicultural website?

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