"time for lust, time for lie
time to kiss your life goodbye
send me money, send me green -- heaven you will meet
make a contribution and you'll get a better seat
bow to leper messiah

Diary of a madman: day 22

Aah, the life of luxury...no scrounging for food, no police to harass me...it's definitely a life I could get used to living. Plus, the 'scenery' isn't too bad, if you know what I mean. But being as though I'm supposedly the only one who'll read this little diary, I suppose it's a given that I know what I mean. Unless something happens and I'm unable to remember, but even then I should be able to pick out the meaning of 'scenery'....ah, I'm rambling once more...
Anyways, I like it here, even if I choose to be a tad anti-social. But that's by design. Can't chance anybody finding out the truth, now can we.
Speaking of the truth...lately I've found myself wondering about the whole 'beginning' of it all, really. I don't know why, being as though I've gone this long without the situation bothering me...but lately, it's just been bouncing through my cranium for some odd reason. I sometimes wonder what things were actually like there...at that time, at that place... I want to be able to see the battle unfolding, smell the air, see the place where I was created. And most importantly, see who was behind it all....But alas, I can only imagine what it was like...
That's enough for now...the 'gang' is coming back to glare at me some more...Until next time, I bid thee adieu, diary!

Updated May 23, 2000.

[Hey, smalltime update...I was going to have more story for you people, but I've been busy with things, and as such haven't finished editing. It happens. But the new stuff shall be up soon...I'll probably just give you the whole first part before I leave, just so you have something to remember me by...琠�
Update news: Updated the Galleria a while back...didn't report about it, though. So there are new pics there. I don't believe I have anything else new, besides changing over to a non-banner format (although I believe Tripod is making it mandatory, I switched over voluntarily).
Oh, and of course, good birthday wishes go out to one Kylen Miles, being as though it's her birthday today. There, that's my generic public birthday well-wish for today. ;) Add it to the pile.

UPDATE 2: Nothing really big now...just the totally hella-kickass pic I just got in my mail today. ;) There is absolutly NO REASON why that pic should not be my main title pic right now. ~L~ So, I quick put it up. :) Simple as that. Gratias MAXIMUS, Dylum!
Gratuitous Advertisement: Go visit Mike Hossler's Road Rover Emporium - He's got a li'l surprise there, so go check it out! And just in case you didn't know, this guy is a writer - and a good one at that. ;) Incidentally, he sent me his first work, entitled Road Rovers: Shifting Alliances. Let me tell ya, it is DEFINITELY worth checking out. So go do it! Then visit the guy's page. ;)
Oh, and if you were wondering about the large picture that's been down at the bottom of the page for a few days now, it's a COINCIDENCE people. ;) Geez...I was just showing my li'l brother how to write the HTML to put an image on a page, and that was the coolest looking and most handy pic I had. So there. ;) Don't read anything into it, ha? Just enjoy it, or I'll get E to attack you. ^_~

Places here...

Galleria della Dervish
It's not the Uffizi or the Louvre, but it'll do. Come here to check out a collection of pictures related to the orange one.
Val's Garage...
Valkyrie'll give you a free ride to anywhere in the fandom--or beyond.
Derv's back yard.
This just happens to be where Dervish's adopted puppy hangs out a lot.
Derv's secret computer...
Character bios of Casey J.'s creation. Currently available are Dervish, Valkyrie, Cero, and Talia.
Ask the Orange Guy Anything!
Half-assed questions and smart-ass answers...Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, and now, Page 5!
Talia's Library!
Talia has a library up and running. Feel free to read to your heart's content.
Derv's Messageboard!
Be heard.

The Guestbook/Wall...

Sign, if you so desire...

Sign Dervish's Wall Guestbook by GuestWorld Take a look at Dervish's wall

Dervish's Whirlwind page banners made by Hunter.

Banner #1

Banner #2

Contact Information...

It spins, it whirls!




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The Road Rovers, and all characters therein, are copyrighted to Warner Brothers Animation. Dervish, Talia, Cero, and Valkyrie (Val) are copyrighted to Casey J. Any use of those characters without the express consent of Casey J. is prohibited. Dawn is copyrighted to Dianne L., and any use of her character without her express position is prohibited.
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