DEV:Lessons of faith It was in the bag. He was clutching it like it was the last thing he owned. And it was. The attendants had to pry it from his hands. When they opened it, they found over 3000 dollars, mostly small bills. By some standards, he might be considered rich, but you see, he wasn't. He was poor, wandering the streets, sleeping in alleys and doorways, begging for food and money. He had found a good area where the people were generous. He asked and they gave. Yet, when they found him, dead from the cold and lack of good food, his clothes were old and dirty, and his pockets were empty. All he had was that bag and 3000 dollars. What happened? What happened is that he failed to follow one of the most important teachings in the Bible. God's principle of Use. This same principle is rarely applied in many of our own lives, and yet it is easily recognized as "missing" in others. The man with the bag failed to apply the principle. He was keeping all he had hid in a paper bag. He was saving for a rainy day. He was so busy saving for an unsure future, he failed to see the storm around him, and he ended up dead on the sidewalk, clutching his only belonging. It was in the bag. That which he cared so much about is now useless to him. He didn't use what he had. He kept it hid in a bag, while he wasted away. He didn't spend a cent for food, clothing, or anything. He kept saving, saving, saving! Now it's too late. He didn't use it. It was in the bag. Are you holding on to all you have? Are you afraid to use it? Are you saving for a rainy day? Don't! Don't die holding the bag! God wants you to use your talents and your resources. He gave them to you, not so you can hide them in a bag, but to display to all for His Glory! Jesus, in the parable of The Talents, was pleased at the servants that used what they were given and angry at the servant that buried his portion in the ground. (See Matt. 25:14) Jesus even instructs us not to save treasures on earth where moth and dust corrupt, and thieves steal, but to save treasures in heaven, for where our treasures are, our heart will be also. (Matt. 6:19) Please, take it out of the bag! "Mom, why do we have go to church?" "We go to church to pray and worship God!" "But we can do that at home. I say my prayers before I go to bed, and Dad thanks God for food before supper." "At church we have fellowship with other people who believe in God." "What is 'fellowship'?" "Fellowship is caring about other believers and sharing news about what God has done." "Is that like when I told my friend about Jesus?" "Not quite, that is called witnessing. Fellowship is more like ˙going to a party where everyone knows your name, everyone believes in God and his son Jesus, and everyone is always ready and happy to help you in any way. Everyone cares about what is happening in your life, and is ready to listen if you need to talk, and ready to pray with you about your or someone else's needs." "That ˙sounds like the Bible study you have here on Tuesdays with all those ladies!" "That's right! We all share God in common, and are always ready to share him and what he has done!" "My teacher in Sunday School always asks 'What did God do in your life this past week?' Once Joey said that God gave him an 'A' on his math quiz!" "Your Sunday School class is a fellowship!" "Mom, is fellowshiping important?" "Yes. Without fellowship, a believer might start to feel alone in the world. Believers need to share, to know that God is working in our, and other people's lives." "Mom, I know it's Friday, but could we go to church to fellowship now?" Give it your all! Why are you holding back? Why are you reserving part of your energy? Is your faith doubtful? God wants you to give Him your ALL! He wants your BEST. God is depending on you! You have a partnership that can work miracles, but you must give it your all! When God told Moses to raise his staff over the Red Sea, the scene could have gone like this... Moses raises his Staff half way. "Moses" God calls, "You're not giving Me your all." "Lord, " Moses replied, "I'm saving my energy in case nothing happens and I have to swim!" ...but it didn't! Moses gave his all! At times he was tired, and at times discouraged, but he always gave his ALL. And Noah didn't hold back, the scene could have gone like this... Noah hammers the last nail into the twenty-four foot yacht. "Noah, " calls God, "That is not the ark I told you to build." "Lord, " replies Noah, "I was saving some lumber to build a new split-level, with two garages for my family!" ...but it didn't! Noah kept nothing back and built the ark! The scene with Joshua and the walls of Jericho could have gone like this... Half of Joshua's army is circling Jericho. "Joshua, " calls God, "Where is the rest of your army?" "Lord, " Joshua replies, "Some are over here building catapults, battering rams, ladders and other assorted weapons. Others are guarding the camp, and scouting ways into Jericho." ...but it didn't! Joshua gave his all! He didn't hold back! He didn't reserve energy! What do Moses, Noah and Joshua have in common? Faith! Faith the God will do as He promises. Faith that God knows best! Faith that the battle is won before it is started! What about Ananias and Sapphira? They sold thier land and gave only part of the money to the apostles. They fell down dead! They held back! You might not fall down dead, but you will not be living to your fullest! Are you reserving energy, afraid you might have to swim? Are you holding back, to build your own resources? Are you not giving your best, in case the idea doesn't work? Don't! Put your faith to the test, like Moses, Noah and Joshua! Give it your all!