
It's so easy...
...for this $100 to become reality, just call me on 07 40912 474 or Email me!
I will show you HOW you can easily turn your spare time into CASH!
Just two average UndercoverWear parties per week will give you a minimum income of $160 per week!!!
Have you ever wanted to...
- Have more FUN?
- Gain Independence?
- Win cash bonuses
- Earn recongition?
- Be your own boss?
- Have flexible working hours to suit your family's lifestyle?
A commitment to spend a few hours with UndercoverWear each week will make all
this possible for you!
Email or Phone 07 40912474 me to secure your future NOW!!
If you can spare a few hours each week while you enjoy yourself and work at the same time, we will show you how to
earn well over $20 per hour! Let us take the opportunity to answer some questions you may have about our unique ALL AUSTRALIAN and rapidly growing
Party Plan Lingerie Sales Company.
What is UndercoverWear Lingerie Parties?
Our Company is an exciting party plan developed in Australia, in 1981 by Kathy and Ross Hood,
the owners and the Directors of the Company. The whole concept is a glass of wine, a
sensuality quiz and an exquisite line of lingerie ranging from the very conservative to the barely nothing.
We transform a hostess' living room into an UndercoverWear Boutique where guests can shop in a relaxed, unpressured atmosphere while our
UndercoverWear Agent's present their fine line of intimate apparel. Our aim is to help women feel good about themselves and to put the fun and games back into
relationships. We try to take away any negatives and no one at an UndercoverWear Party has to pretend they are buying for a "friend". Women are given
the opportunity to purchase gorgeous lingerie which is affordable, in a comfortable situation, together with a group of friends who are also purchasing similar garments.
Lots of women have longed for a see-thru' nightie, or something a little daring, but would
never go into a shop for these for fear of feeling embarressed or uncomfortable. Apart
from our range of delightfully feminine lingerie, we also carry a few mens' surprise giggle gifts. Our "Jumbo" will no doubt
bring a smile to even the most conservative groups, and just wait for the shreiks of laughter when we show some of our novelty garments.
How do I become an UndercoverWear Agent
In order to help you get started in your OWN business as soon as possible we provide you with a sample
range of our garments. We have carefully selected a "Best Seller" Starter Kit, with a retail value of approximately $950 which can be purchased outright or on a "No Cash Outlay" basis (except for a $10 Registration Fee) at the very special introductory
offer of $415. You may add to your beautiful range of fine quality UndecoverWear Lingerie at any time at the special low price of 50%
below retail. However, you may only have one of every item in our range at this special price. This very special introductory offer of $415 is available only to our new
Independent UndercoverWear Agents. Contact me on 07 40912 474 or Email me and I will advise you and show you how to become a successful
UndercoverWear Agent.
How do I pay for my Kit?
The "No Cash Outlay" option available to applicants with an approved credit rating
provides the loan of a "Best Seller" Starter Kit to the new Independent UndercoverWear Agent until
sufficient commission has been earned from your parties to enable UndercoverWear to deduct the $415 from your commission.Naturally you may pay the $415 by bank cheque, money order, cash or take advantage of our Bankcard, Vis or
Mastercard facilities if you wish. There is a special "Quick Start" offer also available.
How long will it take to get my Kit?
As soon as we receive your signed application and agreement and your application has been approved, your "Best Seller" Starter Kit
will be given to you either in person or delivered by courier. You may start booking parties from the day you make the decision
to join our team of Independent UndercoverWear Agents throughout Australia and New Zealand. This could be the most profitible decision of your lifetime!
What are my Profits?
As an independent UndercoverWear Agent you will receive 20% of the total net sales from each of your parties. Remember
the average party sells approximately $400, your profits are over $80, but who said YOUR average? Many Agents have had $600, $700, $800, $1000 and even $2,000 parties! On a $900 party your
profits are $180!! Imagine this just for enjoying yourself for a couple of hours with a group of friendly women! It is up to you how many parties you do per week. New bookings per party
are high, and your earnings are up to you. The amount of your commission depends on how much spare time you have and how much of that time you are willing to devote to your business.
You'll reap the rewards if you make a good effort. After your first few parties are paid in and you have paid off your Kit, you will receive commission via direct deposit into your bank twice a month,
providing you do parties regularly. Commissions are calculated on paid sales up to and including the 14th day and the second last working day of each month and statements posted within two days. Our monthly informative
UndercoverWear Newsletter is included with the middle of the month commission statement.
How does my hostess receive her order?
Orders taken by you at each party are sent to Head Office and take approximately 3 weeks for delivery or can
be sent much sooner if the order is paid for early. Our Agent's do not pick up or deliver - we take care
of the delivery for you. When payment is received from the Hostess for an order, (either through the "Pay at Post" system which is best, or by
bank cheque, money order or credit card, [a personal cheque delays the delivery by 10 working days while the cheque is cleared]), the parcel is sent within
two weeks by our couriers, or sooner when possible.
This parcel is delivered to the home of the Hostess or her place of work, if applicable; or if no one is
at home, the courier leaves a card and arrangements can be made to have the parcel delivered at a suitable time.
All orders are clearly and individually marked inside the parcel for easy distribution by the Hostess. It is always a good idea
to remind the Hostess on or aound the date payment is due to be sure that she has collected the balance owing by her friends. This ensures that your commission for this
order will be included in your next commission. Otherwise, your responsibility ends when you leave the Hostess' home after the party.
Any hidden extras to the UndercoverWear Agent?
Absolutely not! We provide you with agent order forms, guest order forms, promotional pamphlets,
swing tickets and lacy give-away garters at a minimal charge. We credit you with the essential paperwork charges as your parties
are paid in, so in actual fact you receive your necessary paperwork FREE OF CHARGE! We keep on providing you with all these as you need them. Just
ask for more as you are getting low on your supplies. This is just another way our Company is unique from some others. We do have available the following
optional purchases which are important sales aids designed to enhance your sales; UndercoverWear lingerie hangers, UndercoverWear refrigerator magnets, hostess
collection envelopes, UndercoverWear logo balloons, party invitations and many more.
Our beautiful full colour catalogues are heavily subsidised by the Company and come to you below cost price. There is a special money saving offer for Agents who wish to purchase
a quantity of catalogues, so ask us about this special deal. Courier costs are charged for sending your paperwork, kit additions,etc and are debited to your account. We strictly charge
you what the couriers, charge us.
Can I participate in any special promotions?
UndercoverWear holds many achievable special promotions designed especially for Agents. You can win trips, luxuries and cash prizes, as thousands have won before you.
Can I increase my sales even before a Party
You bet! Use your catalogues to their best advantage by giving one to your Hostess
prior to her party. She will either take it to work, or show her friends and neighbours who may not be attending the party, therefore helping you and helping increase her own merchandise credits
by collecting orders for you before you even get to her home!
What are the hostess benefits?
A descripion of all the hostess benefits can be found here
If you decide to become an Independent UndercoverWear Agent, you could have your first party
in your own home after you receive your "Best Seller" Starter Kit, earn 20% profit PLUS receive Hostess Credits.
This enables you to add your sample range at NO CHARGE plus use your own party as the first of your six-show-line-up!
What is a Six Show Line Up?
To demonstrate your commitment to UndercoverWear since we provide you with your "Best Seller" Starter Kit
at below cost price, you must complete six parties in a two week period after receiving your kit. If, at the end of these six parties you make the
unlikely decision not to continue selling UndercoverWear, you will still receive your commissions due when the six parties have been finalised and providing your "Best Seller" Starter
Kit for $415 is fully paid for.
UndercoverWear offers me lots of fun while earning great commission!! Could there be more?
Yes! In addition to being part of the fastest growing party-plan company throughout Australia and New Zealand and making fantastic profits,
we also offer you very valuable prizes when you achieve realistic sales levels organised by our International Promotions Manager. Prizes range from
overseas trips to luxury items around your home, in fact anything you want, we'll help you get it! All this is within the reach of every Independent Agent.
We like to see you WIN! There is even more! For every new Agent you introduce to UndercoverWear, you will receive a $100 retail kit addition voucher
just as a token of the Company's appreciation when your recruits qualify by having held six parties and paid off their kit. Then, when you have introduced 5 new agents who help you qualify
as a First Level Manager, your commissions jump to 22% on your parties! Unit Managers receive 24% commission on their parties, free kit additions when new ranges are introduced, and lots of other
financial benefits as well as the opportunity to receive generous car allowances. Regional Executive Managers reeive fabulous benefits, even a brand new Company car! We have a special Manual which explains
the incentives available for all level Managers.
You will receive this once you have started climbing our ladder of success at UndercoverWear.
It is well worth while!
Does UndercoverWear support any special charity?
We certainly do, and in a BIG way. Since our Company deals mostly with women and
since Kathy Hood, our Managing Director, recovered from Breast Cancer in 1987, a percentage
of total UndercoverWear sales is donated to the various Cancer Councils throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Donations since 1987 total over $350,000! The Cancer Councils use this money to employ Breast Cancer Co-ordinators who train
volunteers to visit and help women in hospital with Breast Cancer.Printed pamphlets on Breast self examination are also distributed
at all our UndercoverWear parties educating women in early detection of breast abnormalities, enhancing their chances of a full and complete recovery after
treatment of early breast cancer.
What help is available if I need it?
We have expert help available as close to you as your telephone. Call us and you will find us
ready with answers to all of your queries. We also have regular monthly training sales meetings throughout
Australia and New Zealand and you will find them most enjoyable and helpful. You always pick
up very helpful hints and make new friends.
All our most successful Independent UndercoverWear Agents attend meetings, so do come along! It is
important to read your Newsletters as these contain a lot of extremely helpful information. Remember, you
are in business for yourself, but not by yourself. We are here for YOU!
Yes, yes I want to join....what do I do?
Just contact me by either phone on 07 40912474 or via Email.
I will arrange everything necessary with the minimum of delay to get you started in your
very own business.
We hope we have answered most of your questions. Now you can join the exciting world of UndercoverWear. A world offering personal growth,
fun while you work and an excellent earning potential.
If you have further questions do not hesitate to contact us for friendly service.
Our company is wholly Australian owned, the majority of our garments are made in Australia with an exclusive selection of high quality imports in our range.
UndercoverWear provides an income within our industry for over 2,500 Australians and New Zealanders. We have been featured on national
television and magazines. Do your friends and customers a favour, join us and sell them our lovely UndercoverWear. A few moments in UndercoverWear will provide
your customers with a lifetime of happy memories.
Join the UndercoverWear Team!!!
It could be the most profitable decision of your lifetime!!
Join us and make your
dreams come true!
Achieve Independence, Recognition
and much, much more.....
07 40912474