Roman Gods And Goddesses 2

Matrona Name used for Juno when worshipped as a protector of women from birth to death.

Meditrina A goddess of healing.

Mellona Honey goddess.

Mens A mother/guardian goddess. The word menstruation comes from her name.

Mephitis Goddess of noxious vapors. She protects her followers from poisonous gasses.

Mercury Mercury was the son of Jupiter and of Maia, the daughter of the Titan Atlas. He was the messenger of the gods. Mercury was also the god of merchants and of trading, and shared many of the attributes of the Greek god Hermes.He was often depicted holding a purse, to symbolize his business functions.

Messia Goddess of agriculture.

Minerva Minerva is the goddess of wisdom, commerce, crafts, and the inventor of music. Ovid called her the "goddess of a thousand works." Her Greek mythology counterpart was Athena, and Minerva too sprung fully grown, and fully armored, from the head of Jupiter.

Miseria Goddess of poverty.

Mlakukh Etruscan love goddess.

Molae, The Goddesses who presided over mills.

Moneta Guardian of finances.

Morta One of the Parcae; she's the one who cuts the thread of life.

Muliebris Protector of chastity and womanhood.

Munthukh Etruscan goddess of health.

Muta Goddess of silence.

Naenia Goddess of funerals. All her places of worship were placed outside the city's walls.

Nascio Goddess of childbirth; protector of infants.

Necessitas Goddess of destiny. Akin to the Greek Anake.

Neptune Son of Saturn, and brother to Jupiter and Pluto. God of the sea. Usually shown carrying a trident and rising from the sea.His Greek mythology counterpart was Poseidon.

Nerine Sabine woman supposedly married to Mars.

Nerio A minor Roman goddess, and the consort of Mars.

Nixi, The Deities who assist women during childbirth by easing the pain.

Nona Goddess of fetal formation.

Nortia Etruscan goddess of healing.

Nox Goddess of night.

Nundina The goddess who presides over a child's naming day (ninth day after birth).

Opigena Goddess of childbirth.

Ops Earth goddess. Protector of everything connected to agriculture.

Orbona Goddess of children, especially orphans.

Palato Daughter of the north wind and wife of the god of agriculture.

Pales Goddess who watched over pastures. Goddess of flocks and shepherds.

Parca (Partula) Goddess of childbirth.

Parcae, The Name for the Fates. They are Decuma. Morta, and Nona.

Parthenope One of the Roman Sirens. She was the mother of Europa.

Patella An agriculture goddess.

Pax Goddess of peace.

Pecunia Goddess who presides over money.

Pelonia Goddess who is invoked to ward off enemies.

Penates Gods who presided over the welfare of the family.

Pertunda (Prema) Goddess who presides over the newlyweds' first sexual intercourse.

Philemon and Baucis A peasant couple remarkable for their mutual love. When Jupiter and Mercury wandered about on earth in human form seeking food and shelter, they were turned away by all, except Philemon and Baucis, an old couple, who offered them both, although they had little food to share. As a reward for their kindness, Jupiter offered to grant them a wish. They decided that when their time was near they wished to die together. Their wish was granted and Jupiter turned each into a tree when they died

Pietas Goddess of justice.

Pluto (Dis or Dis Pater, Orcus) God of the dead, the abductor, and later, the husband of Proserpine. Pluto assisted his two brothers, Jupiter and Neptune, in overthrowing their father, Saturn. They then divided the world among themselves, with Jupiter choosing the earth and the heavens as his realm, Neptune becoming the ruler of the sea, and Pluto receiving the lower world as his kingdom. He was originally considered a fierce and unyielding god, deaf to prayers and unappeased by sacrifices. Later the belief arose in which the milder and more beneficent aspects of the god were stressed. He was believed to be the bestower of the blessings hidden in the earth, such as mineral wealth and crops. He was the Latin counterpart of the Greek god Hades.

Poena Goddess of punishment.

Pomona The goddess of fruit and fertility.

Portunus God of harbors.

Priapus God of fertility.

Proserpina Proserpina, daughter of Ceres, is the counterpart of the Greek goddess, Persephone. She was kidnapped by Pluto, who married her, and took her to his underworld and made her queen of the dead.

Psyche A beautiful princess loved by Cupid. Venus, jealous of Psyche's beauty, ordered her son Cupid, god of love, to make Psyche fall in love with the ugliest man in the world. Instead, he fell in love with her, and spirited her away to a secluded palace where he visited her only at night, unseen and unrecognized by her. He forbade her to ever look upon his face, but one night while he was asleep she lit a lamp and looked at him. Cupid then abandoned her and she was left to wander the world, in misery, searching for him. Finally Cupid repented and had Jupiter make her immortal so they could be together forever.

Quirinus God of war.

Quiritis Sabine goddess of motherhood.

Rhea Silvia A Vestal Virgin until she was deflowered by the god Mars. She bore him the twins Romulus and Remus.

Robigo Goddess of grain, especially corn.

Roma Personification of Rome. Romulus & Remus The brothers who founded the city of Rome.

Rumia Dea Protector of infants.

Rumina One of the three goddesses who protected sleeping infants. The other two are her sisters Cuba and Cunina.

Runcina Goddess of agriculture who presides over weeding.

Rusina Goddess of fields and open country.

Salacia A sea goddess. (How do we get to "salacious" from here?)

Salus Goddess of health. Assimilated into the Roman pantheon from an earlier Sabine goddess.

Sapientia Goddess of wisdom. (From whence comes the term "Homo Sapiens".)

Saturn The god of farmers. The biggest feast in his honor was the Saturnalia which became the biggest influence in the inception of today's Christmas-New Year holidays. Saturday was named for Saturn. Scabies Goddess invoked to cure skin diseases.

Secia Goddess of stored seeds.

Segetia Goddess of planted seeds. She controls sprouting and is part of a threesome; the other two being Seia and Tutilina.

Sentia Sentia is the Roman goddess who heightens feelings.

Silvanus God of nature and the woods.

Strenia Goddess of health and protector of the young.

Strenua Goddess of vigor who gives energy to the weak and tired.

Tanit (Carthage) Goddess of the moon. Her symbol was the crescent moon or the full moon. Tellus Mater The Roman "Mother Earth" is the constant companion of Ceres, and the two of them are patrons of vegetative and human reproduction. Tellus is also the mother death goddess since the dead are returned into her womb, the earth.

Tempestates Tempestates is the Roman goddess of wind and storm.

Terminus God of boundaries.

Tesana Goddess of the dawn (a la Aurora).

Thalna Goddess of beauty.

Thermia Goddess who presides over healing springs.

Tiberinus The Roman god of the river Tiber.

Trivia Name for Diana when she presides over crossroads.

Tuchulcha Etruscan death demon. She is part human, part bird, and part animal, with snakes in her hair and around her arms.

Turan Etruscan goddess of sexual love.

Tursa Goddess of terror.

Uni Etruscan protector of cities and the women therein.

Unxia Protector of the newly married.

Vacuna A war goddess that evolved from the Sabine goddess of victory.

Vanth Etruscan goddess of death. She is depicted with wings, a cap on her head, and a key to open tombs in her hand.

Venilia Goddess of the wind and the sea.

Venus As the goddess of love, Venus is the "queen of pleasure" and mother of the Roman people. Possibly the daughter of Jupiter, she was the daughter of Dione. Venus was the wife of Vulcan, god of metalwork, but she was often unfaithful to him. Among her many lovers were Mars, the god of war; and the handsome shepherd Adonis. Venus was also the mother (by Mercury) of Cupid, god of love. She was the goddess of chastity in women, despite the fact that she had many affairs with both gods and mortals. As Venus Genetrix, she was worshiped as the mother (by Anchises) of the hero Aeneas, the founder of the Roman people; as Venus Felix, the bringer of good fortune; as Venus Victrix, the bringer of victory; and as Venus Verticordia, the protector of feminine chastity. Venus is also a nature goddess, associated with the arrival of spring. She is the bringer of joy to gods and humans. Venus really had no myths of her own but was so closely identified with the Greek Aphrodite that she "took over" Aphrodite's myths.

Vergiliae, The Goddesses representing the constellation Pleiades.

Veritas Goddess of truth and justice.

Verticordia Goddess of love and sexuality.

Vertumnus The Ancient Roman god of the seasons. He was the husband of Pomona.

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