The Simple Truth About Healing and Self Empowerment: 

by Rev. Arla M. Ruggles, Master Teacher
Copyright 1994 - Revised 1996

What is Reiki?

Aesthetics - Ceremonies and Rituals

Where did Reiki come from?

Can Reiki be harmful?

Can I learn to do Reiki?

What are the Levels, or Degrees of Reiki?

Who Should Teach?

What is Reiki?

The word Reiki is Japanese in origin, and refers to "Rei" which means Universal, with the connotation of being "all encompassing", and "Ki", which is the dynamic life force which animates all living things. It's equivalent is the Chinese "Chi", or Indian "Prana". Reiki has been described as an autonomous, intelligent, and self-directed healing energy. Many practitioners tend to refer to Reiki as a conscious entity; a perfectly benevolent power, which guides their intuitive sense, and healing practices. Reiki is often credited with profound personal transformations within the individual practitioner. Dramatic changes in life direction, as well as wonderful physical and emotional healings are attributed to having received the Reiki attunements.

No one has yet been able to explain exactly what Reiki is. There are many descriptions of Reiki energy. Most are somehow rooted to the philosophy or tradition of the practitioner. It seems there are about as many theories as there are people doing Reiki; several thousand, worldwide.

Some experts claim to be able to measure Reiki energy using Kirlean photography, and other similar technical equipment. They still cannot explain what Reiki is.

Some psychics have claimed to be able to "see" Reiki energy, and a few report seeing spiritual entities within the light energy field of practitioners. These claims can be neither proved, nor disproved .... but in any case, those claiming to have experienced such phenomena are, nevertheless, at a loss to explain what Reiki is.

The energy is sometimes described as a balancing force, capable of opening and clearing chakras in the body and/or etheric field. This still does not explain what Reiki is, or why it works. Christian practitioners claim Reiki is akin to the healing energy used by Christ. Buddhists say it is the same as that used by their Buddha. Scientifically inclined practitioners relate the healing energy to polarity and therapeutic touch, with links to acupressure. Psychologically founded practitioners associate the practice to meditation and self-awareness; even higher consciousness. They can't explain what it is! Sometimes, it is enough to accept that something is good and effective, without dissecting, analyzing, and total scientific comprehension: A sunset is beautiful, and water is essential to life. This was true before technology came along to explain dust particles and light refraction, and hydrogen + oxygen = water. Reiki is a rare gift to mankind, which accelerates the self-healing capabilities of the individual, on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. We don't know what it is; or why it works It simply does! Reiki is simple, in terms of being very easy to do. Easy to practice. That's because there is no "wrong" way to do it! The ability to practice Reiki; to "channel" the healing energy, is not a technique that can be learned. Rather, it is an opening to the "Source of Life". This is accomplished through a process of transference from one person who has been attuned, and given the knowledge of the attunement process, to another. The role of the Master Teacher in the attunement process is that of facilitator; the connecting point between the initiate and their own Higher Source (however they describe that). The subject is the active participant in the process, signaling by their participation, their own willingness to accept Reiki healing. Practical techniques for hand placement, and common sense guidelines for working with people are a part of most instruction, but these matters are primarily for the sake of the students' sense of competence, and do not influence Reiki 's effectiveness. No in-depth study of anatomy, biology, or chakras and energy centers, or other healing modalities, will outweigh the benefits derived from the practitioner's innate sense of compassion, goodwill, love, and respect. These qualities are infinitely more important to the healing process than any of the technical procedures outlined in any manual or textbook. Hawayo Takata, the Reiki Grand Master responsible for bringing the secret of Reiki healing to the Western world, is said to have had only a second grade education, and a great deal of life experience; yet her renown as a great spiritual healer was worldwide.

Reiki does not require great depth of concentration. No centering, or meditation are needed to produce beneficial results. Reiki appears to work at - or from - a higher level of consciousness, which is detached from the conscious mental process of the practitioner, or the recipient. To say that a person who uses, or practices Reiki, is a more proficient healer than the one who does not actively use their Reiki energies, is inaccurate. All Reiki energy is equal. All Reiki comes from the same Source. Once a person has been attuned to Reiki, the ability to convey Reiki healing will exist within them for the rest of their life; whether they ever use it, or not. A Reiki Master who has been practicing for many years is no more "powerful" than the newly initiated one. Reiki is not quantitative, and cannot be used up, stored up, or overdone. Nor can it be dissipated through lack of use. The dedicated practitioner will no doubt experience a heightened sensitivity to the energy flow of Reiki. A person who works with the energy is apt to feel more confident of the power of Reiki than one who does not; developing a more refined sensitivity, manner, technique, and greater intuitive sense of the patient's needs. However: The First (only) Law of Reiki is this: Reiki is autonomous. Reiki possesses its own "intelligence", and will always act in the best interest of the recipient. Reiki -- not the facilitator -- is the Healer. The responsibility for healing -- or not healing-- lies always within the higher consciousness of the patient. Reiki accelerates healing -- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Reiki -- not the facilitator-- decides what is of greatest benefit to the client. It cannot be directed by human will, and thus the practitioner need not have undue concern about his/her participation in the process. Intent is the key to pleasurable experiences with Reiki -- but even this basic ingredient is not imperative to the successful outcome of treatment. Concentration, focusing, visualization, prayer and meditation may aid in the practitioner-client relationship; in that moral, or psychic support is always preferable to the absence thereof -- but Reiki will work effectively with, or without, such devices.

Once attuned, the Reiki practitioner is encouraged to relinquish all sense of control over the healing process, for the energy now flows of its own accord, regardless of the will or intent of the channel, through the simple act of touching. Volumes have been written detailing diverse methods for enhancing Reiki. The informed practitioner might be inclined to question the value of such practices, since it is Reiki -- not the facilitator -- which is the healer. Reiki cannot be controlled or directed, and will -always produce the effect of greatest benefit to the patient. Again, it is important to understand that there is no "wrong" way of doing Reiki. 

A proper attitude accepts that the patient's sense of participation in their own healing process is highly beneficial. It is undoubtedly important for the client to feel cared for, comforted, and accepted. Any modality that nurtures the person is to be embraced and encouraged, for the value of caring cannot be questioned or denied as a benefit to the healing process. 

When using other modalities, or working within the particular belief system of a recipient, the Reiki practitioner must be conscientious in maintaining the integrity of Reiki, and any practices that are incorporated into the healing session. Altered states of consciousness may result from the deep relaxation that accompanies a Reiki treatment. Under such conditions, the client may be extremely vulnerable to suggestion. Here, the client must be allowed to function within the realm of their own experiential reality, without any interference, or unsought "guidance" from the practitioner. This is a matter for most earnest and concentrated personal deliberation on the part of the practitioner, who is admonished to carefully and thoroughly analyze personal motives and capabilities, before combining other methodologies with Reiki; for although Reiki can never be used for harm, the same cannot be said of all modalities, and the best of intentions can have the most disastrous consequences. Experience will, and in short order, convince the practitioner that Reiki needs no enhancement, and that it -- not the facilitator -- knows best what will most benefit the client.  Top of Page

Aesthetics - Ceremonies and Rituals

 The environment: furnishings, decorations, candles, incense, music etc. can enhance the mood and relaxation of the participants in a healing session, but are insignificant to the outcome, and will neither detract from, nor increase the "effectiveness" of a Reiki treatment. As such, these are open to the free and creative expression of the individual personality. 

The same is true of ceremonies and rituals. There is no harm in any of these practices, so long as it is understood that they are not an essential part of Reiki. Top of Page

Where Did Reiki come from?

Reiki is an ancient system of hands-on healing, which was brought to America by a Japanese-American widow; Mrs. Hawayo Takata. Mrs. Takata told of learning the mysterious healing art from a Japanese healer named Dr. Hayashi, who had cured her of life-threatening ailments at his clinic in Japan. He told Mrs. Takata that he had been given the secret of Reiki healing by Dr. Mikao Usui . 

According to Mrs. Takata, Dr. Usui was a teacher at a Christian boys' academy in Japan during the late 1800's. He, like the first Christian disciples, marveled at stories about Jesus' healing capabilities, and Christ's promise: that "You, too, can do these things, and more!" 

Being a pious and honorable man, Dr. Usui sought answers! Why couldn't the faithful heal the sick, cause the blind to see, help the lame to walk? Healing miracles, it seemed, had become an obsolete concept to The Church, at that time. Dr. Usui became obsessed by his belief that man could heal, just as his Master, Jesus Christ had said. Dr. Usui embarked on a personal crusade, which took him to Chicago, and then to the far east. Dr. Usui learned Hebrew and Sanskrit in order to translate the writings of ancient sutras. At an obscure monastery in Tibet, he uncovered the answers he sought! But, alas! He was told that, even given the "technical" information, and symbols (archetypal "keys"), he would not be able to access the mysteries. That would require the blessing (or direct conference) of an empowered Master. As far as anyone knew, there was no one still practicing the ancient healing techniques. 

Devastated by this twist on the path, Dr. Usui sought the counsel of a wise old priest, who suggested he might yet circumvent this tragedy. The priest told Dr. Usui his prayers might yet be granted, if he would undertake a rigorous vigil of fasting and meditation at the sacred Mount Kurayama. At sunrise on the twenty-first day of his "Vision Quest", Dr. Usui received, in a blinding vision, the empowerment he had sought those many years! Dr. Usui returned to Japan, where he spent the next several years healing and ministering to the poor. As he observed that those who were healed still failed to thrive (apparently by their own choice) Disillusioned, Dr. Usui withdrew from public charity work.

 Before his transition @ 1900, Dr. Usui transferred his healing powers to his friend and colleague, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi. Mrs. Takata said it was Dr. Hayashi who divided Reiki empowerment into "levels". Mrs. Takata described her indoctrination as a Reiki practitioner: First, she received healing empowerment(s) from Dr. Hayashi. Thereafter, she practiced the techniques he had taught her for one year. Then, Dr. Hayashi informed Mrs. Takata she had passed her exams. 

Eventually, Dr. Hayashi granted her "certification" to transfer the healing energy, and to teach Reiki to others. Mrs. Takata protected the secret of Reiki until in her late seventies. Finally, secure in her financial and social status, Mrs. Takata began preparing the way for others to use Reiki for healing. She taught at least twenty-two Reiki Master Teachers. Some reportedly paid $10,000.00 for the secret ( The $10,000 policy was instituted by the Reiki Alliance.). 

Other Reiki Master Teachers, including Mrs. Takata's niece, Phyllis Furomoto, received their training without charge. Top of Page

Can Reiki be harmful?

Never! Reiki is noninvasive, and can even be performed without any physical contact between the practitioner and the client. Of course, conventional standards of hygiene, and the right of each individual to gentle and respectful treatment is the responsibility of each practitioner. Unlike in some other modalities, there is no danger to the practitioner, of taking on the karma, or negative energy of a client, since the practitioner is protected by Reiki energy throughout the treatment process. 

Reiki treatment is a matter for rigorous honesty and the truthful dispensation of information. The client should clearly understand that Reiki does what it knows to be most beneficial for them. The responsible practitioner will not claim to be a medical professional (unless they are), nor diagnose, or offer false or misleading representation of the effectiveness of Reiki treatment, or make any claims whatsoever, to indicate they can control, or direct any healing that takes place. 

The reputable practitioner will never discourage a patient from continuing to consult their medical professional of their choice. The failure to do this would be the only possible source of injury that could result from receiving treatment. 

The greatest threat to the respectability of the practice of Reiki is abuse of authority. Such abuse is deplorable, and contrary to the most basic principles of Reiki practice. Practitioners, and especially instructors, or those in "positions of authority" are stringently cautioned to remain vigilant in self-assessment, and ever mindful of falling into the power trip ego trap! Top of Page

Does Reiki hurt? 

While Reiki treatments are most often experienced as deeply relaxing and peaceful, Reiki treatment may sometimes intensify painful sensations that already exist in a condition; particularly those involving traumatic injuries. This pain is a natural part of the "healing crisis", and may be an indication that the healing process has been accelerated. Unless the pain is unbearable, the patient should be assured that this is a positive and temporary occurrence, and asked to let the practitioner know when the pain subsides. 

Can I learn to do it?

 Yes! Anyone can do Reiki. Young children, uneducated, "unenlightened', healthy, ill, handicapped; Reiki excludes no one! What are the Degree, or Levels, of Reiki? There are three or four commonly used divisions of Usui Ryoho Shiki Reiki (some "authorities" dichotomize even more). Each level of Reiki is accessed by an attunement process, which is administered by a Reiki Master Teacher. The attunement is a symbolic ceremony, in which archetypal "messages" are transmitted, by intent, to the higher consciousness of the recipient, thereby "tuning" or opening a channel of healing vibration in the energetic body. The Master Teacher is simply the facilitator, serving as intermediary between initiate and their own "higher source". Top of Page

Levels, or Degrees of Reiki

Level One, or First Degree, is usually described as a low vibrational healing energy. It allows the practitioner to channel Reiki energy virtually without knowledge. The Level One practitioner is empowered to perform self-healing, and to conduct Reiki energy to others, through intent, by the simple act of touching. In traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, this attunement is performed in four parts.

Level Two, or Second Degree is considered to be a somewhat higher healing frequency than Level One. The attunement process includes additional symbols, or "keys", which are thought to intensify the healing vibrational energy. Each symbol represents one facet of Reiki energy. At this level, the practitioner is taught the names and meanings of each symbol. In addition, the practitioner is said to be able to transmit Reiki energy without physical contact with the recipient. Level Three, or Master Degree, is accessed by the administration of another attunement, performed by the Reiki Master Teacher. Three additional empowerment symbols are accorded, conferring full Reiki empowerment. Some Master Teachers create a Fourth Level, by withholding information about how to perform attunements; thus denying the new Master the ability to convey Reiki empowerment to others. There is no additional attunement for this level. 

The Master Teacher possesses the same healing capabilities as the Master, and has also been instructed in how to transfer Reiki healing ability to others. The sole purpose for such division is fear (loss of control, power, prestige, or financial dominance) on the part of the Master Teacher who employs that contrivance. Reiki is a boundless, limitless Universal Energy, which exists in and around us. It is not a property to be bought and sold. The Master Teacher who administers the attunement is a facilitator. It is the recipient who consents to opening the channel of healing. Top of Page

Who should teach? 

To become a Reiki Master-Teacher is to receive the ultimate key to self-empowerment, for in so doing, the student attains freedom from any dependence upon their own teacher; becomes equally empowered, and able to progress along the path of their own choice, unfettered by attachment to the authority of any Master. In Reiki, the term "Master" describes a Reiki practitioner who has received the attunements and symbols of empowerment to the third, and highest, level of Reiki practice. The term "Teacher" applies to one who has received the same attunements and symbols as the Master, and has also been instructed in the attunement process, thereby empowered to transfer Reiki healing ability to others. The ability to transfer Reiki healing ability to another does not necessarily indicate that the practitioner is qualified, or has made a lifetime commitment to the vocation of teaching. In fact, it is nowhere suggested that everyone instructed in the attunement process should become a professional teacher. Just as parents are qualified to teach their children to walk, talk, and perform some basic skills without any formal education, Reiki healing ability can be passed on to others with a minimum of instruction on the procedure. As with Reiki healing, intent is the key: the attunement cannot be done "wrong". 

Some Reiki teachers have more panache, or style, than others, and most convey a sense of deep emotional or spiritual transformation to their students. This is a fine gift! But these are merely external trappings, and one need not be too concerned, if their own teacher seems to lack finesse. The empowerment is the same, whether the attunement was experienced as "deeply mystical", or was simply and plainly achieved. Reiki -- not the Teacher -- is the Empowering Force. To become a teacher of Reiki is to gain the ability to pass on the Gift. If the practitioner wishes to empower only one other person, that reason is an adequate motive for learning the attunement process. As with using other healing techniques and modalities, the would-be teacher is willing to examine their own motives and abilities, make a conscientious decision, and a commitment to maintaining the integrity, truth, and wisdom of Reiki, unhindered by issues of egotism: i.e.. power, control, elitism. When a person makes the decision to become an authority in any field, it is right, and natural, for them to read and study every available resource, and to seek the best possible education. This holds true for those who would teach Reiki. 

Expect surprises! With the practice of Reiki becoming more widely accepted on the planet, and so much being written about it, one soon discovers that creative license has run rampant. Pure Reiki is so very simple -- yet impossible to explain. Hence, the human (egotistical) effort to complicate things for the sake of mass appeal, or to create status for the practitioner. Reiki sometimes finds itself attached to doctrines and dogma that have no real connection to the practice of Reiki. New techniques and "enhancements" -- even new symbols and "attunements", are added to the simplicity of the process. Some "authorities" attempt to shroud the practice of Reiki in mystery, claiming it as esoteric domain for a "chosen few" recipients. Many claim to know what is best for their student, and attach their own list of requirements to be fulfilled, in order for the student to "earn" the privilege of practicing -- and especially, teaching-- Reiki. This is a demonstration of their personal need for domination and control. Some teachers promote misinformation about the possible harmful side effects of getting "too much, too soon", and exaggerate the possibility of "intense physical and/or emotional adjustment" periods. This is presumptuous, unsubstantiated -- and preposterous! Reiki is never harmful to the recipient. It decides how much energy the individual requires, and never exceeds that tolerance. That type of fear mongering may be a means for exerting the worst form of control: judgmentalism. This "authority" believes themselves somehow better qualified to discern the spiritual condition of the applicant, than is Reiki itself. The only authority qualified to decide who should have Reiki, is Reiki, itself! 

When an individual makes the decision to learn Reiki, the time is right. It is one thing, to instruct others in the use of healing techniques, and even spiritual philosophies, which the instructor has found, (after sufficient study and investigation), to be valid. It is quite another matter to add components to the practice of Reiki, under the guise that they are in any way related; much less, imperative to its use! The best teacher is the one that excites and inspires the pupil to remain independent, clear, creative, thoughtful, capable of unbiased investigation, and well prepared to perform the duties and requirements of the given discipline. The best teacher is the one who encourages the highest level of development. The best teacher is the one that is no longer needed. A person capable of maintaining such detachment and high standards might well contemplate the admirable calling to be a (professional) teacher! 

Dr. Usui, the originator of Reiki, received total empowerment in a single visionary experience. It is unlikely that Dr. Usui taught Reiki in levels.

It is conjectured that it was Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, Dr. Usui's successor, who first divided Reiki attunements. According to Mrs. Takata, she received attunements from Dr. Hayashi, underwent a period of practice, then received her certification. The records show one certification document; not several. Mrs. Hawayo Takata, the Reiki Grand Master who was first to teach the system in America, is not known to have taught Reiki exclusively in levels. Each of her twenty-two initiates describe quite different experiences between their verbal instructions in Reiki (Mrs. Takata, and most of her progenitors, did not allow any written materials). The Reiki Master Teacher is a facilitator. It is the higher consciousness of the recipient which opens itself to the energy always and precisely -- within the specific tolerance of the individual. 

Nobody owns Reiki. This is a gift from the Universe, sent to us to heal mankind. Top of Page

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